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Everything posted by evilcat

  1. Race: Amanuas, Orlans (for being short), Godlikes Origin: Deadfire Profession: All Class: Ciphers (could read minds, or block intruders) (quite often) Spellcasters, in scripted encounters could use spells to extinguish fire or calm beast Druid: spiritshift to fear Rogue: to show that you know thug life Priest: Eothas, Berath, Magran Cant tell which of these are significant. Fire Godlike, Deadfire, Noble, Cipher Eoaths Priest would probably soak most, but it is very weird build to play. Druid: We can wildshape to scare mooks. Charm beast, could be charming. Also elemental spells.
  2. It is not a bug, it is the feature. I played Wizard/Sorcerer, could also work with /Priest or /Chanter. And was relaying about rare grimoire, and minimal investment in spells in each class. So was spamming same spells over and over again. I would even call it fun. However it is hard to find "perfect" grimoire, and there are spells which i want to cast exacly once (like self buffs) or are very situacional, so it is around 10 spells from levels to round things up.
  3. This is topic for posting your idea for new spells, abillities, modals, auras, other perks you want to see added at some point. More about buffing things, since nerf will just happen. Could refer to already existing abillity if it is almost dead (so bad it is not used). If possible should remain general style of class Should contain: * class, or neutral, could be some classes * type: spell, active abillity, modal/aura, passive * level if important *description * WHY? it is important. This is not about: Items. General game mechanic, like resting, or empowerment. Difficulty scaling. Quantity and Quality of dirty talk I would not expect many of these hitting the patch at any point, but it is constrictive way to give feedback. To begin with, my list: (put spoiler tag for sanity reasons) *** There will be more i suppose. And what is your idea?
  4. Definetly Fidghter since it has healing factor. Not sure how much deadpool is dedicated to swords, but Devoted is one option. Generalist another. Rogue is other half, since i see there a lot of trash talking. Could be Streetfighhter. DeathGodlike has the most suitable face. There is a couple items with health regen.
  5. Do you cast Relentless Storm, Call the world Mom, Returm Storm, Blizzard. Taste the Hunt, and Touch of Rot? Can you check log if you hit things, or graze? You could also take stuff like Two Handed Style. If Priest of Eothas: Pillar of Faith, Pillar of Holy Fire, Storm of Holy Fire, as other dps spells. With Rapid casting. Buffs: Devotion of the Faithfull, Minor AVatar If you really want melee dps, you need furry with Shifter, and some martial class. Like fighter, rogue, monk, barbarian.
  6. The weapons has enchantment and that i view as advantage. At least it is more fun if we can randomly stun enemies. Also with Berath blessing i could acquire decent weapons fairly early, or fetch Modwyr, which steers toward 1h Swords. However maybe 1h Swords arent that great for Brawler, and there could be better effects with some other sticks.
  7. Arkemyr Heist. The fact that we can break in, without combat. Blow Man Down, again we could go all Hitman, without anyone noticing what we have done.
  8. If someone goes Brawler (Shattered Pillar + Devoted), what would be recommended weapon for devoted? 1H Sword for dual dmg type? Some of the fast weapon (rapier) for even more rolls for crits? Which weapons are worthy devotion?
  9. One way to look at grimoires: they are like Priest devotion list, which contains 2 spells per level, and can swap in combat. So it is quite powerful in comparison. There is 1(?) grimoir with special effect (bonus spellcast, but easy interupted) There are grimoires with rare spells, which you cant learn by level. Was using Ninagauths most of game, had Spark and Fire, but actually never changed it https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Ninagauth%27s_Teachings For me grimoires work well enought, and are more favourable mechanic to what druid/priest have. One way to improve: More themed grimoires. There are some with theme, but could be more. A lot of grimoires look like they have just random spells in it, but this impression may be not true, and just result of some spells being bad. Grimoir ideas: - Dedicated to one or two element - dedicated to school, contains spells only from school or ones which are not banned. Book of Evocation - for battlemages - for CC - Dedicated to Archimagi (there are some of this). Some grimoires could containt spells from Druid/Priest list, to achieve theme (like corrodive magic) that would be a real bonus. There is also a path of grimoires having passive bonus and malus. Like "+1PL in our favoire school, -1PL in all other schools" so it will be balanced. Also "Deep Pocket" could be neutral passive avaiable at level 1. Is hard to switch grimoires if we have no belt space to keep them.
  10. Lets just assume that beauty is mix of bluff, diplmacy and alchemy, and move on. It would matter too few times to be worth implementacion. It is safer to asume that the Watcher hasnt decay to much when staying Beyond, and with with helmet on could be preatty for dialogue options. Not sure how many thirsty NPC (no companions) are there, having some could be fun as a joke, but it is more for future writing. (dlc stories). However that kind of joke could get old if overused. Teheku is handsome fish, and it is visible in dialogues, Watcher is not, and we just need to accept that. Also the fact that no developer even tries to fallow Bloodlines is disturbing, and signal of fall of industry.
  11. People are focusing too much on resting. Which is not broken right now, and trying to fix will create new kinds of bugs. Resting is very uninvasive in this game, so if you dont like you may almost ignore it. The times it is somehow useful: Give feedback that you are dieing too much, or just often. RP reasons Rest bonuses which sometimes could be used as Witcher Elixirs. Just focus on some real issues: Bugged abbilities (like breaking or not breaking stealth) Broken stuff (procs to infinity, High tier spells with massive PL boost) Named weapons distribution. Raising HP will not solve all problems, but will make aoe nukes less effective, and just seems to have too litle health. Extra Mooks will probably die in aoe, but it is one way to make encounter harder. Buffing classes (Priest) and abillities which are too bad in comparison to avarage, even without broken stuff. Different aproach to buffing, debuffing. So it will be more important to care for debuffs we have on. Also with means to cure debuffs, or gain immunity.
  12. Wyrmling with ranged attacks. Who do not want pet dragon? Also sometimes party has enought front line, so having pet which could stay in second line would fit. And it is one way to make pet die less.
  13. The AI setup is great, and is fun to see it sometimes working effectivly. However it could be better. What are your ideas to improve AI setup? Some ideas: Self Max Focus - this is critical for Ascendant, or Soulblade, or any Cipher which is mostly autoattacking and dont want to lose bitting whip. Target: Is immune to pierce/slash/blundgeon or element or Immune to affiliation - it is pointless to try to cast fire spell on something which immune to fire. Also having various immunities is a way to detect boss, and we may want reserve some actions only on bosses. Delay n sec - some abilities are great, like circle of protection, just casting the at start is less effective, since it will be on wrong posiotion, so setting it cast it after 30sec of combat would help. Same goes with summons, we may want to start summoning a bit letter. Aura/Modal switch With condition order list, button to kick condition on top or to bottom. Target is Party Character 1-5, which allows to adress only specific companion based on his position on party icons from 1-5 (this will work best with different companion names, and mercs). Some buffs we want only on tank or dps. Order: Attack! it is disturbing that i cant order to simply autoattack nearest target, or caster. Order: Set weapon set 1-4. If target is immune to piercing switch to weapon set 2.
  14. Disclaimer: Wizards>Druids>Priest are useful in party, and make encounters easier, especially late game. Main complains: There are no passives to sink my level points in. And i dont need that many spells known. This starts from level 1. Some spells are garbage, and the whole Priest tier 5 is questionable. It is really bad when there is no good spell at tier. If there is only 1... that is why i want passives. There is a factor that game is not in a healthy state, i mean enemies on veteran have rather low health pool, which means that raining death from above is just better than debuffing, since mobs will die, and bosses are immune to cc anyway. Spells i use: Selfbuffs: Quickbuffs, with 0.5 casting time. Also duration should be close to 60 to be interesting, otherwise i cast it attack 3 times and it is gone. GroupBuffs: Only with duration above 30s (+int bonus) Damage + debuff: there is several spells with dmg and debuff, chillfog, acid burst, relentless storm. The debuff may be not very good, but they stack. DoTs cool thing about dots is that they stack with Might and Int. Armour Strippers - without them some enemies take too long Buff + Debuff - if duration is good. Like Borrow Instinct, Or devotion of the faithfull. Things i dont cast: single target, long cast, single buff, short duration buffs: why should i do that? What is the point? There is bunch of spells which are not worth 3s+4s cast time. Just debuffs, they generally have short duration. and generally there is dmg+debuff variant. CC, is there even good CC spells? Rymgrins Terror, is worth time, but mostly since it has low competiicion at tier. At the sound of voice (invocation), it is "free" and fast cast. Ringleader, or other massive charm. However you may as well kill enemies, that would be even faster. On casters i generally go with Per 15 to begin with. Something could be done, like adjustment of casting times/duration. Sometimes even buffing, buffs. (higher tier) Make debuff duration sometimes longer, but give more means to drop duration of debuffs. Readjustment of spell dmg scaling, having all spells balanced around PL0, and tier 9 spells having +9*5% bonus by default. That would prevent PL stacking (at least slow it down) Would love more passives for classes which have no passives, could be class specific, or neutral. Ideally from level 1. Something to sink level point in. SOmething like +5 accuracy with spells is ok (although looks as autopick).
  15. I would go with bear, for extra tankiness. That means less dps, but bear with me: dead pet deals 0 dmg, and engaging 2 enemies while dealing some dmg is valuable enought.
  16. You could steal from Eothasian group with cart very early on. If you do so, Eder will turn -1, and have the talk with you. It could take a while before he turns normal.
  17. How to deal with Fampyrs? Mostly their chaming/terrific side? Take bull's will? Use Chanter They shielded their eyes against fampyr gaze? Is there some drug, potion, food, or tavern buff very good with will saves?
  18. Saving Adra helps, Also doing experiments with Animancers. I killed all the slavers and told Castro to deal with it. During trial tell that we have nothong to do with slavers. Did some bounties for VTC so my stending was above 2 During trial tell all good stuff about castro.
  19. It is not only sneak attack, but also devastating blow, dirty fighting, deep wounds, deathblows. maybe deep pockets, Wizard does not bring that much, since illusion is less useful if we are ranged, There is only few spells buffing offensive. If you are casting spells you are not autoattack, and autoattack is good.
  20. Assasin relias on backstabs which is <2m, and it uses only primary weapon, which implies either rifle or swaping weapons. Turning invisible is a lot of micro. Would not recommend that. I had Maia as Scout. This is reliable combo since both pet and ranger now have sneak attacks. And you can easly apply it. Spamming devastating blow is resonable effective. Sharpshooter is worth it since guns have low recovery, only reload matters. No subclass in rogue for scout.
  21. Souls for Eoathas. Harvest on veteran. PC Wizard/FuryDruid Nature Godlike 105k, Xoti Priest/Monk 56k, Pallegina Paladin/Chanter 40k Eder Rogue/Fighter 81k Serafen Cipher/Barbarian 75k There is some challenge in setting AI to use abillities. And a lot depends who gets coolest sticks first. PC mostly blasting stuff with acid burst, and storms, Was using all 4 elements, since frostball, and chill fog and blizzard ware also used. Xoti: hard to tell how often was using monk stuff. end game duality, and sometimes stun fist, but as game progress more and more is casting. Pallegina support with heals, and song against fampyr will never be forgotten. Probably could use FoD more generously. Herald is a bit point intensive. Eder dual sabre, this variant is effective Serafen, dual swords. Mind Blades work quite well together with fury.
  22. I am more or less happy with custom AI working. I miss "if max focus" or "allies in range of spell". I miss "move condition to top of list". Export AI setup to string, that would be great. Use only one list made custom by you. Set it by order, not random. Put second wind self top. Put healing spells self or allies 2nd, low health priority. Put your nukes high with "there is enemy ally in range," and "no there enemys enemy in melee range" and priority by number of enemies. (we want to catch bunch of enemies but nor our folks in friendly fire) Gauns Harvest ENEMY if engaded by this character, and if in melee range. Generally syntax "Enemy has ally in range"+"Enemy has no enemies in range" works quite good. Order on the list matters, so put your favorite spells on top. Also "is engaded by this character" for powerful attacks like FoD is good. Some spells are not useful, so just delete them from list. Some spells have duration so set wait time for them. You can have same ability be used in different conditions. Casters may not use spells if they run out cast. Generally it is easier to AIset martial, and micro casters.
  23. I think that being able to finish main story, without doing every quest, every bounty, every faction, tresure hunting and maping is asset. You may judge total amount/quality of content, but comparing to other titles it is not that bad.
  24. There is special terrain, sand, water, barrels, traps. Poison gas in old city. Not bad. Random encounter take place on short list of arenas. No complains. Generally video games have simplification. If they could something about terrain interaction, that would be great, but it is not that bad. Enemy quantity depends on encounter, in some it is ok (as many as should be), some are clearly designed as breeze encounter, so less is ok. I think that monsters hit resonably high. And their defense is ok. They could get some extra hp. So over time effect will be more useful. There is a situacion related to buffs, debuffs, casting times, duration. Only some buffs/debuffs are worth it. Generally the strongest, mass, long duration one. Or quickcast selfbuffs. And there is list of buffs which i am never gonna use in this form. With debuffs it is similar. In 7 sec it is better to cast dmg+debuff, than only debuff. Low hp lowers inpact of buffs/debuffs, death to enemies is best debuff. The whole per encounter + empowerment mechanic does not contribute much to difficulty. It makes balancing easier, since we can asume how many resources party will have even on hardest encounter at level. There is problem in orignal post with mixing difficulty issues and design preferences. Wizards generally make encounters easier, since they have good aoe, they could alter elements at will, and they coudl cast dmg+debuff on aoe. Even talking about Priest having shorter staffs this one is not difficulty talk. There is difficulty issue with way high tier spells scale with PL. And how much you can stack with potion of ascession and empowerment and other sources. Generally all spells should be balanced around PL0, and tier 9 would almost always have +9 (unless on scroll by other class). So stacking PL would be less impactfull. Starting with hunting broken, or not as inteded abillities is good idea, Even fi that means "easy game" for a bit longer. It is hard to talk balance with infinite procs. Buffing is needed, since bringing wizard to Priest level is not what we want.
  25. With some MC you can, but you shouldnt. Probably you will not like the result. Cipher, even with draining whip, want martial dmg, spike dmg is even better. When you cast spells you dont get focus. If you want bunch of defensive spells you can MC with Trickster rogue (ilusion spells) or paladin (defensive passives and healing, also accuracy and dmg boost). You may however play Wizard/Fighter, and use cone spells more generously than usual. The idea of using Wizard CC to triger Beguiler is quite cool. Even better if you can use spells with dmg and some condition on it. There may be drawback, that you could cast double dmg in this time. Chanter with Long Night Drinking could be easier. You could take Keen Mind and Phantom Foes as opener.
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