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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/21/24 in all areas

  1. The Last Jedi, the middle part of the new trilogy, is an interesting comparison to The Empire Strikes back. They are on the opposite ends of the spectrum, one is easily the best Star Wars movie made to date, and a really good film too, while The Last Jedi makes a good case for being the worst Star Wars movie, and it is a terrible film: it has a collection of writing gaffes so jarring that they are breaking suspension of disbelief even in sci-fi as soft as Star Wars, and one scene in particular that was such a bad idea that it retroactively all but ruins the preceeding movies.
    1 point
  2. One possibility is that one of the files in the export folder of your installation has been corrupted. The previous bug was caused by a single .stringtable file in the german localization (\exported\localized\de\text\conversations\05_neketaka_artisans_district\05_bs_construct.stringtable) being messed up across all installations by default. That specific file is now being skipped, but if another file has gotten corrupted Apotheosis will still stall when exporting. I'm working on fixing the stalling and showing an error message to the player instead (as well as showing the update-available prompt earlier), but meanwhile you could try backing up your override folder and reinstalling deadfire. Really sorry for all this
    1 point
  3. This seems the natural way to keep it going. Not sure what Phase we get to Willburys and All-Starr Band, though.
    1 point
  4. yeah, on paper just looking at spells conjurer looks kinda lame, but they still keep a bunch of good spells (slicken, combusting wounds, and walls) and the +1 PL from familiar goes a long way to smoothing out the higher recovery time on the non-conjuration spells. i probably put it tied up there with enchantment for second place wizard subclass in terms of what I like to use (evocation is GOAT-ed i think).
    1 point
  5. Kinda stacking all the big names in the first wave. Should have been like - Wave 1: Paul, George, Pete Best, George Martin (Streaming: Stuart Sutcliffe Season 1) Wave 2: John, Ringo, Tommy Moore, Geoff Emerick & Glyn Johns buddy movie (Streaming: Stuart Sutcliffe Season 2, Yoko Ono Season 1) Clearly they're not thinking about what the Beatles Cinematic Universe could really be.
    1 point
  6. This content cannot be displayed until agreeing to our use of Social Media cookies. Learn more. Manage cookies elden ring dlc come out at june
    1 point
  7. Never heard of Neil Breen before, but sounds like another guy I have heard of, Tommy Wiseau. He made a movie ("The Room" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Room), that was so bad someone created a drama documentary about it's making ("The Disaster Artist" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Disaster_Artist). When you're so bad it's interesting? Edit: A friend of mine persuaded me to watch The Room, so we could appreciate The Disaster Artist... with friends like these
    1 point
  8. in the past ten years, other than this board, we have heard neil breen mentioned in conversation exactly once; were a weird tangent from a comment about burton's ed wood. three o' the five people at the table didn't even get the neil breen reference. regardless, we suffer the same guilt from watching breen be breen as we do when we rubberneck when passing an accident on the highway. am self honest enough to admit am only looking to see the bloodshed... metaphorical in the case o' breen. the guy is a walking, talking, breathing cry for help, but in response we chortle and guffaw... or at least roll our eyes. watching breen only for the voyeuristic car crash quality makes us feel bad 'bout our self... if only a little. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  9. funny(ish), a couple days ago we also made short ribs--english, not flanken. we were dry aging a half dozen glorious hunks o' meat in the fridge. the thing is, we had a guest who saw the meat in our chill box and asked if we were gonna make the same short ribs meal we made for her on a previous visit. took us a half second to recollect which recipe she meant. dr. pepper braised short ribs. don't get us wrong, while am less a fan o' meat in sweat sauce, we enjoy the dr. pepper braised short ribs... but these were sooper fantastic short ribs dry aging for extra meat intensity which would kinda go unnoticed with a dr. pepper braise. we made the dr. pepper braised short ribs anyways, 'cause am having difficulty saying no to a guest about something relative trivial. ... got halfway through making the short ribs and it sudden occurred to us we didn't need use all six short ribs for the dr. pepper braise. coulda' used just one or two and made in our smallish dutch oven. we literal had never made less than four short ribs for the braise, so it just didn't occur to us to y'know, reduce the recipe amounts since we were cooking for only two people. idiot. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  10. Black Jackets are really fun to play around with and have a lot of interesting combos. I sometimes think even 4 slots isn't enough to do everything I want with them. A few suggestions and ideas: Bronlar's Phalanx - I know you've already got Tactical Barrage, but I like the fact that this shield gives you a free Intellect inspiration and can at least save you 1 point of Discipline. As a Black Jacket, you can also take its stronger Stand Firm upgrade for the added deflection, armor, and health regen and not have to worry about the immobilization downside since you can freely switch out of it at will. The scaling deflection bonus and regen helps make up for low resolve and the subclass's weaker Fighter recovery. Granted, the health regen is conditional and not party wide like Lethandria's Devotion, but it could still be a nice alternative shield choice if you don't want to indulge in the Lethandria's Devotion swap cheese. Magistrate's Cudgel - soulbinding it to a Fighter makes this a nice buffing tool when paired with a shield or an offhand weapon with engagement, giving you either +1 AR, +1 pen, or minus 20% recovery. The nice thing is that these buff persists even when you swap to a different weapon set, and you can swap back whenever you want to refresh it. Squid's Grasp - I tested this a while back and found that the plus 20% action speed from the Attempted Parley will also reduce in progress recovery. In other words, you can swap over to this weapon whenever you've just performed an action and it will cut down on its recovery time (provided you are surrounded by 3 enemies - the Flanking immunity you get with this weapon helps mitigate some of the danger). It depends on your tolerance with micromanagement, but it could be a worthwhile addition to your arsenal especially on a spellcasting multiclass like this to speed up some of the slower spells.
    1 point
  11. Flanken short ribs in the air fryer and a sirloin steak on the stove. Also made a mizuna salad with toasted hazelnuts, burrata, strawberries, and balsamic vinegar. Wife had the steak and salad and my sonathan had the short ribs (and I helped) and some left over boxed shells and cheese.
    1 point
  12. What chapter was that??? Frieren and Mimic's...
    1 point
  13. It's truly mind-boggling that Netflix pulled that ****. Like if you're paying for 2 or more screens at a time why do they care where those screens are? NANI?!?!?!?!?!?
    1 point
  14. 4) Like many a true genius artist he simply is not recognized in his own ignorant age. It is for future generations to truly appreciate Neil Breen's works.
    1 point
  15. Another thought crossed my mind the other day. During the Siege of Crägholdt side quest in The White March - Part 1 expansion, if the player's party manages to sneak completely undetected through Crägholdt Bluffs, we'll meet Commander Baelorin. He's the leader of the Torn Bannermen. If we sneak through the camp undetected, and without killing a single one of his men, Baelorin and his dialogue act like we killed our way through the camp when we didn't. Is this something that can be addressed? Just more food for thought.
    1 point
  16. Returns was good, simple Shadowrun fun. Mismanaged funds, but fun game. Dragonfall was great Shadowrun fun. Hong Kong I got bored and didn't finish.
    1 point
  17. Dragonfall is where things get good If you enjoy Returns, wait till you start the standalone expansion/sequel.
    1 point
  18. This is beyond a crit to int, this is on the same tier as binging a trash shonen anime until 2am. Anyways..... Goodburger 2 (2023) I think I saw the first one as a kid. I guess I could see how kids would like it, but honestly it was just boring and annoying. Dark Harvest (2023) It's a solid B-movie horror. There's some questionable cgi for the monster but it's a decent enough ride for what it is. Somewhat reminds me of Johnny Guitar (1954) in the sense that it feels more like a dream of the 50s/60s small town midwest US rather than trying to be an accurate depiction of it in the way Johnny Guitar was of Westerns. The soundtrack is also really good.
    1 point
  19. You just use the "I'm traveling" code which gives you 3 weeks I think. I don't think there is anything stopping you from reusing it, or at least I have not encountered it.
    1 point
  20. I'm introducing the B-Side Classic. The B-Side Classic celebrates the song that didn't get a hit video, didn't get a ton of radio airplay, and yet it might be the best song on the album. The first nominee:
    1 point
  21. I can't put my finger on exactly why, but that video for some reason made me think of OMD. Maybe it's a similar vibe? Similar...ish sound? Meh, for some reason, it just triggered memories of the latter band. Falco... I guess I remember the time period better than the artist I suppose. He did do quite a few hits back then... Der Commissar, Rock me Amadeus, Jeanny etc. One of his last songs (I liked the word play, which does need a bit of knowledge of the language to understand the play on the word "koks", meaning both coke - fuel for heating and cocaine and "kohle" meaning both coal and money depending on context) Some Australian rock/pop band doing a show in some European country (it's not even part of the EU)
    1 point
  22. Intruder is such a creepy song. Gabriel sings it so softly and the lyric is so icky. I mean, at the end when he goes "intruder come and leave his mark", there's no question that the "come" has a double meaning and the guy is up to some rather ugly business at other people's houses. And then, on the same album, there's that song of infinite childhood sadness and loneliness, Family Snapshot. There's a superb live version of it from Athens:
    1 point
  23. This is my son's favorite song.. this week Don't worry, he's never seen the video
    1 point
  24. have shared multiple melt singles on this board, including family snapshot and biko not too long past, but has been a while since we listened to intruder and glen campbell is a challenge for us 'cause while am typical left with our jaw on the floor after listening to his guitar solos, is almost none o' his songs we enjoy. that shouldn't be possible, but still is. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  25. Hmm. I think that sad music generally comforts, as long as it's good, so the comfort comes from the artistic quality (which, to be somewhat high-flying, reaffirms one's belief in humanity and the fact that all sorts of wonderful things have been created and are being created), making the emotional content somewhat secondary. I'd love to hear more of your thoughts on this primal strangeness, though. I do agree that music is somewhat strange, as an art form: it is entirely abstract (as long as it's instrumental), yet it's quite universal and tends to evoke emotions in just about anyone who's not completely numb. Apparently the fifth, as an interval, is something that the human ear finds very pleasing no matter which culture you happen to live in. Which probably goes some way to explaining why the diminished fifth is so often used in heavy metal and other assorted genres to evoke evil or nasty or whatever: that particular dissonance, being so close to the perfect fifth, is the best vehicle for signaling something malicious. Here's an extremely good example of a sad song that comforts -- at least in my view. This is one of Peter Gabriel's best achievements. The instrumentation is really quite peculiar, but it works wonderfully well.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. For me it's this song: Nothing soothes the soul quite like The Commodores.
    1 point
  28. First disappointing chapter of Frieren. It does seem like it's a set up for a future plot, but it was just so low effort. For some reason the author decided to wrap it up in 1 chapter and continue the story. Feels so jarring when compared to the rest of the short stories in the manga.
    0 points
  29. 5) Neil Breen is a collective hallucination.
    0 points
  30. Looking at 3 email chains all about the same issue in my inbox. And each of them has an out of date snapshot of the issue. Fun day.
    0 points
  31. Since the singer of Rednex, Anders Sandberg, died yesterday
    0 points
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