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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/25/22 in all areas

  1. My wife tested negative yesterday and is back in action, so no more couch for me. My son will test later today. Both were just congested and had headaches off and on. I still feel great and tested negative, knock on wood. Back is a little stiff from my couch. I wonder how important exercise is for recovery? My wife went and ran a 5k on Sunday by herself, just to get out of the house and move a bit after a week of quarantine. It seemed to help her quite a bit. We still have a race on Saturday, so hopefully everything continues well. There is also quite a bit of stigma surrounding this thing, so it is interesting navigating the social aspects of it.
    3 points
  2. Not sure what you mean by "overall"? Military strength? Other, wiser heads knows more about hardware specs and capabilities than I do. Politically? I think Trump weakened the US so much during his 4 years, that the rest of the world might actually (erroneously and possibly to their own regret) disregard the US as a player in international politics these days. Russia never really had a tradition for being an "extrovert". Their interests (and manipulations) are usually in countries bordering Russia (and previously the USSR). Most of their military doctrine in the past for projecting power was throw ICBM's at it. Then throw more at it. Then add MIRV's to the ICBM's and trow even more at it. Eventually the target breaks. They didn't have specialized units for operating outside their (and their "vassal countries") borders. Afghanistan was a good example of how disastrous it ended up when they tried to deploy troops outside their comfort zone. Putin changed that however. Cutting down on the millions strong conscript army of pedestrians led by corrupt, incompetent polit bureau members. The Russian units deployed in Syria, Libya, CAR etc. *seems* to be at least on par with their western counter parts and they have had a lot of practice the last 10 years in operating outside Russia proper's borders. The doctrine seems to favour lesser numbers of higher quality compared to say 20-25 years ago. Mentally? I think the west tends to forget that Russia has throughout the last 500 years been surrounded by enemies wanting to partition it. Poland would know what it feels like, being surrounded by Sweden, Germany and Russia. Russia is used to western powers invading them in significant numbers whether they be Sweden, France, Germany (twice), The British etc. The point being, the constant encroaching by NATO has reached a point, where Ukraine is the trigger because it's too close to Moscow and industrial centers geographically. If Biden really wants war, inviting Ukraine into NATO is the 100% guarantee that he will get what he wants in that regard. Remember, the west has shown a blatant disregard for international law the last 20 years, chopping up sovereign countries like Serbia when it was expedient to do so (yet, crying wolf if the people of Crimea dare to invoke democracy), applauding Ukraine's invasion and occupation of Crimea at the same time etc. No reason whatsoever for Russia to trust anything said by western leaders. Too much hypocrisy. Hence why negotiations have to take place from a perceived position of strength. i.e. what is the purpose of putting 100000 man on a border if you don't also have the logistics in place to deploy them anywhere other than where they sit on their butts right now? Not to mention, what a surprise it would be if they attacked. Show me a general that would show an enemy his entire hand rather than benefit from a surprise. It's more than anything a warning to the west, hands off or else. I mentioned once in the past, it's the Cuba crisis in reverse. Ukraine is too close for Russian comfort to tolerate NATO troops and it will be seen as a declaration of war as certain as the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour in 1941. Economically? We're talking about a people where most of them lived as serfs up until 1917, eating grass and roots while being abused and mistreated by nobility. About a century or two longer than most other countries. Starvation and hardship is almost a source a national pride. Sanctions wont work. It will just force Russia, Turkey, China and possibly India to closer cooperation and harden any resentment towards western countries, adding decades to any chance of a normalization of relations
    3 points
  3. Gotcha @crdvis16, it was that. I'm updating the test instructions in consequence. Mantle is confirmed to be working properly. This part isn't true though. The bug is nasty, but the perfect correction would be horribly tedious. Granted that what you have to do is only re-equipping the item once, it isn't so annoying. I'm just changing the scaling effect to be displayed in character sheet so you can confirm that the scaling property is applied (a bit ugly but better that no confirmation). You'll only get one display for all items with scaling passive.
    3 points
  4. biden gaffes, while kinda anticipated and unfortunate if utter banal, has represented a welcome relief, which shows just how chaotic were the previous few years. am able to go days w/o looking at the news and am nevertheless confident biden will not have attempted a coup or tried to force a government agency or official to do something illegal. would prefer not to have gaffes from the President o' the US, but the fact such is the most significant news regarding POTUS is a welcome respite. that said, the ukraine blunder were indeed newsworthy. shoulda' been complete unnecessary to walk that one back, but this most recent biden hot mic click bait don't even rise to staring at an eclipse w/o eye protection kinda stoopid. HA! Good Fun!
    3 points
  5. *regular, small, insect eating bats* ... mostly fugly faces, at least imo. ...and then there's the large fruit bats. Where you just go AWWWWWWWWWWWW. At least when they're eating bananas.
    2 points
  6. A survival game by Blizzard is probably about trying to be a female game developer.
    2 points
  7. You know what, Mass Effect really blew it. The Reapers would have worked much better as something incomprehensible instead of a Rogue AI or whatever it was. They teased MechaCthullu and delivered mecha middle manager instead. Anyways, Archive 81. It was ok, it got less scary when the CGI demon took over and the conspiracy/cult stuff got less obvious.
    2 points
  8. I've always been an advocate for the idea that as soon as you know you're sick with something communicable, stay the **** home. Even if it's "harmless" it could still be a lost week for someone else. I mean, would that prevent a wild spread of a killer virus - probably not. But humans tending to be lax re: consideration for others (and the design of public gathering points) because something is deemed "harmless" is at least a small part of the problem of why we're never "ready" for something worse. My mother's retirement home had hand sanitizer everywhere in the dining hall and other rules and social politeness long long before covid, because, y'know, old people. It is a polite thing and a safety thing for them. Maybe such consideration should not be something left only for "old people."
    2 points
  9. I haven't been able to watch as many episodes (too many other time commitments). I got to watch "Into the Forest I Go" two weeks ago. Overall, there's a lot of pointless changes the show has made to the ST universe, but accepting DISC for what it is rather than what it is not, I thought this was a fairly fun episode. That said, I can't help but feel its kind of like a game of telephone with this series, if TNG is an echo of TOS, then DISC is an echo of TNG. I do think it suffers from (a) too much Star Wars influence because the writers really, really, really hate the structure of Starfleet and want someone to jump onto the Millennium Falcon or Slave 1 and go do badass things without regard to command or structure and (b) not really being sure whether the series is about Burnham (so it should focus on her as a solo character) or if its like the other shows and focused on the crew of the Discovery in general (of which Burnham is one). This has made it so that she is weirdly involved in a lot of things (because the story is about her) without those things seeming to have real meaning (because the story is about the whole crew, and they need to do important stuff too). Do I have to? I'm pretty sure the writers of TNG didn't always remember the previous Data episodes...
    2 points
  10. Re: "are you still a gamer" More and more even when I play games, I'm sort of wondering why I'm playing games. To pass the time mostly I suppose. I don't think I get the same level of "fun" out of it as I did a long time ago, outside of certain "obsessive" tasks like making maps. But I could get the same effect obsessing over editing photos, videos or reorganizing the kitchen, really - my task-obsessive nature isn't confined to only game-related things. Maybe the major reason I personally played games (depression/blank the mind/de-stress) or any other kind of fantasy-immersion just isn't there anymore so it's less compelling to want to lose myself in them. I mean I like games, but I don't spend a whole lot of time on them per year anymore, and 95% of the time when I buy a game, it's on a random lark and I play it for 1-4 hrs, post a screenshot or three here, and never touch or think about it again. Sometimes it feels more like I keep playing out of habit more than real interest. ...I'm still kind of curious about that beaver city-builder Timberborn game tho. For some reason I want to watch tiny beavers running around a town doing tasks.
    2 points
  11. Goodness, seems like a lot of forumites are getting hit with it now. I'm glad it seems everyone is ok/coping well? Hope it stays that way. We're still corona free far as we know. If we've had it we've been asymptotic and wouldn't know. Still our extreme isolationist selves and wear our masks everywhere when we do need to go out etc. Haven't gotten boosters.
    2 points
  12. Ok- looks like Coil's Volatile, Cape of the Fallen Star's Fiery Descent, and Effigy's Husk's Skaen's Hatred are all getting the +10 accuracy, 2.5 pen (not Skaen's Hatred of course because it's raw damage), and the +50% damage on my lv20 character. However, Final Storm on Mantle of the Seven Bolts is not getting its bonuses. Not sure why that one is different from the rest. I did test them each individually. Hope that helps some! I would help even more but like you time is limited due to kiddos : / edit: and the net effect with these updates is nice. I just suicided my Vengeful Defeat Barbarian into the crucible with Twin Eels -> Effort for 2 deaths with Cape of the Fallen Star, Least Unstable Coil, and Effigy's Husk and did very respectable damage. Still probably not a great build for boss fights but very fun and effective against tough fights with many enemies to hit with all the AoE.
    2 points
  13. The way Hurl explains it, the parents weren't really worried about their kids education, they were worried about being stuck with their offspring all day at home Edit: Note the proper use of 'their'
    2 points
  14. Hi, I like to play PoE 1 first and then continue into Deadfire with the same character (as much as deadfire mechanics allow). I have already done so with a wizard and a cipher. Now, I would like to do so with a priest of Berath death godlike that I have been enjoying tremendously (thank you @Boeroer, a variation of your St. Gangrene with tidefall has been a blast so far and probably my favorite build in PoE and boy have I done lots of builds...). The only issue is that I have 0 experience with priests in Deadfire. The questions are the following: -Death godlike is such a great fit for a priest of Berath, but is one of the weakest racial choices overall. I am managing in PoE1, but that is only because I know the game much better than Deadfire. Would it still be viable/OK? Roleplaying is more valuable to me than metagaming and I dont plan to play at the highest difficulty, but I do like to play on trial of iron to compensate for this. Is there any way to take advantage of death godlike racial ability or am I doomed with the suboptimal choice? -Would it be better to have have a single class priest or to multiclass? I understand that last level spells are very strong, but I like jack of all trades builds that are good at everything (casting, melee, support etc.) and are more survivable since I often play on trial of iron. -The most common multiclass suggestions I have seen are either a Devoted/Priest or Helwalker/Priest. The issue is that I have 0 zero experience with these subclasses in Deadfire (monk I have never played any variation of whatsoever...). That means I cannot even begin to fathom why these are chosen, what kind of equipment they use and what is important to make them successful. Which of these would be better? What are their advantages/disadvatages? I know that some battles in deadfire are very long so when I played wizard blood mage I was able to retain my power throughout the whole battle, that makes me lean toward helwalker (is able to generate wounds) but I am not sure if that is a good argument since there is no way to recover priest spells and priest/helwalker without spells might suck terribly. Also I am not sure about the survivability of such approach, monks need to get hit a lot from what I understand. Would that make priest/devoted better and easier to manage? -I would really like the build to be for the turn based mode in Deadfire as that is my preferred choice, but I would be willing to play RTwP if there is a great build that checks multiple boxes. -If possible I would like to stick to roleplay (priest of Berath, death godlike, greatsword, heavy armor, stoic and rational) but I am willing to compromise a bit if there is some item/weapon that drastically improves the experience (but not too many compromises as I play mostly on normal and if it is 10-20% worse than the meta option I choose roleplay all day). Would maybe some of you that have been through the game multiple times suggest some cool thematic equipment for my roleplay? I have been going over some older posts, but I am at a loss to be honest. These posts often debate different deities, races and lots of min maxing with very specific equipment. I tried to learn what I can from those but at this moment I cannot differentiate what is a general advice for a priest multiclass vs very specific advice for a specific build (for example I saw a post about a priest of eothas/helwalker build with some soulbound dagger but I cannot tell if what was discussed applies to priest of Berath/helwalker with a greatsword or if that would work totally differently and my variation would totally suck.) Thank you very much for any advice.
    1 point
  15. I think that we could get an interesting night mob that would be a counterpoint to the crow. Insert an owl. Like the crow it perches at points around the yard. Unlike the crow it releases owl pellets. These are basically balls of undigested material that would be problematic to pass. You could mine these for bone, fur, larger insect pieces, feather pieces, lizard scales and other similar material Could be useful if anyone wants to look like a brownie from willow
    1 point
  16. I think it would be great if you added preserving cooked meat to the game using salt shards. People have used this for ages in real life, so I think it should be added to the game.
    1 point
  17. https://www.bangkokpost.com/world/2253199/china-gives-fight-club-new-ending-where-authorities-win
    1 point
  18. create a lean-to and set your spawn in the area you expect to struggle
    1 point
  19. It's an announcement of unannouncement.
    1 point
  20. I think Mass Effect had bigger problems than the Reaper motivations. That said back at the end of ME1 I actually thought, when they had them lurking outside the galaxy waiting, that they were going to be still active remnants of a war between two Galaxies. I thought they were waiting to slap down whatever got up enough to trigger the machines to think their long dead enemy had returned. That seemed like it fit the original space opera story type with a nice clean story of derring do to stop the menace that didn't realize it was no longer relevant (and I guess in retrospect, since we're talking about Star Trek, a bit like ST:TOS "The Doomsday Machine"). Then we got space conspiracy theory and space war is hell afterwards...
    1 point
  21. Casters are amazing in RTwP too, Priests are really rewarding when you hit Tier8/9. AoE + pulsing + high DMG is really great with Deadfire's inflated enemy health pools. If you're not planning on using your weapons, it's hard to beat weapon+medium shield with the modal. No drawback whatsoever (OK -4 ACC...)-. You can use the Gladiator Sword from the Digsite or the Griffin Blade, or Magran's Favor but it might be better in the hands of someone actually using it . There is a variety of great medium shields, the best being Lethandria's Devotion. SC Priest has several tools on top to seriously help survivability.
    1 point
  22. I think one issue with games is that my curiosity over them peaked a long time ago. That's a primary motivator for me in most things. I've never been into games for or because of story telling or lore, as I've probably mentioned many times. With games I'm the number cruncher, the what are the limits within these given set of rules, how many different methods can one take to accomplish the same thing, can I figure out the patterns of the AI and use it against them (oh the fun I had with Stronghold Crusader in that regard...), can I build a zipline network within the rules that allows me to never touch the ground, and of course, image framing and composing. On the other hand, I don't care to be a Grandmaster of Chess or learn a programming language. Just saying, there's a difference. More and more games tend to inspire less curiosity... or at least not new curiosity. They can be fun, funny, visually astounding, or of course, "die 1000 times"-challenging etc, but without any intense curiosity factor to motivate me, they are not interesting. Occasionally one comes along that hits a note and I relish when one does, it's just going to be rare now. And as time goes on I find myself not caring as much re: trying to constantly find one that does. Edit: which leads into the maybe I don't "need" games as a distraction anymore. Whether that means eventually I'll just stop playing at all, even by habit, I cannot say. Depends on what else life tosses my way on top.
    1 point
  23. With 2 Heralds, a SC Chanter and an Ancient or whatever to cast Great Maelstrom at the beginning of encounters plus all the other goodies including for example enlarge summon/Wild Growth on your Dragon for fun... you can basically launch the game, sit back, get coffee and relax until the credit rolls. well not exactly, but close. Your Berserker/Devoted's primary task will be to try and reach the enemy before they die amidst your truckload of deadly summons, and to not die from self-inflicted raw damage - but he won't because Devoted + Paladin/Troubadour healbots. I know killing skellies is fun, but if you plan on actually using all your nice summons you should use Modwyr or DoC breastplate to get rid of Confused. Cipher is always nice but it's less appealing here because none of your other toons really requires Ancient Memory. Late game, anything that won't outright die from Great Maelstrom will be taken care of by Summon overload and Invocations mayhem.
    1 point
  24. Yep. Though because of the inversions system, maxing RES is impossible to beat for maximum impact. Also because it will boost two defenses (Deflection and Will) on top, so maximizing your chances to get Grazes on attacks, which nets out another -50% duration. But for example if you kept RES neutral at 10 and had all the other negative effect duration modifiers: CoA + Mohora + Ring of Solitary Wanderer + Cabalist Gambeson + Strand of Favor you would get a coefficient of .32 so you'd have a net % duration modifier of -68%. Not bad! I'm not considering here the +1 RES from Ring of Solitary Wanderer. And of course the latter is only helpful when soloing..
    1 point
  25. That's nice to know; this gives more flexibility. Either you could max RES and use a different food, or drop RES a bit and compensate (I hope!) with the wraps.
    1 point
  26. Organics made them to stop organics from making more synthetics that would inevitably wipe out all organics. No, wait, wrong franchise. Sorry. No, there is no explanation. Mecha-Cthulhu and its tentacles just hover somewhere in space, waiting for synthetics to make the call to come and free them from organic oppression.
    1 point
  27. So I'm guessing the highest reliable crit chance would be with Berserker and Devoted multiclass, I'm a bit off-put by streetfighter's passive. By the way, could you please advise on the build I had in mind: MC: Berserker/Devoted (Conan style Greatswords) Paladin/Troubadour Paladin/Troubadour SC Chanter with max int (brisking Courage Thick as Stell and using Dragon and resource recovery chants.), I'm not sure what range weapon to use to not leave phrase range for party Undecided between Ancient or Cipher(any class or SC/multi, I'm new to them) (I'm doing Blood Mage run now, would like something fresh, especially that AI didn't handle AoE spells well with friendly fire)
    1 point
  28. @dgray62 actually because of inversions, with High Res (I mean Max RES ) the added benefit of Mohora Wrap or other "small" % negative effect duration modifiers is almost negligible after RES and CoA effects. With 35 RES and CoA you get: 1/1-(-3)-(-1)=80% net % negative effect duration reduction With 35 RES, CoA and Mohora: 1/1-(-3)-(-1)-(-0.43)=82% net % negative effect duration reduction If you also add Ring of Solitary Wanderer, Cabalist Gambeson and Strand of Favor, your total reduction "jumps" to 84% I think... So basically Max RES is the absolute most impactful and when you add CoA on top (second most impactful) you have kind of peaked your impact.
    1 point
  29. Yikes, hopefully that'll get better soon. I've been... no, wait, that's the wrong way around, everything about this show has been breaking my brain in unintended ways as I watch episodes for clues about when exactly this is supposed to play and whether or not anything at all is period appropriate. The actual samurai on the show carrying a katana and a wakizashi really implies Edo period, the knowledge of electricity late Edo at that, on the other hand there's plenty of people carrying tantō too - not only was having those really limited to samurai, actual forging of the short swords (more like daggers, really) was severely reduced during the Edo period due to samurai essentially switching from tachi/tantō to a katana/wakizashi combination. The latter sword wasn't just limited to samurai (unlike katanas), but were als allowed to be carried by higher standing members of other castes. Either way, assuming for a moment Ms. Moonlit Ran the Windborne was a samurai regardless of being a woman (who of the appropriate cast were allowed special, shorter tantō for self-defense, if I remember correctly), her lack of having a wakizashi could be the reason she's wandering around. Losing one of your blades was a decently quick way to get dishonored. Would fit her character to forgo commiting seppuku and take off. Either way, I'm overthinking this way too hard.
    1 point
  30. That work but the thing is the spell has a short duration (9s base), then except for the misses-to-grazes, I dont know if it is realy valuable for Follower of the Obscured. I tried with my SC druid empowering Avenging Storm, expecting a blade cascade effect with the wand, but that didnt work upon a crit left a seal : I didnt understand what happened clearly because that was very fast, but that was like each proc of the seal triggered a lot of lightnings, a deadly surprise for enemies too I imagine. During the seal, I got blade cascade effect on top.
    1 point
  31. Well well, I'm a father of two young children, so I don't give public estimation of my version delivery . Time is scarce and I can't give anything close to a guarantee. I have started working various topics for this version, that's why it takes longer than usual. Currently, I'm working on adding some scaling to passive non-weapon item abilities (since weapon ones scale with quality). PL scaling does not work, so I went with level scaling : +1 Acc, +0.25 PEN and +5% additive damages, which emulates the scaling of a Tier 1 ability. The package is ready, but not tested. It's honestly tedious to test, and I would like to save time for other topic. Here is a list of the item and properties concerned by this change. Want to help the version being release sooner ? 1) Install package below in the mod Gamedata directory 2) Choose a couple of untested properties in the list below 3) Check if you have any of the item from the list below equipped. Unequip them if you have BEFORE equipping the item under test. 4) Equip a single one of these items in game (if you pick several, you'll see wrong tags in the logs. It works fine, but doesn't confirm the item is self-sufficient) 5) Test it in game. For example, with a lvl 20 character, you'll see +10 Acc, +2.5 PEN and +50% damages (if applicable) in the combat log. 6) Report me. Don't just try a few items and say "it works", it won't help, I always test everything. So I need the precise abilities (a few items have several ones) In case of doubt, please ask. Girdle Ngati's Girdle Fathom's Redress (Tested) Unstable Coil & upgrades Volatile (Tested) Gloves Boltcatches Storm Blows (Tested, added electricity KW) Cloaks Cape of failing star Fiery Descent (Tested) Mantle of the Seven Bolts Final Storm (Tested) Ragged Cloak Vestment of Skaen (Tested) Helmets Mask of the grotto deep Shadow Fang (Tested) Whitewitch Mask Gaze and Despair (Tested, scales as normal Tier 3 active ability) Okura's Kettle Boil Over (Tested) Survivor's Tusk Boar's squeal (Tested) Shield Leathandria's Devotion Crystal (Tested) Akola's Apex Ward Hard Counter (Tested) Shark Teeth Counter (Tested) Wintertide Bulwark Frostbitten Palisade (Tested, this one already scaled normally because it is not a passive but an upgrade of Shield Wall modal. I simply added Frost KW to the freeze aattack) Armor Effigy's Husk Contempt (Tested) Skaen's Hatred (Tested) Casita Samelia's Legacy Scars and Memory (Tested) One Dozen Stood Stall for time Protection of the Godhammer Echo of the Godhammer (Tested) (Tested) (Tested) Kahako Nihi Thorny Plates (Tested) gamedata bonus to non scaling items.zip And about your other question : - This mod will apply to any newly created character. For existing ones : Active abilities will work Passive abilities may or may not work, but arespec will allow them to work Passive class and Racial abilities cannot be re-acquired via respeccing, so they might not be available to existing characters at all. This is only a problem for Sharpshooter, Mageslayer, Trickster nerf and some of the Racial traits, I think. Re-adding the ability throuh console command might work, but I advise saving before and checking character sheet after to avoid issue. So mostly, it will work.
    1 point
  32. Let us know when you like it
    1 point
  33. ISIS prison break in Syria is in its 5th day. May involve as many as 800 militants being freed, pretty much definitely 500. Of course they're being surreptitiously backed up by Turkey, as always, who drone struck the head of SDF Intelligence in the middle of things as a break from blowing up random Yezidis in Sinjar. Three years and pretty much nothing has been done about the prisoners except ignoring them and hoping the problem goes away- except, of course, western countries deciding people who grew up there and got radicalised there aren't actually their problem and should be foisted on impoverished countries like Syria, Iraq, Bangladesh and New Zealand via citizenship cancellations. (Note: that Al Jazeera article is actually pretty rubbish in a number of aspects, as they have a very heavy pro Turkey slant as do most of the commentators- especially Charles Lister- they reference, but it is a bit more in depth than the far more dry BBC equivalent. It's pretty much impossible to suppress ISIS in the Badiya permanently because it's like a scaled down Afghanistan in pretty much every respect. So no outright mountains, but lots of very rough terrain, caves and any operation to try and force ISIS out would be too porous; they just relocate temporarily. The problem in SDF areas is similar in effect, but for opposite reasons. It's mostly dry, flat, wasteland. Sure, you can put checkpoints in but they'd just get driven around or use smuggler routes- and checkpoints also make lovely targets for suicide bombers and massively annoy the local populace who then can't go anywhere without being stopped. Drones are useless too, so long as they aren't stupid enough to drive in convoys, since there are enough legit users to hide among. Finally, of course, the reason why there are tensions between the Deir ez Zor arabs and SDF is that those arabs literally literally were ISIS 5 years ago, and only switched sides when it became clear ISIS would lose. And, allegedly, when bribed to by Saudi Arabia. But hey, Turkey hates the SDF so gotta talk about dissension in its ranks in the hope it's true; same as the thousandth uncorroborated report of Iranian and Russian backed forces fighting each other because they want that to be true too)
    1 point
  34. When going Berserker/Devoted I would look at Amra (two handed Battle Axe). The combination of Carnage + Amra's Riven Gore + Blood Thirst + Cleaving Stance is excellent. You'd need 25 MIG though. Sanguine Great Sword is not bad and so is Effort - but they come rather late. Amra is obtaniable quite early. If you have a Chanter with skeleton summons then this combo is even better because a confused Berserker/Devoted will also kill skeletons with Carnage/Riven Gore which will proc Cleaving and Blood Thirst. Just don't go near him because Rive Gore can outright kill (destroy) your party members if they have less than 50 HP left. A build the does land a bit less crits maybe - but attacks faster and thus generates more crits in a given time AND does tremendous crit damage - is Streetfighter/Berserker. But it's a lot squishier than Berserker/Devoted.
    1 point
  35. Why would it? Conspiracy theories for financial dip****s packaged in XTREME 90's edgelordism seems like a fairly unique grift.
    1 point
  36. Hubby's having a sudden major freak-out over the new house. It's just like what happened the last time we did this (that place was much farther away tho, with other considerations as well) - where he doesn't "feel safe." This did not occur when we bought our currently-living-in Bay Area house. He knows it's irrational/utterly unlike his normal Spock-like self but he's got some kind of trigger I guess. I am talking can't-eat/sleep//disrupts work and using his wife as a walking security blanket all day long type of stress level, way beyond normal "moving sucks" jitters. At any rate ... I suggested just moving bed/clothes and PC's (hahah gotta have those) and trial-run living up there for a month, eg, no major commitment, see if his stress level goes away or not. If not, we can rent that one instead and stay here longer, see what happens in the future. There was always the possibility he would end up not liking being 2.5 hrs. from his main office, 99% remote-work capability or not, anyway, so a spartan-trial before full-move is not a bad thing to do regardless. My poor sweetie. He gets so frustrated with himself when he knows he's being irrational, he's not used to it (unlike me, who's always a bit crazy...). It's ok, we'll figure it out.
    1 point
  37. Or you can be Buster Keaton, do everything for real and still die of old age.
    1 point
  38. That is indeed such a good feature. Not related to explosives, but that's something that cinder bomb shares with Thrust of Tattered Veils (Wiz tier 1). Good thing with both is: you don't need to build your character around them at all. They are easy to get and scaling etc. doesn't matter for them. You can just have them for really cheap (using a Grimoire or via crafting etc.). And still they can have great impact in certain fights where you are so much worse off without a reliable way to interrupt.
    1 point
  39. this is roughly what i would recommend. i posted a build here that's hella fun, uses the energized invocation, and has a focus in explosives: unfortunately, even on story mode you won't be able to get away with doing *only* explosives or even a majority, but you can focus on it and get good utility out of it. interestingly, the cinder bomb is particularly useful for many reasons, but one of them is that the initial explosion automatically interrupts, no hit roll. so even if you suck at explosives, throwing a cinder bomb in the middle of a fight can be really useful because it'll mass interrupt a bunch of foes. obv if you do invest in explosives, actually hitting with the blind and the debuff is useful, and it also scales other bombs real well (implosion, frost, and shock are the ones that i use with high level explosion)
    1 point
  40. I definitely considered it. I feel that pure casters fare a lot better in Turn Based compared to RTwP. There is lots of bonus actions and a big spell always has an impact. Compared to a melee class that just hits once... How would you build a SC priest of Berath? Would you use weapon and shield for some extra deflection? How survivable would such a character be? Thanks for the reply BTW.
    1 point
  41. Single Class Priest of Berath has maybe my favorite Nuke of the game : Symbol of Berath. Long duration of pulsating corrode damages with Weakened affliction. Corrode damages is basically the reason why I love it so much compared to other symbols : it is much less resisted than Fire, Pierce or Cold, and Weakened will lower foes HP before obliterating them. Symbols are foe-only and since they are Tier 8, you will get ultimately get 2 casts. Berath Incarnate isn't bad : you are basically summoning another lvl 20 Priest (Usher Incarnate) along with a Fighter meat shield (Pallid Knight Incarnate is bad because it is equipped with a freaking normal Greatsword).
    1 point
  42. You might consider playing a single class bellower or troubadour. You can get energized early that way, which allows your passive chants to interrupt foes on crit. Meanwhile, you could throw some bombs (which will also interrupt on crit when your energized) and cast invocations when you have sufficient phrases. Overall it would be a fun build with plenty of time to toss grenades and other explosives. You'd want to max out the explosives skill and wear the gloves you can buy from the merchant in Port Maje with Berath's Blessings points that give you +2 explosives. While it will cost some funds to build the bombs, you'll have no shortage of funds if you engage in piracy, and attack and loot other boats.
    1 point
  43. I wouldn't say that Death Godlike is one of the weakest choices overall. You get a bonus to damage against near death enemies, which is very nice, and the +3 PL when near death is very strong. Also, I'd say that this choice is best with a priest, since you can cast Barring Death's Door to keep yourself alive when near death. The only thing you need to keep this going is renewable priest resources, and for that you need brilliant. You can also bring along a cipher to grant you brilliant, which you can extend with Salvation of Time. However, you can make yourself completely self sufficient if you multi class as a chanter, as is discussed in this thread. You can reliably get brilliant (and all other tier 3 inspirations) by empowering a chanter invocation, Her Revenge or Her Tears, while wielding Sasha's Singing Scimitar and wearing the Least Unstable Coil. With this build, however, you'll pretty much be a dedicated caster. Here chanter, with its focus on lightning and cold spells, complements Priest of Berath nicely, with its fire and corrode spells. But if you want to do a martial priest MC, just bring along a cipher and you'll be fine.
    1 point
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