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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/20 in all areas

  1. Warhammer 40000 Rites of War giveaway on GOG! With it also new games from the universe have come to the platform in a sale!!! https://www.gog.com/news/join_us_in_celebrating_the_warhammer_weekend_and_grab_a_free_game
    5 points
  2. ohh ****. PS exclusive. Nevermind.
    2 points
  3. The statement from the councilwoman quoted is true, but she doesn't in that tweet (or in the group of tweets those are part of) suggest firing of white officers, specifically, on a criteria of race. She offers no criteria at all, but suggests only that firings could be approved to be on the basis of some other criteria than seniority, thus not having a reduction in force affect the diversity on the force based on the idea that the senior parts of the force are not as diverse as the junior. Unfortunately the article (and several people on twitter) leapt to the assumption that the only categories that could possibly be chosen are seniority and race. There are other theoretically neutral categories that could be used that don't rely on race or seniority either that could be used to eliminate positions without eliminating diversity in the workforce (if that was a goal). You could look at evaluations, commendations and discipline records. You could make everyone re-interview for the jobs that are kept. You could theoretically even choose a criteria based on who not to be in the elimination pool as opposed to who should be eliminated (say, protecting officers who serve in the community they live from being in the pool of officers eligible to be reduced*, or creating a statistical model and preserving top performers). Reductions in force are a minefield, and they'll want good HR teams and lawyers to work with to make sure whatever criteria they choose doesn't violate employment laws (local or federal). *I think this may be doable, but as I haven't actually seen this one done, and I'm not a HR expert, its possible that may violate some statute somewhere. I just know that with calls for community policing, it may be desirable for an police force to want to keep officers who live in the city they work. EDIT: I should add that they may not be able to choose seniority as a criteria, legally, if it eliminates almost entirely on racial lines anyhow as that could also violate employment laws. This would be true with any other criteria picked as well if it disproportionately affected a specific race.
    2 points
  4. from the article (and emphasis mine) : "Ella's attempts to highlight the "religious and racist aspects" of her and many other girls' similar abuse led only to "a lot of abuse from far-left extremists, and radical feminist academics," she said. Such groups "go online and they try to resist anyone they consider to be a Nazi, racist, fascist or white supremacist". Oh, NOW I see why you tagged Volourn on your post...
    2 points
  5. the core irrationality is impossible to overcome. vol hears that some rock-for-brains yahoo on the arse end o' the internet made a claim that all white people are racist and he reads as all white people are kkk/nazis. am not denying we has seen such hasty generalizations being made and they offend us. vol clear is also offended by the manifest wrongness o' the hasty generalization fail-- is unfair to label all white folks as nazis 'cause o' the behaviours o' dirtbags. do nothing save nod head sadly and silent condemn racist behaviour may be a morally insufficient response to injustice, but we will leave that fight for another day. regardless, vol is justifiable displeased with the generalization. vol's response to the injustice o' painting an entire group/class/organization with a single oversized brush that colors all members with the sins o' the few or the wrongs o' the one is to do the exact same thing which annoyed him. he now insists every wrong done unto cops, frequent with no information at his disposal save that cops were injured or harmed or killed, is to blame blm and antifa. say what? vol is incapable or unwilling to see his blanket condemnations as mirroring the injustices which originally offended him. dialogue is doomed 'cause the fundamental mistake vol makes, having been pointed out to him dozens o' times by many people, is incomprehensible for vol. for decades we have personal seen vol rabid defend the indefensible with complete conviction. were funny when were game stuff. were amusing when were bioware or obsidian or troika trying to talk vol off the ledge before they reached enlightenment and just accepted vol same way one comes to terms with the inevitable unpleasantness o' monsoons, taxes, and michael bay films. the shtick is vol being vol. am not attacking vol character, 'cause vol, in his defense, is not the one who has changed. 2020 vol is same as 2001 vol and if he were funny then and not now is 'cause our perception o' the shtick has changed. not vol's fault. regardless, am recognizing the impossibility o' making headway 'gainst monsoon vol. he has made a fundamental mistake which is obvious to just about everybody, and the mistake is not that he disapproves o' blm or antifa. as we has noted already, Gromnir has a kinda passionate dislike o' antifa, particular as members is typical younger and educated, and those is the folks we is hopeful will manage to fix problems as they has done in past generations. can't fully express our disappointment with antifa. is not vol's position on blm and antifa which is the problem, and he don't get that either. oh well. the true mind boggling reality for Gromnir is not vol intransigence but fact vol is no longer an outlier. the shtick is not funny in part 'cause is race and not games features, but is all the more disturbing 'cause when we hear vol rail 'gainst blm and antifa, we hear his unreasonableness echoing far beyond this message board. HA! Good Fun!
    2 points
  6. Just wear black, you're set either way!
    2 points
  7. In a first, astronomers watch a black hole’s corona disappear, then reappear.
    2 points
  8. Japan? Probably less THE THING and more THE GREEN SLIME.
    1 point
  9. Impossible? No, never said that. Loads of people can amass wealth, but not top 10% wealth easily. Kim Kardashian is about $40 billion dollars shy of being the 10th richest person in the US, for example, but had some help from her dad, who had accumulated some wealth from being a high paid attorney. Still you have people like Jeff Bezos who did not, to my knowledge, have a family fortune to fall back on (his dad owned a bike shop, IIRC, which can be said to be an advantage over a family who were wage earners and not business owners, I guess). The argument on this is typically two fold, historically you have things like the "Black Wall Street" and similar prosperous towns that were destroyed over the years. The second is historical legislation that tended to target and make criminals of African Americans; many places deny the right to vote to felons and laws that made felons at a higher proportion (or were applied more heavily to African Americans) which begin the process of disenfranchising African Americans from a voice in government and opportunities in the community. If, over time, this is applied to a group so as to disenfranchise them systemically, then the group is going to be less inclined to work within the confines of the system. Working outside the confines of the system brings them into the hands of the legal system more often, perpetuating a cycle of disenfranchisement. At least that's the argument, as I understand it. One of the biggest problems with restitution, IMO, is that you end up having to play "whose victimization is greater?" And as a result, you're never (IMO) going to come up with a restitution plan for things in the past that will satisfy everyone unless you invent a time machine (and even then maybe not).
    1 point
  10. Sorry for the spoiler, but we already have December:
    1 point
  11. our first post in the initial covid-19 thread on this board observed how one o' the hurdles to an effective national virus response in this nation were the small group o' americans who look at government action as a threat to liberty. "next, they will be coming after our guns." sure enough, mask mandates became inextricable linked with second amendment rights advocates. no doubt many people 'cross the globe were perplexed by the conflating o' gun rights and US social distancing and mask wearing efforts, nevertheless, such were complete expected. there is americans who don't trust the government even when government is just promoting good science, 'cause too many o' such folks don't trust the scientists neither. these self described patriots don't trust media, and yet they counter-intuitive and beyond all reason glomp onto extreme information sources-- blogs and fringe "news" sites. one would assume a person suspicious o' media would look to multiple media sources in an attempt to find corroboration o' contested facts; if both ny times and oan are reporting facts same, then regardless o' spin, one should have more confidence in reported facts, no? instead, and contrary to all reason, these clowns fixate on the most fringe news offerings; sources which do naught but confirm their biases. is unfortunate, but these individuals with high bs receptivity are not only growing in number, but they have the internet with its dizzying options for misinformation as well as a President who active promotes conspiracy theories. there were always a small group o' Americans who were gonna reject masks, same way they will reject vaccine. two problems: 1) a small group is enough to undercut efforts when pandemic is the issue; and 2) paradoxical, because masks were politicized by highly visible leadership, the number o' folks suspicious o' masks went from fringe to a bit more mainstream. ... am not gonna try and explain why folks suspicious o' government would trust the inveterate liar and ignorant b00b who is trump. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  12. Victim blaming when it comes to rape goes back to way before, way way back, so I don't really raise an eyebrow, and I've not actually heard any claims of the victims being racist. I did read through a few of the linked articles and the RT one for instance went trough the typical spiel of Sweden doubling it's crime rate when it comes to rape the past few years.
    1 point
  13. Don’t be afraid, if not now, Kanye will make it safe this November
    1 point
  14. 1. I usually don't post in the political threads, but I have asked for context on videos before (and for other stories posted via social media in the political threads). This isn't to say the videos aren't what they purport to be, and it isn't intended to be a judgement on the nature of these things but I've found that videos are often circulated with their context removed, because the person publicizing it has an agenda that they don't want the facts to get in the way of. Also singular videos tend to amount to anecdotal evidence which can be interesting aren't necessarily statistically relevant if you're trying to draw conclusions to the larger population. 2. This is one of the reasons you have to be careful with statistics. Lets say there is one person of race X in town, and the 999 other people in town are race Y. Lets say that there is a random chance any one of these 1000 people may have non-negligible chance of attacking someone else. Race X person, if they commit violence has a 100% chance to commit it against race Y, while any race Y person has a .001% chance to commit it against a race X person. Statistically if you extrapolate this to more realistic population numbers with more realistic crime chances you can see that a town with a large majority and small minority should produce significant race X on race Y and rarely race Y on race X. Given that the USA has a lot of self-segregated areas, you tend to have situations with overwhelming majorities compared to the minority race, whichever ones they happen to be, and numbers will be vastly different in those areas where racial self-segregation is smaller (ie the majority and minority populations are roughly the same). Unfortunately the FBI data doesn't to my knowledge really get into where the raw numbers come from so that you can approach a nuanced understanding of what the numbers mean, hence my caution regarding these numbers.
    1 point
  15. Was expecting the dragon to step on you when you go near his foot
    1 point
  16. Nina Struthers is the hero we deserve in 2020.
    1 point
  17. The founder of BLM Canada seems like such a nice lady: https://torontosun.com/2017/02/11/black-lives-matter-co-founder-appears-to-label-white-people-defects/wcm/2748a714-f567-4344-8c08-decfe73d1e52
    1 point
  18. For the love of Trek, please, make it go away.
    1 point
  19. Tumblr: < long speculative discussion of pets in The Outer Worlds, pet-based commerce & culture, pets that NPCs and personal characters might have, and in particular pet sprats, sprat breeding and showing > Brain: You know, there once was a magazine called "Rat Fancy"... Me: NO. I AM NOT MOCKING UP A COVER OF A -- < several hours later > Me: GODSDAMMIT
    1 point
  20. For some of those interesting background points: Gizmodo - How The Old Guard dug deep to bring the comics to life
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. I bought a lottery ticket. I didn't win anything.
    0 points
  23. At first I thought it said Gene Hackman was turned invisible.
    0 points
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