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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/20 in all areas

  1. I used to watch his videos. This thing is definitey not 'Just a flu!'. I recommend that ya'll stay home and stay safe.
    4 points
  2. Atlas Obscura - Paro Takstang, Tigers Nest Monastery
    3 points
  3. is particular illustrative as paul included death totals from march 17. four days following his vid release, the numbers o' deaths has near tripled. ~5k on 3/17 and ~13k on 3/21. doubling every 3 days represents the kinda exponential growth which is current overwhelming italian hospitals. am baffled by folks who look at extremes taken by chinese, coupled with current situation in italy, who is nevertheless dismissive o' the current pandemic. however, while paul is misrepresenting the dangers o' the disease, he is not wrong 'bout government impulses in time o' crisis. we warned our fellows after 9/11 how in our estimation the single greatest danger we faced were not acts o' future foreign terrorism, but rather the well-intentioned efforts o' our own elected representatives to suspend civil liberties, freedoms which would disappear and never return. we were almost as horrified by the bipartisan patriot act votes as we were by images o' the towers falling. fast-forward to 2020. doj has asked congress to functional suspend habeas corpus, not that Congress has authority to do so. DOJ seeks new emergency powers amid coronavirus pandemic it is ok to be afraid o' covid-19. it is stoopid to do as is ron paul and minimize the dangers o' covid-19. however, you may never get back what you sacrifice today to feel a bit more safe. HA! Good Fun!
    3 points
  4. Ok, that is all I have
    3 points
  5. I spent the day sitting on my porch, listening to SiriusXM and just watching the sun trace it's arc through the sky. It was time well spent.
    2 points
  6. Freedom. Freedom is good. And, no, China's economy is not 'unshaken'. Stop beliving China's lies. The fact you support the ONLY country (that I know of)that PUNISHED a doctor for daring to speak about COVID and then he subsequently 'caught it and died' says a lot about you. Stop defending China. They are evil and theya re the ones who caused this mess to begin with. Other gov't are now dealing with **** because of China. PERIOD.
    2 points
  7. ^ Okay, that is just amazing. I'd love to visit that place someday.
    2 points
  8. Whelp, time to update my lesson plan on the Magna Carta.
    2 points
  9. Anyone who would trade essential liberty for temporary safety deserves neither and will have neither.
    2 points
  10. Okay, so here we go for a new update : Reminder : the changes in red are in the optional additional package. E) Barbarian Mage Slayer : Removed the Spell Resistance entirely. Added -25% Hostile and Beneficial effect duration. The purpose was to make Mage Slayer a bit less useless vs non-caster, and avoid the Random Factor from friendly spells (especially this critical healing you don't want to miss Corpse Eater : Greatly buffed special food (and also replaced bonus MIG and malus INT by more varied effects) : Kith Meat : -5 Diplomacy, -15% Damages received, +3 Corpse Eater PL Corpse Loaf : -3 Diplomacy, +3 Health per 6s, +10 Fortitude, +4 Corpse Eater PL Forbidden Pie : -3 Diplomacy, +4 Resolve, Mind Affliction Resistance, +5 Corpse Eater PL In addition, Kith Meat and Vessel Flesh can be bought from Vithrack and Imp vendors (Kith Meat price set to 100 gold) The purpose was to change Corpse Eater to more powerful effects for increased cost. Their food is very powerful but not that much more than high quality food, which balance the effect IMO. Instruments of Boundless Rage : 3 Rage -> 2 Rage Added Fire Keyword Heart of Fury : 4 Rage -> 3 Rage (aligned with whirling Strikes) Savage Defiance & Upgrades : 15s -> 25s Stalwart Defiance : changed to Gain Concentration every 6s Leap & Panther's Leap : 6s Dazed -> 4s Stun Dragon Leap : 6s Dazed -> 6s Stun (because panther's leap does more damages) Panther's and Dragon Leap are now correctly tagged as Leap upgrades (which basically makes them scale as PL5 abilities -> efefctive +3PL) Carnage : Can now Crit (so can apply Blood Frenzy ) Accurate Carnage : +5 Accuracy -> +10 Accuracy Blood Surge : 25% Chance -> 50% Chance, but only apply to Hostile Targets (same change as Community Patch did for its Paladin equivalent) Blood Thirst : Cleaned the mess that causes it to proc twice on the same target and prevented it from being stackable with Crushing Blow. Now proc only once except sometimes when 2 targets are killed in a row (it applies twice then, cause Recovery is cleared before second target is killed, so you keep one charge) Barbaric Blow & upgrades : Removed the PR and Damages bonus to make the ability more focused. Now Barbaric Blow & Upgrades do : - 75% Hit to Crit chances - +75% Crit damages bonus (note : Crushing Blow do get this bonus, even if it does not get Crit Damages Bonus in the base game due to a bug) - +200% Carnage AoE (so roughly 2.5m radius instead of 1.5m) - Barbaric Smash : no refund, but cost reduced to 1 Rage - Crushing Blow : no recovery (not conditional anymore) Other Changes from previous versions : (Based on feedback from @Heukalyptus ) Pet Abilities : Added Beast Keyword to all pet abilities cast by the Ranger so they benefit from equipment with bonus to Beast abilities. Applied to Heal Companion, Revive Companion, Bonded Fury, Master's Call, Shadowed Hunters & their upgrades. Not applied to Takedown and Play Dead cause they are cast by pet themselves (and PL can be detrimental to Play Dead cause it rise its duration) Bonded Fury : Range 6m -> 10m (aligned with other Pet abilities) Power Stike & Inspired Strike : Stun & Staggered effects set to 10s Removed the additional Duration of Inspired Strike buff. Inspired Strike bonus damages : 200% -> 300% (So Inspired Strike is more focused on Single Target damages) BalancePolishingModBuffs.zip BalancePolishingModNerfs.zip
    1 point
  11. aren't most o' the highways leading in and out o' denver containing stretches with little more than a laughable guardrail between you and oblivion? is not even road shoulder in a few such places. white line for edge o' road is 'bout a foot away from guardrail, or so it seems when driving. we got some kinda weird genetic flaw which makes us callous indifferent to heights. am knowing how even short falls may be lethal but is as if our brain refuses to take such stuff serious. were a helpful (maybe not) attribute while we were working roofing many years past, but at this ages such narrow stoopid has us doing foolish stuff with ladders which don't resonate 'til after we is back on terra firma and reflect for a moment. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  12. am not a doctor, but unless you also had a fever, am thinking covid-19 chances is kinda low for what you describe. that said, if happened to Gromnir as you describe, we would mention to a doctor rather than rando boardies. sleep apnea came to mind when you described, but self-diagnose is foolish particular if it leads to not getting medical advice. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  13. It's a bug. Turning character's AI off helps.
    1 point
  14. Will you explain that using RPG Maker, I wonder?
    1 point
  15. https://www.gamesradar.com/square-enix-gives-away-2-free-tomb-raider-games-on-steam-and-asks-us-to-stay-home-and-play/ Seems it's SE who give away the games, steam had nothing done with it.
    1 point
  16. I have started creating a virtual classroom using RPGMaker. Perhaps not the easiest way to push out content, but it's fun.
    1 point
  17. Is that PotD? Because I often find that Swift Flurry/Heartbeat Drumming don't work very well in those encounters where it matters most. Vs. "trash mobs" they are golden of course. Particular reason for Barbarian and not Fighter? I mean Disciplined Strikes + Mob Stance. Should be even easier to chain-crit with Swift Flurry/HBD I would presume? On the other hand a Berserker + Barbaric Blow and Bloody Slaughter may also be crittin' a ton. But you'd need DoC Breastplate or Lobster in your belly. By the way: do you know if Static Charge/Thunder hits proc Avenging Storm?
    1 point
  18. My wife and I are both teachers with close to 40 years combined experience, and we are terrible at this homeschooling thing.
    1 point
  19. has been best described as herd instinct + fear. during better times, do a little experiment. walk outdoors into a crowded public place and look up. keep looking up and have a friend track how many fellow pedestrians do same as gorgon. there were stories online 'bout panic buying o' tp during their initial coronavirus scare in asia. seeming viral spread from that point. why tp in hong kong? didn't matter 'cause folks noticed emptying shelves and replicated behavior 'til all tp were gone. fear that you would be the person left w/o tp took over good sense o' average persons. stories 'bout tp hoarding were spread 'cross world via internet and the part 'bout panic buying o' tp being the newest sport for ignoramuses failed to gain traction but images o' folks panic buying tp resonated. all you needed were a couple folks to repeat behavior o' panic buy in europe or australia or us and then herd mentality would kick in as people saw emptying shelves and shopping carts laden with tp. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  20. I can relate. I was excited to work from home at first because I thought it'd be video games and catching up on shows. No babysitter means I'm trying to watch my son while working but he makes it impossible to watch him and get anything else done at the same time. Wife and mother in law are here as well but MiL can't do as much because of her health problems and my wife is juggling school and work am the while wondering if she'll still have a job if this continues for much longer. Still wouldn't be so bad if only we weren't also both sick and also having completely incompatible work environment preferences. I like it darker and generally quiet and my wife has the TV blasting and every single light around her on. MiL then gets on her laptop or phone and tries to compete with the TV all the while yelling at whoever she's talking to on Skype.
    1 point
  21. I wish the best for your family and your MiL. Over my end there's two people fairly close to me who are currently going through chemo and are thus very susceptible to the disease (or any disease for that matter), so I'm pretty sensitive about being downplaying the pandemic as "mild" or "just a flu" (not saying you implied either thing btw), because it leads to a lot of people worried only about themselves to pretend their life is the only risk to consider, and so long as they're not in any danger they're fine to do as they please even when infected.
    1 point
  22. The issue isn't the majority of people, it's the minority that's at serious risk. The elderly, people with their immune system compromised by other conditions or treatments, etc. With a disease this virulent, even a mere 1% mortality rate can mean the death of millions across the globe, nevermind the collapse of the healthcare structure and the effects this could have in other people in need of assistance and so on.
    1 point
  23. Spending a lot of time with my son due to the virus (kindergartens are closed). Watched My Neighbour Totoro with him, which we both liked. I love that Netflix added so many Miyazaki-films.
    1 point
  24. Does this count as a video game soundtrack?
    1 point
  25. So... had my first actual little sense of panic in this corona pandemic today, for ridiculous reasons admittedly, but... Systembolaget, that sells all liquor, wine and other high proof stuff is having trouble at their central storage and is going to stop distributing limited stocks, meaning the "good ****" and will stick to the standard offerings. The thought of not being able to get to pick real nice stuff terrifies me. Though I realized I can still get Plantation 20, so I should be fine.
    0 points
  26. See? Steamers bitch about EGS but Steam is now offering freebees in response.
    0 points
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