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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/19 in all areas

  1. Steam keys for: Deep Sky Derelicts HIVESWAP: Act 1 Immortal Planet Pillars of Eternity Tyranny I haven't played the first two, but Immortal Planet (a Souls-like), Tyranny and PoE are great games.
    2 points
  2. Accurate Carnage just replaces the original Carnage Ability with a new one (that has the same stats but +5 ACC). It's not that Accurate Carnage is a passive that just "docks" onto your base Carnage or something. Unfortunately... That's the case with all upgrades of abilites: they are actual completely seperate abilites. Think of copy & paste of the original - then add a few improvements. In most cases the orginal ability will be removed from your character and the new one will take its place (there are some exceptions like Lay on Hands/Greater Lay on Hands where you keep the original). Because of this "Copy & Paste" programming/code design choice (non-modular) you'd need a seperate "Accurate Stag Carnage" ability. that would replace the normal one You would need to either a) pick it seperately at level-up OR b) you would need to change Accurate Carnage so that it secretly adds Accurate Stag Carnage as well - IF you had Stag Carnage in the first place (this sounds rather complicated). The first solution a) would be a lot easy(er) to mod. This is the same with all upgrades o passives that "sound" like they could work for different abilities. But if Obsidian didn't create those manually they won't be tehre even if it would make sense. Another example: Beckoner's passive only works for Chanter summons. Only his skeletons/wurms/whisps etc. will be double the number and weaker. Because Obsidia made "Ancient_Brittle_Bones" for the other Chanter subclasses but a specific "Ancient_Brittle_Bones_Beckoner" for the Beckoner subclass. If you now multiclass with Ancient those summons (like the Sporelings) will not be affected. That's because there is no ability "Summon_Sporelings_Beckoner". This can eve be a "problem" inside a single class: most Paladins get "Flames_of_Devotion", Bleak Walkers get "Flames_of_Devotion_Bleak_Walker". Now... if you'd just made one upgrade "Eternal_Devotion" and replace the PL-1 FoD with it the Bleak Walker would lose his spcial corrosive/sickerning lash. So he needs a "Eternal_Devotion_Bleak_Walker". Same with Kind Wayfarer. The upside is: it's straightforward to develop. The downside is that it introduces redundancy and is prone to oversight once you start changing abilities (e.g. when patching for balance): let's say you want to nerf the FoD lash from 30% to 20% - you need not only to change the original ability but ALL the upgrade copies now. THis is also done when e.g. Priests get "cross class" abilities like Preist of Eothas gets Sunbeam (original Druid): this is not the same ability. It is a copy which name is "Sunbeam_Eothas" (or something like that, don't remember 100%). So if you as a designer want to change Sunbeam because it's too bad or good you don't need to forget that tehre are several SUnbeams you'd have to edit. It happens often that something is forgotten. For example Shadowing_Beyond and Shadowing_Beyond_Skaen started out as the same code (copy). But over the course of the patching cycle those two have become different. I guaratee that Shadowing Beyond got some mechanical tinkering while Shadowing_Beyond_Skaen was either forgotten or intentionally left alone.
    2 points
  3. I've been enjoying Classic Wow with some old friends. The slow leveling really gives you a chance to enjoy the world building Blizzard did in each zone. I've also gotten deep into the first Avernum game. My party has gotten pretty powerful and I've been enjoying the storyline. I think I owned this game for about 8 years without ever getting into it, and now I'm hooked.
    1 point
  4. I think he was referring to us Obsidianites when he said that, gfted1.
    1 point
  5. Hell, you don't have to even be a citizen. Get on out there and vote and use our various social programs. You wont even need to present identification! Its no worse than jaywalking or perhaps speeding +1 to +9 MPH over the limit. Now if youll excuse me, ima go try to vote in the UK.
    1 point
  6. It seems Corbyn himself doesn't believe that -- else he wouldn't have balked at the prospect of an early general election, twice now. I do believe there's a chance that he'll be the next unelected PM though. If Boris quits or is removed, the absurd scenario of Tory rebels and LibDems throwing their support behind comrade Corbyn to avoid a general election and postpone Brexit indefinitely is not much more far-fetched than what we've seen so far. And by the time Labour is ready to go to an election on their own terms -which could be years- Blairites will have recovered control of the party, with Corbyn and his supporters having been kicked to the curb. I must confess that I'm disappointed that nothing came out of the threat to have the anti no-deal bill filibustered to death in the Lords. That would have been fun.
    1 point
  7. Just spend a few hours to learn how to do this, and then you can do it to any item you want. You just copy the enchantments from another helm and change them to what you want (and change each to a new name & guid). There are detailed tutorials to walk you through this and there's an intro video that shows you how to look at the code.
    1 point
  8. By the way there are some passives that do indeed influence other abilites without creating a seperate copy for every ability they work with. For example "Lingering Echoes" of the Cipher works for all outgoing afflictions no matter if it's a cipher power or a wizard spell and so on. I think this is due to the already implemented mechanics around afflictions/inspirations which already provide means of influencing durations via crits/INT/Resolve etc. So it was easy to implment Lingering Echos as a similar effect. Also see Ring of Overseeing or Aloth's Armor: same mechanic basically but with AoE size. But whenever there is an upgrade or effect that doesn't fit into the "generic" mechanics it usually is a hard copy of an ability.
    1 point
  9. Thanks Boeroer. Your post is very informative for wannabe modders. I'm currently trying to decipher a bit the data file and I am so noobish that I have trouble to even get a proper indentation on Visual Studio Code. Still, if I got the file right, I have managed to sport that Druid PL8 Entropy only trigger Hit to Crit thrice (same number of triggers as Enduring Dance). And that Healing Chain mysterious "healing slightly less with each jump" is a 0.75 factor (still have to check in-game how it is applied). Healing Chain also has a parameter not to bounce twice on the same target. Gurps, these 2 abilities seem to need a little "care".
    1 point
  10. OK, seriously? How cool is this? After a Skyrim modder's dog passed away, he immortalised him in this beautiful tribute https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91219
    1 point
  11. I think the US is long past the point where policy preference is anywhere on voters checklist. More is the pity. It's all about catchy slogans, cults of personality, and tribalism. There are some genuinely intelligent people in this race. People with calm and measured temperaments and sound economic ideas. They can be forgiven for making promises that cannot be delivered on because that is what candidates do. Unfortunately those people are not going to be in the campaign after Hew Hampshire if they even make it that far. It will be the big personalities making promises they will try to deliver no matter how unsound or ruinous the consequences of them that will make the ballot. It doesn't matter. As long as Congress is divided with each house in the control of different parties we'll be fine. Or as long as Congress is opposite the President we'll be fine. Although that is less than ideal. When one party hold all the levers of power, no matter which, God help us all.
    1 point
  12. you might be mistaking it for wizard's double, which is 1 hit or crit. speaking of my previous post - salvation of time extends Escape pretty obscenely. when your ~10s (with lots of int and PL scaling) short-term +50 deflection turns into 30-50s (one or two priests) you become pretty hardy. i love SoT in these kinds of glass cannon setups.
    1 point
  13. Wheel of Time casts Mandragoran.
    1 point
  14. Yeah, I saw the job offer wasn't online anymore.
    1 point
  15. there is folks who complain 'bout how the fake news is out to get trump and that various media organizations is fixated 'pon the President beyond reason. perhaps there is a few individual reporters who don't care 'bout the facts as it relates to trump, but such is hardly the norm. the disconnect arises 'cause is some in the media trying to report on this President same as they did for past Presidents. however, the black sharpie alteration o' a weather map shows how trump has complete changed the way news is reported. all through his campaign, and from day 1 o' his presidency with the ridiculous crowd size claims, trump has lied so consistent and so indiscriminate that the media no longer bothers to report as they would have for any other President in memory. past Presidents need not even lie and they would be raked over the coals by media for months (years) for arguable mistruths. trump lies. he lies small and he lies big and he lies so unreasonable it is impossible to even use self-interest to divine if a Presidential untruth were intentional or the result o' mistake. the irony is that this President, more than any other in recent memory, has been allowed by the media to functional get away with lies. the country, the news media included, has become utter numb to constant, willful and bizarre mendacity from the wh. yeah, fox changed the game by being so successful. the folks in the business o' news recognized it is more lucrative to sell news their audience wants to read as 'posed to trying to let folks make up their own minds 'bout an event or issue. such isn't particular new, but how effective the media has been at accelerating polarization surprises us. even so... how does this happen? a black sharpie to try and make trump's alabama comments legit? nevertheless, in a day or two, this moment from the madhouse on pennsylvania avenue will be largely forgotten... just another entry on the improbable ledger o' Presidential lies. is the kinda brain freeze stoopid moment which would dog any other President for months or years, but not trump. compared to shutting down the government for a wall and muslim bans and pu$$y grab, this is small timey, no? the media has never been unbiased and impartial. am not certain why folks pretend as if such were ever the standard. am not certain why we need repeat this obvious point each time the evil press is message board fodder, but so it goes. you got a President who cannot tell the truth and then claims the press is the "enemy o' the people." gosh, one wonders why the press would be concerned 'bout such, eh? and yeah, 'cause somebody will mention or reflect 'pon it, during the first two years o' his administration, obama got the benefit of the doubt more often than not from much o' the popular news organizations. 'course after two years the honeymoon were over and obama went after journalists such that the fed attempted to criminalize journalists more frequent than any President since Lincoln. "The Obama administration used the 1917 Espionage Act with unprecedented vigor, prosecuting more people under that law for leaking sensitive information to the public than all previous administrations combined. Obama’s Justice Department dug into confidential communications between news organizations and their sources as part of that effort. "In 2013 the Obama administration obtained the records of 20 Associated Press office phone lines and reporters’ home and cell phones, seizing them without notice, as part of an investigation into the disclosure of information about a foiled al-Qaida terrorist plot. "AP was not the target of the investigation. But it called the seizure a “massive and unprecedented intrusion” into its news-gathering activities, betraying information about its operations “that the government has no conceivable right to know.” "Obama’s Justice Department also secretly dogged Fox News journalist James Rosen, getting his phone records, tracking his arrivals and departures at the State Department through his security-badge use, obtaining a search warrant to see his personal emails and naming him as a possible criminal conspirator in the investigation of a news leak." https://www.apnews.com/ffc60235c26c470c9047e0da6ff19f95 https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/mar/30/barack-obama-press-freedom-strong-media-stop-donald-trump obama complained 'bout press almost constant from end of second year to end of second term, and that is 'cause the press were bending over backwards for him? no. all it took were one Presidential election and the "enemy of the people" bit to make folks forget obama's adversarial relationship with the press. regardless, the truth is that all too often trump gets a free pass from the press. is too much lies and crazy and even arguable illegal (need remind folks mueller report clear found considerable evidence o' both obstruction and collusive behaviour) for the press to pretend this administration may be covered as others. the public is too polarized for the press to pretend as if they are able to do their jobs same as in previous years. every time the press reveals facts o' a new trump lie or misdeed, trump supporters see as evidence the press is out to get trump and one new lie or misdeed ain't gonna make a difference to those who already distrust trump. a black sharpie alteration to a map showing hurricane progress, to cover for a twitter misstatement? this is wh reality in 2019. black sharpie moment will be largely abandoned by press as o' next week. this is also reality in 2019. HA! Good Fun!
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Most of my IRL friends from adolescence are RPG virgins so I've been slowly introducing them to my favorites - we're getting too old to play twitchy clown fiesta games so they've finally developed an interest. Lately I've been streaming VTM: Bloodlines on Twitch to show them a worms and all experience: that a game can still be meaningful and fun while overtly threadbare. I'm running a stealth and melee Malkavian and am nearing the game's final chapter... fearing the Griffith Park encounter. It's been a fun ride showcasing a game I've played through an embarrassing amount of times, and I've often gone into detail on some of its more esoteric lore hooks, along with its production history and cult status.
    1 point
  18. I’ve turned on LFG channel only, when I was interested in going to dungeon. And it was global. Also everywhere, where I was playing, was Horde really advertised, and felt like more mature bunch. The first thing which changed it was the introduction of “Honor” system, and then the LFG matchmaking. I have also played on Magtheridon-EU, and where one Horde (Nihilum) and one Alliance guild, which name I do not recall anymore, were competing for the World Firsts. This on one hand brought the most mature playerbase, which were in top 20 realm guilds, and also brought up the most retarded individuals, mostly guildless or in some random dip**** guilds, which were acting like the most immature ****, I’ve ever met, which for some weird reason thought, that being immature retarded ****sucking ****, would open up them place in these top guilds. I was happy to be in the 14th placed guild in the realm, which had the best people I have ever met on-line. Also there were tons of people among the both factions who even respected their opponents in PvP, and when they killed each other in some quality match, they used to thank each other with emotes for the fight without the need of teabagging and opening 25new threads on the realm forums. Try to imagine that in the current toxic environment. I will remember to the end of my days to have hundreds of epic PvP encounters with one Bulgarian alliance hunter called Aimbot. He was really one of the best PvP hunters in the realm, and I had one really uncommon PvE build for a Warlock, so in our match up it was always 50-50 chance for a win or lose, depending on my trinkets being on or off cooldown , From what I read on forums, that was pretty uncommon, because with his AQ gear, he steamrolled most of the horde guys with few shots. There was a lot of guys like him, which earned the respect this way among all other players, and which were really remembered accross the factions.
    1 point
  19. Nice cover, shame the subject matter has odd bits of Rhodesia fetishism in the comments
    1 point
  20. For the 40k lovers out there, prepare to have your pants blown off.
    1 point
  21. I didn't know the creators of Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight were releasing another game now. Minoria is a pleasant surprise.
    1 point
  22. I love their music videos. In The Zone from Episode 2 is a work of genius.
    1 point
  23. these are a request im making for a friend who just got into the game.
    1 point
  24. More gambling stories online, I’ve never seen Yong to be as furious as in this video
    0 points
  25. If the Watcher forces Tuaha to accept her orders without first dealing with the stalker, there is a 50/50 chance that Tuaha will succeed or be thwarted in the end slides. It's not a bug.
    0 points
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