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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/19 in all areas

  1. Maaaan, Necromunda sure turned out different than I expected!
    3 points
  2. As per Betteridge's law: "no" Seriously, I'm not even sure what you're implying here. That members of the team don't think the game is politically charged enough? That they think it's excessively politically charged? Forgive me, I try to steer clear of culture war cesspits battlegrounds, so I may be missing some context. Seems to me that the tweet you're referencing is little more than a wordier rephrasing of the "views my own" disclaimer that many accounts display in their profile blurb.
    3 points
  3. Rogue Factor are so slow developing that, I am afraid I may have died of old age by the time I could spam you with screenshots of that...
    2 points
  4. And now for something completely different:
    2 points
  5. "The reason I'm running it that is because he basically held the league hostage while deciding. " Stop your crying. He held nobody hostage. That is an insult to actual hostages. He did nothing wrong. He has the right to choose where to work when he wants to. He owes you, TOR, nobody nothing. TOR got what they deserved. You treat players like crap this is what you get. Yeah, they treated Leonard like a 'god' but not because theya re nice it is because they used him. They threw others in the trash even those who were'loyal' to them for years. Teams don't show players loyalty so players shouldn't show them loyalty. EVER. Same with evil, scumbag, selfish, arrogant, piece of crap 'fans'.
    2 points
  6. Devs need to stop pussyfooting around the matter of politics in videogames - if you're making a game set in a future which is literally run by corporations and showcasing a battle for power amidst the same, there is no way in Hell that isn't political. Same with Ubisoft denying their TOM CLANCY games are political, if any of these companies don't want to make political or "politically-charged" games they shouldn't exploit those bloody topics. They don't get to exploit the buzz and controversy of political hot topics and then wash their hands of the matter, ****ing own up, there's no shame in it, that's why we've made art and told stories throughout history in the first place. That said, I saw the video interviews with Brian Heins and Leonard Boyarsky and albeit as loosely or softly as stated above, they did at the very least acknowledge The Outer Worlds had some basis and influence from their personal political beliefs. And again, that's fine. Mind you, Hannah Kennedy is also correct - I have also worked in films and TV shows that I didn't necessarily agree with ideologically, but again, this doesn't preclude the fact that what I was working for did have an ideology or touch on themes from a particular perspective regardless.
    2 points
  7. Q: Is Obsidian publicly undercutting The Outer Worlds' game director, Leonard Boyarsky? A: No Not entirely sure what the target of the the manufactured outrage is. If ten years ago someone tweeted: no one would have paid it any mind. I don't know how a single personal tweet is being played out as some sneak peak at internal conflict among the developers.
    1 point
  8. 10/10 fakeout. I google searched desperately when I should've just scrolled down one comment.
    1 point
  9. I realize that you are interpreting it that way. Overt "insubordination" in a country with at-will employment is at best foolhardy, so I'm going to guess that you're simply reading too much into a fairly innocuous comment instead of assuming that junior devs would happily kiss their jobs goodbye over... a matter of perspective. Or do you know something we don't?
    1 point
  10. Would it be possible to buff Hold the Line? Out of the three passive abilities that give +1 engagement it's the only one that doesn't have an additional effect. Maybe grant +1 AR to elemental damage or bump it up to +2 enemies engaged. Frenzy us bad and should be buffed but should remain SC Druid exclusive, would it be possible to have it add 10 seconds to the duration of SS?
    1 point
  11. If there would be a way to mark the spiritual weapons as "unarmed" so that they work with the unarmed weapon proficiency (including Haymaker) without giving them bonuses from MonasticUT/TranscendentS I would support that. It's sad that Fighter (esp. Devoted) with stuff like Confident Aim etc. doesn't work with Spiritshift. Iirc the spiritual fists of Woedica now work with the proficiency but don't scale with MonasticUT/TranscendentS. So there seems to be a way to realize this. Same as allowing Form of the Fearsome Brute's fists, Kalakoth's Minor Blights and Rot Skulls etc. to use a fitting weapon proficiency (unarmed/wand for example).
    1 point
  12. That would make even less sense. But no, it doesn't work: if you reverse it obviously does the primary attack... with the primary melee weapon
    1 point
  13. I posted about that a post or two back. With the right skills, you can bypass the bridge w/o losing bonuses. Then, doing the seeker artifact area, if you dont pass skill tests - history at least - then you lose a day and lose resting bonuses again.
    1 point
  14. Amentep is just a cranky old man who is annoyed that MST3K episodes are sometimes the only way to view old B-movies he used to love as a kid. On a less humorous note we really need a better global licensing model that reflects the reality of modern distribution.
    1 point
  15. That sounds so Funcom... Secret World was good until you had to put up with the gameplay.
    1 point
  16. The next are Hauani O Whe and Dorudugan
    1 point
  17. Finished SSS ) Vic's advices helped me a lot.
    1 point
  18. Vade retro satana! † Anyway, can you Obs guys plz also grab Tyranny rights from Paradox while you're at it, thanks!
    1 point
  19. Enjoy the game, but feedback is a gift: HIT: Graphical and sound upgrades, definitely added to the combat experience. HIT: Multi-classing choices definitely pushed me to play a few more runs. HIT: Large selection of spells and abilities. MISS: I miss the endurance and health system from POE1 - it was truly a brilliant idea. While we are at it, I'm not a fan of PEN and Armor system. MISS: Main storyline was rubbish... as were the companions... too many sidekicks and not enough depth. MISS: Consumables that replicate signature abilities... cheapens certain classes/spells. MISS: Large number of useless (situational) spells and abilities.
    1 point
  20. Being free to rot and die is a rather limited view of what "freedom" means. Namely, just the absence of the state breathing down your neck. If due to economic conditions, you are forced to sell your labor for a pittance (because due to the reserve labor army, wage elasticity only benefits the owners of the means of production) under abusive work conditions, to what degree can one be truly free? If one could live off photosynthesis and reject these jobs so as to negotiate on equal footing, you may have a point. If the only thing you can do is die because of material conditions imposed on you through no fault of your own, you aren't "free" at all. You may believe that this isn't real, that it will never happen to you because you are much smarter and more hard working than that, but history suggests that you'd be wrong. Holding that viewpoint requires accepting the premise that everyone worse off than you is dumb and lazy. A self-satisfying perspective to set into, but not one that is supported by evidence. It also requires accepting that you are dumber and lazier than those who were simply born into riches, which is how most rich people nowadays made their wealth. It's funny because legal restrictions are much, much easier to flaunt than material ones -- breaking the law only requires the will to do so, but a former industrial worker in his late fifties whose job has been relocated to Vietnam can hardly will himself into a twenty-something big data expert mathematician. And yet, you insist that only legal restrictions matter when determining whether one is "free". Read up on the causes of the Greek crisis. It wasn't government social spending spiraling out of control -though book cooking was a serious problem- but rather private bank financial speculation and a lucrative credit bubble that was facilitated by the euro, central banks, and EU institutions. Other countries were also hit, and not just the PIGS, but Belgium, Netherlands and the UK, that paid billions to bail out the irresponsible private banking sector.
    0 points
  21. felt this one like crazy, even though this county is on a different plate than most of CA ... last time we rode a big P-wave was April, 2010, in the drive-thru ... cashier and I looked at each other in a most peculiar way ... tonight was just me, milk and cookies
    0 points
  22. Memory for what that is worth. i'd consider myself something of an expert on US history from 1860 on to today. Admittedly not so much before that.
    0 points
  23. It would apply in the same way as the ownership of people being legal because people agreed it is legal. Things like modern wage slavery, being forced into prostitution for a sandwich and privatization of essential resources present a threat to freedom in a practical sense. Of course, abolishing private ownership of land and capital goods may not solve those problems by itself, but capitalism does rest on it. Fair enough. I'm mostly interested in consistency here. You cannot hold the view that a foundational idea in society is simply an error by the majority (paraphrasing) while simultaneously believing that other such concepts -spooks- are immanent. Not without some serious mental gymnastics, at least. It's been argued that without spooks, myths and collective fictions, you cannot really run a group bigger than a hundred people or so with any degree of coordination, btw. Force or the threat thereof just doesn't cut it.
    0 points
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