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Josh Sawyer's tweets and teasers, part IV

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IMO, limited rest is a necessity for the rythm during a game and the feeling of wear and fatigue of the group. A new system of hurt and fatigue after too many fights or travels can be a solution.


Add an option for limited rest with the new Magran system and an achievement is a good way too.


Such feelings are superficial at best.


The old rest system was frustrating for many players (myself included), encouraged spell slot-hoarding which is not 'fun' gameplay for many players (myself included) and produced a game which was difficult for the developers to balance.  Even if you conserved spells and did not suffer knockouts, you still eventually had to rest because of low Health.


All in the name of "the feeling of wear and fatigue of the group".


Good riddance, frankly.


> fatigue


Oh god no.


I feel it's necessary to point out that I am the sort of player who finds realistic mechanics in games like Skyrim, which I mod up to its eyeballs, very interesting from a realism and immersion perspective.  One of my favourite mods is Frostfall, which introduces temperature mechanics which can allow the player to literally freeze to death if they aren't careful.


So I'm not coming from a 'CASUL GAMER' perspective.  I just don't see the point of these types of mechanics in an Infinity Engine-type game.

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Telemetric data about classes and ... Lol


I guess this telemetrie is from all player base, from story mode players to PoTD players. Balancing PoTD based on it is not very reliable.


Also there is a general favor over different classes, like players prefer a rogue MC over a priest MC in a fantasy game in general. But that doesn't mean rogue is definitely more powerful than priest. I'm actually wondering if we have a telemtrie for PoE 1 and how many players played rogue and priest.

Edited by dunehunter
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Based on forum posts a lot of people played rogues and very few played priest as MC (my personal impression during the last years in which I read countless posts and composed lots of answers).


Even though the priest is a lot more use- and powerful than the rogue in PoE.


With telemetry you can only see that people play x or y but you can't say why - unless you're doing a survey. And even then it's not save to come to conclusions about balancing because a lot of rogue players in PoE still think that rogues rule the game.

Edited by Boeroer
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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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Based on forum posts a lot of people played rogues and very few played priest as MC (my personal impression during the last years in which I read countless posts and composed lots of answers).


Even though the priest is a lot more use- and powerful than the rogue in PoE.


With telemetry you can only see that people play x or y but you can't say why - unless you're doing a survey. And even then it's not save to come to conclusions about balancing because a lot of rogue players in PoE still think that rogues rule the game.


I insist the only way to balance abilities is by numbers, by math, not by telemetrie :) These are too subjective.

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I agree partially. I would also do unbiased playtesting. Numbers can only get you so far in a complex game like this.


For example White Worms doesn't look too good on paper - but once you figure out that corpses can be used over an over again and that you can pile them by using doorways and pulling... it trivializes otherwise tough things - like whiping out the whole Raedric castle.

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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Adding a malus to hardtack and water won't change anything: I'll just use rice instead (same as I do for my ship). Add a malus to that and I'll just use the next cheapest food and so on. Money really isn't scarce so unless they make all but the most expensive foods come with a malus it's not going to matter.Also I doubt many people actually felt forced to return to town to buy camping supplies in the middle of dungeons. I strongly suspect that's a narrative made up by people who didn't like the camping supply system (probably because it was a change from the Infinity Engine games). Some people might have gotten frustrated and given up on the game as a result, but the idea that any significant proportion of players were actually regularly sitting through three or four load screens to resupply sounds like bull**** to me.

I was one of those who backtracked to an inn when delving into dungeons pretty often, but the reason for me wasn't so much to resupply but rather to take advantage of the resting bonus that inn gave me opposite to losing it when resting in the dungeon itself. But that's me, and I certainly never made a post complaining about it or even really minded it that much.

Edited by algroth
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My Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/alephg

Currently playing: Roadwarden

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Who exactly is Josh Sawyer?

The man this thread deserves, but not necessarily the one it needs. It's rather strongly implied though, with it being named after him and stuff.


EDIT: as I just noticed my number of posts, this is likely the last anyone'll hear of me here. I've had a good run.

Edited by Taevyr
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