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I def want romance in PoE2, though I'm not optimistic. 


They can't cater to everyone, so.. just make Eder romanceable and half the fandom will be happy.

Will people please stop molesting Eder!


That's like asking Eder to stop petting any animal that gets within range!

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Romance should summon the cenobites who take you to a sex dungeon.

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"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

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"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

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"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

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Or you know.. they probably saving romance for PoE3?  :biggrin:


The Watcher will start at level one in Romance though... :p

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I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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I don't think there will be romances. First, many of Obsidian's most loyal fans are strictly opposed to them. There seems to be a bit of tribalism going on there as in rallying against Bioware that has made romance something like their calling card. Second, Obsidian writers and designers don't seem to really want doing them. Avellone was on record saying something disparaging about the idea, iirc. He's gone now but it seems to me his opinion is largely shared by the rest of Obsidian. I understand why, I myself am very ambivalent about the idea.


I don't oppose romances in principle. In every other medium, some sort of love story is an integral, indispensable part of any epic. You can't have a great novel, movie, whatever without it (or lets say, it's very rare). So I used to say, being able to integrate romances effectively into its stories would be a sign of video game writing truly growing up. I still kinda think that way. But video game writing is pretty unique compared to other kinds of writing because you have the player who's gonna interfere with your narrative. To write a good romance it all has to be emotionally coherent and believable and I think that's very hard to do while also giving the player their agency. I don't think video game writers have really figured out how best to do it yet. Almost all of the romances I've played in video games have been more or less cringeworthy, even though that's entirely subjective of course. They have been getting better though, so there's that.


Second problem with romances is that it's a bloody mine field. It seems whatever you do you gonna create outrage and alienate a lot of people. Don't know if that's worth it.


All that is purely academic anyway. I'm almost certain that there won't be any romance beyond perhaps some flirting and a bit of innuendo. Totally fine with that.




I'll completely agree.


Would you care for Willian Wallece without his romance to that peasant girl, would you loathe his enemies that much hadn't they took what he loved from him?

Same for a lot of other movies.


I'm all for romance if it CREATES A BOND AND IS PART OF THE MAIN PLOT.


One of the reasons I could not loathe nor love Thaos was because there was little to none bonds to him. He awakend me... So what... and he once lied to me .... so what either.


That said, I don't want those sjw romances bioware has going in their games.

Edited by Taurus
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They can't cater to everyone, so.. just make Eder romanceable and half the fandom will be happy.

That is called fanservice and it's just cheap writing. Also, I really doubt half the fandom *shivers* is interested in a relationship with Edér. I don't know where you got your numbers and I think I do not want to know.


And if you would have read the rest of the post, you would have seen that this is exactly why some people want to avoid romances at all in this game: people asking for them not for having deeper layers of interaction with our companions but to fulfill their fantasies. And soon the conversation will be "But I want to romance Durance" and "Why Edér doesn't want to romance an orlan?".


So in the improbable case that they introduce romances, I hope they do it not listening to the fandom *shivers, again* and focused on doing better relationships in general and not romance minigames.

Edited by Rorschach
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Well romance is pretty realistic thing and it will be a nice addition if it is made well not like the Bioware newer games (just a check list).People do fall in love if they spend a lot of time together doing things,especially when those things are dangerous.For goodness sake people fall in live in a accounting offices .

Edited by dark___devil
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How about a non-player romance? A romance that develops between two party members? ;)


Like Aerie and Haer'Dalis. Just that in this case neither of the two would be romance-able by the player.

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"Loyal Servant of His Most Fluffyness, Lord Kerfluffleupogus, Devourer of the Faithful!"


ringoffireresistance.gif *wearing the Ring of Fire Resistance* (gift from JFSOCC)

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How about a non-player romance? A romance that develops between two party members? ;)


Like Aerie and Haer'Dalis. Just that in this case neither of the two would be romance-able by the player.


I think for Romance to work in the large scheme of things, this has to be a possibility.  Romance is a part of character, if two NPC's characters make sense to have a relationship, I see no problem with having that happen as part of making the NPCs reactive to their 'game lives', if you will.

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I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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i think the idea of romance is great, every great story has romance. Non - player romance would be cool, similar to fable 2.  They are shop owners? or city guards than you can swoon to get what you want. I will admit i did like the romance parts in Baldurs Gate's with playable chars.

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How about a non-player romance? A romance that develops between two party members? ;)


Like Aerie and Haer'Dalis. Just that in this case neither of the two would be romance-able by the player.


Good call, PC should not be the only one who has some game.

in ME saga Tali and Garrus could also end calibrating together.

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How about a non-player romance? A romance that develops between two party members? ;)


Like Aerie and Haer'Dalis. Just that in this case neither of the two would be romance-able by the player.


Good call, PC should not be the only one who has some game.

in ME saga Tali and Garrus could also end calibrating together.



Bow chika bow wow.

It would be of small avail to talk of magic in the air...

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I'm neither transgendered nor homosexual, and I'm not making fun of anyone either, but I would rather see one genuine, reasonable, and believable romance between a transgendered characters than another half-assed politically correct dating sim. Make me care about the two of them as characters and have some investment in them. I think it would be a waste of writing time and detract from the reasons I play the game, but at least it would be better than virtually all the romance I've seen hitherto.


How about this for romance? The PC and the Devil of Caroc fall in love, even have physical desires for one another. Talk about a situation where neither one is having sex but they're both screwed. ...Or even one where the Aloth, Aloth's alter ego, and Eder have their own little love triangle. A three way in two bodies! ...Or even one more common in real life: the PC and his best buddy's wife really hit it off and they develop some real sexual and emotional tension but they can't do a damned thing about it, not only because it would be simply wrong, but it would also be idiotic.


I would love for the game to depict real friendship, and I think in some ways they've done that pretty well. After all, people going through an extended crisis together do tend to form close bonds. Sometimes those bonds can even become a physical relationship. So, by all means, make a romance in the game. Just don't make it cringeworthy and don't dilute good writing in developing one relationship by thinking you have to create one for every combination conceivable. If the writers really want to take a stab at it, use a rapier, not a broadsword, and use the point, not the hilt. Any imagery you read into that analogy is your own damned fault.

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So shines the name so shines the name of Roger Young!


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I def want romance in PoE2, though I'm not optimistic. 


They can't cater to everyone, so.. just make Eder romanceable and half the fandom will be happy.

Will people please stop molesting Eder!


That's like asking Eder to stop petting any animal that gets within range!




 Yeah, about that. I think you would need to be a druid to romance Eder. The shape shifting ability is the key.


 Not that there's anything wrong with that....

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Eumaios, not sure about all the devil of Caroc, Eder getting on with not Aloth and all.... .... .... (GET OUT OF MY BRAIN) but the "PC and best friends wife" actually sounds like a pretty sweet romance subplot to be honest.  I think something like this Obsidian probably could pull off, especially if there is no way for it to end happily for the PC.

Edited by Karkarov
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Eumaios, not sure about all the devil of Caroc, Eder getting on with not Aloth and all.... .... .... (GET OUT OF MY BRAIN) but the "PC and best friends wife" actually sounds like a pretty sweet romance subplot to be honest. I think something like this Obsidian probably could pull off, especially if there is no way for it to end happily for the PC.

That's where I was going. I believe the vast majority of 'romances' are unrequited. Both parties might suspect what one or the other feel, but either lack the willingness or desire to broach it. The best game romances is one with plenty of evidence it exists, but it's never explicitly stated. Kind of like that little red-haired girl I liked in sixth grade but never had the guts to tell. Kind of the same with sex in games only opposite. You do it then you dread talking about it because you know you're not going to be at that location for much longer and both of you just hope nobody's preggers. Make it like real life where one or the others spends four months trying to get into sombody's pants or skirt and then scrambles like hell to get out five minutes after the act. Edited by Eumaios
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So shines the name so shines the name of Roger Young!


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How about a non-player romance? A romance that develops between two party members? ;)


Like Aerie and Haer'Dalis. Just that in this case neither of the two would be romance-able by the player.


I'm for a possible love triangle - with both your best friend and your love interest involved. And you can't have it all, so either you'll lose your love or you'll lose your best friend or maybe even both because the whole situation isn't that easily solvable. It's probably one of the hardest choices any "normal" guy/gal could be pressed to make in life (not every hard choice is a question of life and death). That's a choice situation I'd really want to see in an RPG...  :yes:


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I def want romance in PoE2, though I'm not optimistic. 


They can't cater to everyone, so.. just make Eder romanceable and half the fandom will be happy.


Make Aloth romanceable too and most of the fandom will be happy.

Edited by Faerunner
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"Not I, though. Not I," said the hanging dwarf.

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I def want romance in PoE2, though I'm not optimistic. 


They can't cater to everyone, so.. just make Eder romanceable and half the fandom will be happy.


Make Aloth romanceable too and most of the fandom will be happy. (Myself included.)


I wouldn't be able to pick if both Aloth and Eder were options. AND if they added Pellegina, imagine how happy they'd make us? 

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I support romance, and I'm not talking about a contrived fade-to-black scene.  :rolleyes:


One of my favorite implementations of a romance sub-plot in a RPG is Bishop in NWN2... and ironically, this is a romance plot that was scrapped during development (but not entirely scrubbed out of the files)

There was some enjoyable flirty banter, some subtle suggestions that there were feelings involved. No awkwardly animated sex scenes.


My character's interactions with Bishop, even though they were a small thing, made the later parts of the game, and the ending, more poignant to me, and something that has stuck with me over the years. Just because there wasn't a "happy ending" (double entendre absolutely intended) didn't mean I enjoyed it any less. So I absolutely think it's possible to implement it in a way that isn't cringy.


That being said, I do think it would be best for PiIIars to make it a high-tier stretch goal or DLC planned for post-release, because it does take a lot of time and effort to do it well.

Aloth massages his temples, shaking his head.

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It's a thing that can be done well, but currently it exists in a nebulous space. Options need to be provided (and rightfully so) across an expanding spectrum of preferences and identities. And in a crowd funded game, you simply can't make a mistake in this regard, since every backer, regardless of what they've kicked in, has to be considered equally.

So, unless the devs have some really amazing plan, I think we're better of without romances for now.


That being said, the modders at gibberlings3 produced some romance good content in their banter packs for Baldurs Gate. My first bgtrilogy play through, way back, I romanced dynahir and it worked out pretty well. So maybe later, if we can build a mod community, that would be an option.

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I know I know EA is one of the reasons if not THE reason why many dislike if not outright LOATHE romances in video games.


Still, I would like to share this with you: Mass Effect Andromeda's New Approach To Romance


So, let's see how the romances in Andromeda will turn out.

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"Loyal Servant of His Most Fluffyness, Lord Kerfluffleupogus, Devourer of the Faithful!"


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