Suen Posted October 14, 2014 Posted October 14, 2014 Blackguards. I hated the game system the first time around, but then I was playing as a pure mage - eye-twitch - so I tried again as a self-buffing archer. I still don't like at all how much the game relies on chance, but it's definitely more pleasurable, and playable. I've come to burn your kingdom down
Labadal Posted October 14, 2014 Posted October 14, 2014 Blackguards. I hated the game system the first time around, but then I was playing as a pure mage - eye-twitch - so I tried again as a self-buffing archer. I still don't like at all how much the game relies on chance, but it's definitely more pleasurable, and playable. I had this issue, then I went with a dual wielding, melee focused slaughterer.
HoonDing Posted October 14, 2014 Posted October 14, 2014 Playing as a pure mage works, if you know the "I Win" spells. Which I didn't first time I played through as a pure mage. The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.
Bokishi Posted October 14, 2014 Posted October 14, 2014 Oh man, I just found out how useful my shield in DS2 is. Blocking doesn't even drain that much stamina anymore. Guess because I leveld the stats up. When I tried shields the first time it was rather... underwhelming. Now even that huge sword whatever monsters aren't a *that* huge threat anymore to me.Got the next mini-boss down. Some slow guy with a hellebarde. He was quite easy with blocking and waiting till he attacks me. Much easier than the puruser in any case. Though even he doesn't seem to be that impossible anymore now. It's just that I find it very hard to dodge him. Everyone writes about using the balliste to get him down, but in reality that really isn't so easy. Guess I will have to figure out how to party his attack to stun him... Should be L2 on PS3, hit it right when his slash is about to hit you Current 3DMark
Lexx Posted October 15, 2014 Posted October 15, 2014 But does it also work with tower shields? The small shields are looking like they have a "bash" attack, while the big one only shakes the ground- but this doesn't seem to interest the pursuer. "only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."
Vaeliorin Posted October 15, 2014 Posted October 15, 2014 Learning to parry was one of the more fun experiences I had playing DS. Sure, I got killed a lot, but once I worked it out, it was so satisfying to parry and riposte enemies. Much more fun than circle-strafing and backstabbing them. Not going to be crazy enough to play the whole game with just broken sword hilts (or whatever those things that are basically identical to the equipment you start with are called) like I saw someone on Youtube do, but I got to be pretty good at it. Anyway, I'm still playing Skyrim. On my third character, a Breton using heavy armor and 2-handers (though I carry a bow and 1-hand/shield in case I need them/for when I get the block perks that require a shield). This one finally clicked for me. My first character was a Nord with heavy amor and 1-hand/shield, who probably would have been fine if I'd actually had some clue what I was doing. Second character was an Altmer light armor/stealth attempt, but he was way too squishy for me when I ended up having to go toe to toe. I know I could have eventually hit the armor cap with him, but starting out was all kinds of suck. Level 20 now, killed 3 or 4 dragons, killed a giant (possibly not a big deal, but the first one I ever accidentally aggroed 1-shotted me, so I was happy), still haven't hit up and of the major holds beyond Whiterun, though that's on the to-do list. I don't know how exactly it is Skyrim clicked with me, when I absolutely hated Morrowind and Oblivion, though I imagine the improved play from the third-person perspective helps. Maybe I won't end up waiting 2-3 years to get the next single-player Elder Scrolls game. 1
Agiel Posted October 15, 2014 Posted October 15, 2014 I also encountered a couple fresh-in-box androids in a storage room. Combat music starts up, I figure I'll hide in a closet just to see what happens. A couple seconds in, an androids yanks me out of the closet, I do the QTE, and pull from its grasp. It immediately drops all hostility and then walks back to faceplant against its now empty, but still sealed, glass case. I could do no damage to it. I've found that the androids will always find you in a locker no matter what, which it seems like to me makes that mechanic superfluous. Quote “Political philosophers have often pointed out that in wartime, the citizen, the male citizen at least, loses one of his most basic rights, his right to life; and this has been true ever since the French Revolution and the invention of conscription, now an almost universally accepted principle. But these same philosophers have rarely noted that the citizen in question simultaneously loses another right, one just as basic and perhaps even more vital for his conception of himself as a civilized human being: the right not to kill.” -Jonathan Littell <<Les Bienveillantes>> Quote "The chancellor, the late chancellor, was only partly correct. He was obsolete. But so is the State, the entity he worshipped. Any state, entity, or ideology becomes obsolete when it stockpiles the wrong weapons: when it captures territories, but not minds; when it enslaves millions, but convinces nobody. When it is naked, yet puts on armor and calls it faith, while in the Eyes of God it has no faith at all. Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man...that state is obsolete." -Rod Serling
Nordicus Posted October 15, 2014 Posted October 15, 2014 (edited) Persona 3 Portable. I think with the 7th playable non-MC party member I'm closing on the mid game (or endgame), as they seem to have all the elements covered now. I'm taking it slow on story progression and doing (unfortunately grindy and RNG-dependant) side missions in Tartarus because it feels as if the game will soon throw a wrench in the works and stop giving me story-related obligatory fights only once every full moon. No, literally, this game has a calendar and every full moon there's a story boss fight in some location. The last boss I fought was actually a genuine threat for once, the portable version's feature of full party control has generally made the game considerably easier from what I've heard Edited October 15, 2014 by Nordicus
Tale Posted October 15, 2014 Posted October 15, 2014 I also encountered a couple fresh-in-box androids in a storage room. Combat music starts up, I figure I'll hide in a closet just to see what happens. A couple seconds in, an androids yanks me out of the closet, I do the QTE, and pull from its grasp. It immediately drops all hostility and then walks back to faceplant against its now empty, but still sealed, glass case. I could do no damage to it. I've found that the androids will always find you in a locker no matter what, which it seems like to me makes that mechanic superfluous. It might depend on various factors, like if they see you go in the locker or if it's the only locker in a room with no exit. Or maybe the lockers are only there for other enemies. I don't know, that was the only time I used a locker for anything other than to just see what they do. Those androids are tough SOBs though. I've learned that if you're close enough, peaking out so you can only see the top of their head still gets you spotted. Three came at me and I decided to fight it out. Bad decision, I only got one down. "Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
Bokishi Posted October 15, 2014 Posted October 15, 2014 I usually spend all my revolver ammo taking down one android, and the rest I need to run away from Current 3DMark
TheChris92 Posted October 15, 2014 Posted October 15, 2014 (edited) Persona 3 Portable. I think with the 7th playable non-MC party member I'm closing on the mid game (or endgame), as they seem to have all the elements covered now. I'm taking it slow on story progression and doing (unfortunately grindy and RNG-dependant) side missions in Tartarus because it feels as if the game will soon throw a wrench in the works and stop giving me story-related obligatory fights only once every full moon. No, literally, this game has a calendar and every full moon there's a story boss fight in some location. The last boss I fought was actually a genuine threat for once, the portable version's feature of full party control has generally made the game considerably easier from what I've heard The Best JRPG alongside Golden and part of my super-star-tag-games-of-all-time. Yes, in terms of difficulty, Portable has made the game somewhat easier than the original version -- The real challenge from bosses comes from the ones inside Tartarus. Although Tartarus is a grind, I somewhat enjoy it more than in any other RPG, partially because the Persona-fusion system is addicting and complex and never do I get tired of Shoji Meguro's tones of oddly eerie-hip-hop-somber-beats of Mass Destruction or if you play the female, Wiping All Out etc. Can't really ask where you are in the story without potentially spoiling so that's something you'll have to let out on me then. Anyway, enjoy! Edited October 15, 2014 by TheChris92
Setzer Posted October 15, 2014 Posted October 15, 2014 Been playing Final Fantasy Tactics Advance(GBA) and I'll have Legend of Grimrock 2 waiting at home after I get off work.
Malcador Posted October 15, 2014 Posted October 15, 2014 WoW 6.0 changed a lot, new character models are cool, the run animations give the characters, mine at least, more weight when they run. Squished stats so max levels are running around with maybe 90k HP, rather than nearing or exceeding 1MM, seems they messed up lower level content - not facerolling stuff I used to be able to. 1 Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra
melkathi Posted October 15, 2014 Posted October 15, 2014 Founded the Tractor Squad in Legend of Grimrock 2: Fieldsnake, a lizardman farmer Plowcow, a minotaur farmer Barnbeetle, an insectoid farmer Pasturat, a ratling .... farmer No combat XP for this team. They only level by eating. 4 Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).
Nordicus Posted October 15, 2014 Posted October 15, 2014 (edited) The real challenge from bosses comes from the ones inside Tartarus. This does seem to be the case, although from my experience Tartarus bosses also seem to have the most devastating weaknesses. Like, I think the previous Tatarus boss i fought gave me a hard time because its Mabufula was already cutting my party HP by around half, and I unfortunately had Akihiko on my team while fighting it so the bastard got a second turn every time. Had 2 character dead at one point. Then I managed to at some point get a succesful Distress status ailment on that boss and the fight was basically over because my damage increased like 5-fold thanks to constant all-out assaults. Then I just got Shinjiro and beat the night club shadow boss, and it was almost impossible for that boss to beat me because it takes like 3 turns to use its full-party attack that deals 30% of my health. It had no status weaknesses afaik, but Rebellion always works wonders on casters. And yeah, in that earlier post I thought Ken is the final character but then suddenly Shinjiro joins. I *guess* I was missing a full-on offensive physical bruiser even with Aigis and Junpei? Dunno, he can afflict fear so he's cool, whatever. Although Tartarus is a grind, I somewhat enjoy it more than in any other RPG, partially because the Persona-fusion system is addicting and complex The one thing I like is that Tartarus is basically as much of a grind as you want it to be. You can (I think) use your wits to skip a lot of the enemies and get to the bosses and beat them with least effort required, but as you said, the fusion system is *so* addicting, so I often take my time to take care of the monster drop quests. Every single level up the main character gets is a potential cause for celebration, I haven't seen a game where a single level can affect so much since Cthulhu Saves The World. The fusion system is almost TOO addicting and complex, I find my free persona slots getting fewer and fewer because I occasionally get a persona with a skill combination that I just CAN'T afford to lose in a fusion. I need my 4 elements, my Rebellion/Revolution persona, my Charm Boost + Sexy Dance abuser (Narcissus showed me the light by rendering a certain bossfight unlosable with that), my auto-buffer to enter fights with, my Gale Slash crit pet, etc. I find myself rerolling results constantly to get the optimum builds (triple fusions especially) and checking back at the Velvet Room every time I level. Edited October 15, 2014 by Nordicus
TheChris92 Posted October 15, 2014 Posted October 15, 2014 This does seem to be the case, although from my experience Tartarus bosses also seem to have the most devastating weaknesses. Like, I think the previous Tatarus boss i fought gave me a hard time because its Mabufula was already cutting my party HP by around half, and I unfortunately had Akihiko on my team while fighting it so the bastard got a second turn every time. Had 2 character dead at one point. Then I managed to at some point get a succesful Distress status ailment on that boss and the fight was basically over because my damage increased like 5-fold thanks to constant all-out assaults. Then I just got Shinjiro and beat the night club shadow boss, and it was almost impossible for that boss to beat me because it takes like 3 turns to use its Aoe that deals 30% of my health. It had no status weaknesses afaik, but Rebellion always works wonders on casters. And yeah, in that earlier post I thought Ken is the final character but then suddenly Shinjiro joins. I *guess* I was missing a full-on offensive physical bruiser even with Aigis and Junpei? Dunno, he can afflict fear so he's cool, whatever. His crit rate is higher than any of the others. He's actually quite neat to have around for a bit. If you have Shinji on your team now, then that means things are only going to get more hectic from here. Anyway, the thing about Tartarus is that no matter what, it'll constantly keep you on your toes because occasionally engage you in combat you sometimes couldn't possibly be prepared for -- While you might think that you've got all your weaknesses covered, if you're not careful about saving, you'll get wiped just like that by the shadows. There are certain bosses, like the Sleeping Table, who'll provide the real challenge. Also, I'd argue to the contrary that it's the bosses during the full moon, which are relatively the easiest to break down their weaknesses. Mostly because a lot of Tartarus' bosses don't always have any weakness and thus you're required to make heavily use of Akihiko and Aigis' buffs and debuffs to help you. I recommend trying to fuse a Persona like Trumpeteer or Helel (whenever you can) they don't just have amazing skills, they've also got a lot of the elements covered up. Odin & Loki should both learn the almighty abilities Panta Rhei & Thunder Rein, which will be useful later. The one thing I like is that Tartarus is basically as much of a grind as you want it to be. You can (I think) use your wits to skip a lot of the enemies and get to the bosses and beat them with least effort required, but as you said, the fusion system is *so* addicting, so I often take my time to take care of the monster drop quests. Every single level up the main character gets is a potential cause for celebration, I haven't seen a game where a single level can affect so much since Cthulhu Saves The World. The fusion system is almost TOO addicting and complex, I find my free persona slots getting fewer and fewer because I occasionally get a persona with a skill combination that I just CAN'T afford to lose in a fusion. I need my 4 elements, my Rebellion/Revolution persona, my Charm Boost + Sexy Dance abuser (Narcissus showed me the light by rendering a certain bossfight unlosable with that), my auto-buffer to enter fights with, my Gale Slash crit pet, etc. I find myself rerolling results constantly to get the optimum builds (triple fusions especially) and checking back at the Velvet Room every time I level. This is true -- The game is much less based around a single concept of time, andmore along a balanced concept of player time and game time. That is to say, you have some say/control of time's progression in the game, which makes room for a lot building on your character (through combat as well as in social links). I like how the calendar system has set it up as well in relations to the story as it sort creates a synthesis between plot and gameplay, that happily compliment each other. It also makes the game somewhat feel long and progressive, like you feel you've evolved and learned a lot etc. If you wanna be philosophical about it anywya. And yes, the Velvet Room is intruiging for how it actually shows you the many combinations you can make, what kind of Persona you get, and the builds they'll inheirit. It's a massive system.
Volourn Posted October 15, 2014 Posted October 15, 2014 WL2, NHL 2014, and NBA 2K15. DWARVES IN PROJECT ETERNITY = VOLOURN HAS PLEDGED $250.
Labadal Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 Costume Quest 2 and Styx: Master of Shadows. I am on my way to completing 52 games in one year. It will be my first and only attempt to do this, ever. 2
SadExchange Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 Started up my own squad on Legend of Grimrock 2, however decided to go a more traditional route with a fighter, barbarian, rogue, and battle mage, no farmers here lol. Other than that, making my way through Shadow of Mordor. Icthing to get back to Divinity for a bit, but wanting more time with a longer stretch for that game. Not a 15 minute here and there kind of game, but enjoying them all the same! 2
melkathi Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 Started up my own squad on Legend of Grimrock 2, however decided to go a more traditional route with a fighter, barbarian, rogue, and battle mage, no farmers here lol. The Tractor Squad beat the first challenge! It was a tough fight and the four farmers ran like hell. They crowded into the tiny cave just off the testing grounds. The guardians tried to follow, but did not fit. They lunged at the farmers through the entrance and it was all that Plowcow with his bone club and Pasturat with his dagger could do from getting dragged out. Fieldsnake threw knives and darts at the monsters and then, when the healing potions ran out, alongside Barnbeetle pushed to the front to give the other two a moment to catch their breath. Thinking victory was in their pocket, Plowcow dashed forwad again, mooing a battlecry. The guardian easily evaded the charge and darted in under the minotaur's defenses. Plowcow went down. Then Barnbeetle hit the monster with a branch, splattering its innards across the rock wall. Bruised and bleeding from bites, the three farmers dragged their unconcious friend to the healing crystal. 2 Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).
Lexx Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 Will see how that is going to work out. 3 "only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."
IndiraLightfoot Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 (edited) *I must resist. I must resist. I must resist...* FAILED WILL SAVE Grats on your neat party, Lexx! Some words of advice though: Quork: He's a little rat. Quick: I smell a rat, and he will rat on somebody. Mawyn: She'll make baddies see pink rats. Gimbabard: He never got the rats, that's for sure, but most of his recipes is rats. Edited October 16, 2014 by IndiraLightfoot 2 *** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***
Gfted1 Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 You have to eat in the LoG games? Yikes.,Gfted1,black,red.png
Malcador Posted October 16, 2014 Posted October 16, 2014 Putzing around in WoW, remembering why I hate PuGs. Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra
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