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No penalties for killing in the next thief, nor different goals for higher difficulties




I think I'm going to give this game a pass.


I'm sick of games trying to empower you to the point that there is no challenge. Awesomeness simulators are cool and all, but that's better for assassins creed, not thief. it's why I ignored dishonored

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Pet threads, everyone has them. I love imagining Gods, Monsters, Factions and Weapons.

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That's.. odd. Even human revolution gave you exp bonuses for not killing. Looks like the studio has a definite A and B team, I'm afraid.

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You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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R9 290X sounds like this immense powerhungry monster that will soon become obsolete once Team Green comes forward with Maxwell. I'll wait for that. I always prefered Nvidia anyway.

Reminds me of my nVidia 8800 Ultra... *sniff*

There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.  

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There are difficulty levels, but it's a fairly standard thing--less hit points, but you can challenge yourself within the game's space anyways, create your own difficulties.

It's a fairly standard thing... for an action game.


So far, I've been more annoyed by the story-related reveals than gameplay with this game. There was definitely some iffy stuff, but Garrett can climb on shelves and do aerial bonkings, you have to actually stand close for a sec to pickpocket, you check painting frames for switches rather than know it almost automatically by the highlight color, Garrett has way less broadhead arrows compared to the first two games (I was often walking around with 30+), etc.


For a second, I was somewhat optimistic that they'd manage to think outside the box and probably improve stealth along with secondary playstyle options rather than move emphasis away from it. But if the difficulty setting merely affects combat mechanics? They're approaching this project from a really bad angle imho.

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Was interested in the new R9 290X, but I guess I have no reason to upgrade for a while then.


Watchdogs could be a pretty good reason to upgrade though..



You're right. I forgot about that. Good excuse to jump on the upgrade wagon again!


R9 290X sounds like this immense powerhungry monster..


I know.. isn't it sexy? I just love the sound of electricity whining as it's being devoured in the coils!

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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The butthurt nerdrage on that page is terrific.  My favorite ones, and this happens with every single review ever in the history of video game reviewing, are "Website X have it score Y, how the hell are you giving it score Z!?"  Because reviewers on completely different sites are not allowed to have different opinions and give different scores.

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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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To be perfectly honest, I agree with most of the stuff that is written in that review. I didn't like B:I but a lot of people enjoyed it, to each his own I guess. My favorite Bioshock game happens to be 2 and if memory serves right, that was the least favorite in the series.

Edited by Astiaks
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There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.  

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The downside of an open forum, most people are idiots and are going to support idiotic notions.

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I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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To be perfectly honest, I agree with most of the stuff that is written in that review. A lot of people enjoyed B:I but to each his own I guess. My favorite Bioshock game happens to be 2 and if memory serves right, that was the least favorite in the series.


Agree with the review or not, I don't see how Bioshock Infinite deserves a lower score than Resident Evil 6 and Aliens: Colonial Marines. Gamespot gave those titles a 4.5.
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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The downside of an open forum, most people are idiots and are going to support idiotic notions.

I support this notion!



Also, I checked gamespot out and I didn't find that review from the pic. The search found three reviews of Bioshock Infinite, all identical as far I could see, and the score in all was 9. I have no idea what that pic is about.

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The downside of an open forum, most people are idiots and are going to support idiotic notions.

I support this notion!



Also, I checked gamespot out and I didn't find that review from the pic. The search found three reviews of Bioshock Infinite, all identical as far I could see, and the score in all was 9. I have no idea what that pic is about.




Our Other Takes present alternative opinions on games from unique perspectives.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Ah, thanks Tale.

So it's an personal opinion of the game, which happens to be different than the circle jerk approved one, and people are going all "Tom , you start losing every single bit of credibility man" on the comments.



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Also, I checked gamespot out and I didn't find that review from the pic. The search found three reviews of Bioshock Infinite, all identical as far I could see, and the score in all was 9. I have no idea what that pic is about.

That's because they wouldn't dare post it at release and now it resides in the 'other take' section.

Someone decided to turn what was supposed to be a day-1 review into cheap click-bait.

I'm actually surprised that reviewer is still working there after that Kane&Lynch fiasco.

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As opposed to Amnesia, we never see the protagonist's hands, or any part of them, for that matter.  I'm sure that's on purpose.  I guess there will be the question of are you man or are you machine, and what is the boundary between man and machine?  Is there one?

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Directors Cut is coming out in two weeks and it will cost less if you already own the game, and even less if you also have the DLC:

  • New purchase (if you don’t already have the game): £12.99/€19.99/$19.99
  • Own the basic game (with no DLC): £6.99/€7.99/$9.99
  • Own the game and Missing Link DLC: £3.49/€3.99/$4.99


I think I can squeese that 4€ just to get that DLC neatly in the game, but first I want to see what they did to those bosses.

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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Directors Cut is coming out in two weeks and it will cost less if you already own the game, and even less if you also have the DLC:

  • New purchase (if you don’t already have the game): £12.99/€19.99/$19.99
  • Own the basic game (with no DLC): £6.99/€7.99/$9.99
  • Own the game and Missing Link DLC: £3.49/€3.99/$4.99


I think I can squeese that 4€ just to get that DLC neatly in the game, but first I want to see what they did to those bosses.


Agreed.  I'll be willing to plunk down five smackers if they either extracted the boss fights from the game (then tossed them in a dumpster and lit them on fire) or redid them so they're not horrific.


Edit:  Okay, I read in the article:



along with some improvements to the boss fights… which you’ll probably find really useful.

I want to see what these "improvements" are exactly.  The boss fight in Missing Link was fairly good, so I know they can do a good boss fight from scratch, but I wonder if they can salvage the garbage that they outsourced for the main game.

Edited by Keyrock

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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I would have bought the game again for 20€, but it wasn't really making me happy. The reduced price is a good idea.

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Here's a video that include the new Barret fight.

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"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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