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If you're having trouble landing the kill shot, try a BMG.  The continuous stream of fire seems to do the trick.  I got the kill shot on the Hellion literally the very first arkfall I used the BMG.  I've got a secondary character who needs both kill shots yet, so I'm going to test my theory by using that character to see if I can repeat it.



BMG depends on the weapons used by everyone else. If you have a number of people with sniper rifles, the damage spike will probably kill it before the next BMG tick. At least whenever I used BMG or infectors I didn't get the killshot.



Up to 61 revives now.  I would have had 62, but some sap had to self-revive himself when I was literally about to revive him.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Roaming around in Saints Row IV and having a few giggles as I throw aliens into the air with super-strength kicks to the groin....

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Up to 61 revives now.  I would have had 62, but some sap had to self-revive himself when I was literally about to revive him.



I'm at 70. Should have the last 30 by the end of the week if people die a bit at Dark Matter arkfalls.

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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More Dragon Age. On Awakening now. I remember being challenged at this game previously. I'm playing Hard, but I just one-shot Queen of the Blackmarsh at level 27.


I guess having...




325 hours in the game, I should have the strategies down by now. But this is only my third time through Awakening, so there might be surprises still!

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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First time ever in Borderlands 2. Video quality is exceptional, like a well-textured comic book in 3D. Kept picking up several new weapons--but I didn't realize you have to go into the inventory to swap out. Went all the way to Lvl 6 with a revolver. :) 


Not sure about the re-spawn thing ... went back through some areas before continuing elsewhere, and everyone came back to life. Good for XP, I think, but sort of rankles my completionist tendency. Superb sound design, too. 

All Stop. On Screen.

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All the hype over DA3 got me into replaying DA series. Just finished DA1 and am now starting DA2.


I keep trying to do that, but the origins+Ostagar part are such a chore for me that I struggle to make it past there to get to the "meat" of the game.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Roaming around in Saints Row IV and having a few giggles as I throw aliens into the air with super-strength kicks to the groin....


So I'm officially now the last guy with a preorder who hasn't got it? :p

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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That's too bad.  So there's no real redeeming quality, other than the setting?

The crafting system is pretty fun, though it sometimes trivializes the game's challenges. The game is short and doesn't feel (too) padded, and the combat isn't too bad (though it isn't too good either, think of an easier The Witcher 2). That's really all I could think of.

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Mars War Logs setting is a bit remindful of Cowboy Bebop, only it doesn't span the entire solar system. Pity, it would make the game much more interesting.


Of course, limited budget, etc. For a 20 € game it was servicable.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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Sounds good yet many people don't like Tactics. I'll just take it that the people who think Fallout 1 & 2 are the end-all, be-all are extremely picky.


I think the dislike for Tactics comes from the fact that it's not really an RPG, there are no dialogue options or story affecting choice, no pacifist solutions to problems. Fallout 2 fans probably went into the game thinking they're getting another great Fallout RPG experience, but it turned out Tactics was merely a tactical combat game in the Fallout setting, not the next great RPG they were looking for.


I personally think the story in Fallout:Tactics is just as interesting as Fallout 1 and 2, but the lack of interaction means you can't leave your own mark on it. Sure you can save or kill sueprmutants, deathclaws and ghouls, but that only translates to one alternate scene at the end.

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I have once again been outsmarted by the mailman. My copy of Rome 2 was sent out for delivery today. I got up in plenty of time to ambush him as he made his rounds, went outside and double checked the mailbox. To my horror, the delivery slip was already inside the mailbox. Now I have to wait for my package to get transferred to the post office for pickup instead. One of these days I will catch the mailman...


I only wanted to play Rome 2. :(

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I'm just annoyed over the lack of news about my sriv.


I'm sorry, I meant "the fact my game hasn't been delivered yet IS A SLAP IN THE FACE for decent honest gamers everywhere!!!111one" :p

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You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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I'm just annoyed over the lack of news about my sriv.


I'm sorry, I meant "the fact my game hasn't been delivered yet IS A SLAP IN THE FACE for decent honest gamers everywhere!!!111one" :p

2 weeks is pretty bad. Any idea where the hang up is? Have you been charged for it? Was it shipped and just not delivered? Have you complained to the place where you ordered from and said "Hey! WTF dudes, where's my game?!" :p

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I'm just annoyed over the lack of news about my sriv.

I'm sorry, I meant "the fact my game hasn't been delivered yet IS A SLAP IN THE FACE for decent honest gamers everywhere!!!111one" :p


2 weeks is pretty bad. Any idea where the hang up is? Have you been charged for it? Was it shipped and just not delivered? Have you complained to the place where you ordered from and said "Hey! WTF dudes, where's my game?!" :p
Haven't paid for it, I had it preordered at the local Gamestop, it being the only option here in the Boondocks. There's just two of us that ordered the spec edition, happily the other one's the manager and he's suitably spitting mad and looking at it. Not sure what the issue is, he said they were delivered late to the central warehouse and have been taking their sweet time getting here. If they cancel, I won't buy it until I can get it for less than 30 :p


I've had miserable luck with most of my special boxes, in general, so this one's just a cherry on top. Happily I don't have a lot of time to play atm, and I'm getting a severely cut price for the wait...

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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F:Tacticis an okay game, but a bad Fallout game. I

The combat?

The combat was released as work in progress. it's unbalanced and they the made the stupid decision on not deciding on either real time or turn based, but instead included both, broken even. Then there's the duck walk animation for the most important stance in combat. At least the slow crawl in prone can be sped up with a perk. >_< It might have been better than F1/2 combat but many people also played Jagged Alliance 2 before it and combat there is a lot better than that.


So i love the idea of Fallout Tactics,  i dislike the final product. Even though i replay it often, i still see only it's wasted potential.


And i prefer Fallout combat to Fallout 3, it's just ways more fun, and only half of that is nostalgia talking.

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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Picked up my Stalker: Clear Sky playthrough and finished it. Ending is pretty meh (and buggy), reminded me why I never finished it in the first place ;)


Considering starting CoP again next, maybe with that new mod if they managed to fix the savegame corruption.


Or...I could go back to the billion other game playthroughs I still have lying around...

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I loved the Stalker games (played through all of them), but they're the kind of games that I just can't replay.. ever.


But I installed the Misery 2.02 mod and it's.. interesting. It's incredibly annoying when you meet a bunch of ordinary bandits and they all need three headshots to put down, all the while they keep hitting you from 200 meters while walking and firing their assault rifles.. on automatic. Then, if you survive, you go to loot them and they have nothing. No ammo, no armour only sometimes a really worn down (thus useless) assault rifle.


Yes, the game is more difficult, but I'm not sure if they improved it or unbalanced it. It just doesn't feel very fair.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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im about 3 hours into The Last of Us


so far the atmosphere is impeccable, but the main character moves with the agility of a treadless tank.  its kind of distracting, hopefully i get used to it.  luckily the pace of the combat in the first few chapters is very very methodical and slow, so being so lumbering hasnt been as much of a hindrance as it seemed it would be.


also a bit strange, the main character walks like his feet are made of lead, and yet he can sneak past people in broad daylight just by crouching.  like a magically stealthy cat who just had it's 20th birthday and suffers from terrible arthritis


definitely a "game" thats really more of a movie than anything else.  but at least its a good movie

Edited by entrerix

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Splitting my time a bit between Europa Universalis IV and SWTor.


Still getting familiar with the changes in the former. Trying my hand a being England. Not a nation I've played much in EU III. Started up a gazilion games in EU III but most got abandoned after a few years. More a curiosity thing to examine possible developments from a particular country's perspective. This time, I think I'll stick with ruling the waves (in EU IV).


In the latter, the inevitable happened and I dinged in at level 55, despite putting a lot of hard work into not levelling up (since about level 50). Now I've got a number of flashpoints that I can't play in story mode and I'm not even started (much) on chapter 3 of the class story. Ah well. Started gearing up a bit for the PvE fights since my crafting skills enables me to make level 53 purple armour and modification mods (haven't found a store selling better yet). If Beryllius wasn't so damn rare! Other than that, I suppose it's time to scrounge together various commendations and start upgrading. Will probably start building an armour set based around 'Expertise' too, just for the odd PvP game.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Since the patch that addresses many of the bugs came out, I'm back to playing Might & Magic X.  I decided to start over from the beginning so I can do a different mage build, not like I was far into the game anyway.  Weapon breakage and the day/night cycle are actually sane now, which is a plus.

Edited by Keyrock

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"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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