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Still at M&B Warband: Prophesy of Pendor.

Having the biggest kingdom, Empire and Sarleon are down already.

Serious trouble keeping the lords happy though and it's just getting worse.


I'm only half enjoying it at this point, I just want to actually win the game just once.


Waiting and fearing the time when they'll finish and release Bannerlord.

Half hoping it'll be what I expect, half hoping it'll suck so I wouldn't lose 1000 hours on it. X____x

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Gunpoint - great little title! fun, imaginative, good gameplay. A little short, but that's ok.

Same. The multiple approaches available in most missions gives it decent replay value. The sense of humor is great, the self-deprecating achievements are hilarious. The epilogue blog thing is a nice touch. http://www.pentadact.com/category/conwaysblog/?K=4&U=31&C0=1&E1=1&C1=2&E2=1&C2=3&C3=3&C4=3&C5=3 (NSFOFM.)*


"Richard Conway

Professional spy.

Amateur electrician.

Weaponised jerk.



Super Jumping

Rewiring Security

Property Damage

Falling Over"


*Not safe for Obsidian forum moderators. Due to naughty language. All due respect.

Edited by AGX-17
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Played some Left 4 Dead 2 with Walsh, good fun.. was the other guy Scottish? I.did.not.understand.a.word! I tried.. I truly tried, but all I heard was a series of laughs and guttural sounds mixed with high pitches..

Fortune favors the bald.

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Taking a short break from NW:Online (well, outside of occasional Gateway use). Fired up some Dungeon Keeper, because slapping imps to death always makes me happy for an hour or two.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Taking a short break from NW:Online (well, outside of occasional Gateway use). Fired up some Dungeon Keeper, because slapping imps to death always makes me happy for an hour or two.


Original, deeper dungeons or 2 ?


Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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After reading this: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-06-11-state-of-decay-review


..I plugged in my old Xbox 360 again and downloaded the demo. It was excellent. Quite generous for a demo too. It never felt like a demo until I advanced the story far enough for it to put a 30-minutes-playing-time-left limit on me. By then I had already played for probably 3-4 hours.


I will wait for the PC version though. I'm just too crappy with a controller and I've gotten used to playing in 1920x1080 at 60 fps.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Went back to Rift, am a bit clueless as to how it plays now. But F2P and I have a character at 27 already so might as well waste some time on that.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Finished Penny-Arcade 4. It seems to have forgotten to be funny towards the end. I still liked it, it just may be the weakest installment.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Original, deeper dungeons or 2 ?


99% of the time it's Deeper Dungeons...the official levels or my own "goofing off" maps. :)
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“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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"Jumping" a bit between games. In EUIII, Muscowy has expanded a bit, successful diplomacy (I was a lucky bastard and got a new monarch with diplomacy 9) has brought me claims on thrones of a number of the smaller states (Tver, Yaroslaw, Pskov) while anarchy in the Golden Horde after the untimely death of the khan means I could more or less unopposed settle a few provinces (targeting Samara as a priority because of the vast gold reserves). Needs to happen quick, as Lithuania, Bohemia and everybody else wants to participate in the great carving up the horde fest.


When not subjugating the nomans, playing a bit of SWTor. Most of my characters have migrated by now, but my 3 key players are still residing in what is now truly a wasteland. Gorth (soon to be ex-gorth) completed Tattooine's main story a while ago, but after a brief visit to Alderaan decided to mop up on the desert world. It sure seems a lot bigger than Kotor1 let us to believe :grin:


Being way overlevelled (35) at this time, he can solo through all the 'Heroic' missions without breaking a sweat.


Noticed that passing level 30 added a number of bonus missions to the existing space missions. Horrible little time sinks, but not the worst mini-games I've seen.


On a slightly related note, I noticed that it's just as well that I don't care much about 'achievements' as they are completely FUBAR in the character transfer process.


At least the 'collections' things seems to work (and a very nice feature it is too), that is if you log out and delete the cache file in your program files folder every now and then.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Alan Wake


The gameplay is good, the graphics are amazing but the general mood and atmosphere of the game is way to Hollywood-ic for my taste.


I'm interested in your review when you finish it. I also thought the narrative was compelling.

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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I will wait for the PC version though. I'm just too crappy with a controller and I've gotten used to playing in 1920x1080 at 60 fps.


Unfortunately is seem like it's not coming any time soon.


Just started playing Planetside 2, not to bad so far, however the server just went down for maintenance. Might give JA:BIA a second go, stopped playing it since my install got corrupted some how.(All description text disappeared).

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Played a bit of Devil May Cry on the PS2.


I realized how much I suck with the gamepad. It takes 15 minutes for my thumbs to start hurting from these types of games and I'm not even playing all that well.

Edited by Drowsy Emperor

И погибе Српски кнез Лазаре,
И његова сва изгибе војска, 
Седамдесет и седам иљада;
Све је свето и честито било
И миломе Богу приступачно.


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Still hopelessly addicted to Neverwinter.  Plus, I sneak in a game of GRID 2 or Grim Dawn here and there.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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The Last of Us.


Deserving of the heaps of praise it's getting from the press. The story isn't original, but the characters, writing and presentation more than make up for that (the prologue portion of the game is especially outstanding.) On the surface it looks like either survival horror or action depending on the context, but it's fundamentally a stealth game in terms of mechanics. Trying to engage in open combat is usually suicidal. Especially with the game's zomb-err Infected. They're legitimately a bigger threat than gun-wielding humans by virtue of their different natures (i.e. AI behavior.) If you hear a Clicker, you'd best pray you have a bottle and shiv in your inventory.


If it ever gets ported to PC I'll honestly buy it again just to see its environments rendered on a gaming PC. I haven't ever seen such a sublime post-apocalyptic wasteland in a game before.

Edited by AGX-17
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I hate clickers so very much. Around 90% of my deaths so far have come at the hands of clickers. Clickers alone are easy enough to deal with as you can walk right past time as long as you go slow and stay out of their patrol routes, but a clicker or two in the middle of a pack of runners makes them considerably more dangerous as they'll often run up while you are trying to beat back the rest of the horde.


I'm about half way through the game so far right now. Bricks are my number one friend. They've saved my life, or at least a bullet's worth of it more times than I can count. Take care of your brick (by throwing it into the face of an enemy) and it will take care of you (by staggering the enemy for 3 seconds allowing you to beat them down). My number two friend is the shotgun. I am terrible at aiming with a controller. >_<

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