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Pictures of your games part 2


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Also ... why am I/others dancing when I just want to build stuff? Because I got some achievement unlock at the building station? :p


that's a cash shop item for trolling other players :D


and yeah for a new player it can be overwhelming. especially the constraints system and crafting. the game fails somewhat at giving players direction. feel free to ask me here or in PMs if you have any questions, or just whisper if you see me in the game

Walsingham said:

I was struggling to understand ths until I noticed you are from Finland. And having been educated solely by mkreku in this respect I am convinced that Finland essentially IS the wh40k universe.

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The loader loads the breech of the M256. "Gunner ready. Sabot loaded."


We wait for some minutes, I scan the horizon with my binoculars out of the TC's hatch until I spot movement in the distance. "Contact! PC (Personnel Carrier)! 1 o'clock!" The gunner traverses the turret and stops.


"Identify!" the gunner yells out, confirming that he sees the target as well.




The gunner lines up the sights with the vehicle and tracks the target for about 2 seconds, then fires the laser range-finder, computing lead and super-elevation for the gun.




"On the way!" the gunner cries. From outside the tank, the sound of the gun is deafening. The round leaves the barrel at a muzzle velocity of almost 1600 m/s. It travels fast enough that it reaches its target in barely more than a second.




"Target!" I confirm that the round found its mark.


The loader loads another sabot round into the breech. "Up!"


A second later, some smoke can be seen emanating from the vehicle. From the looks of it, a BRDM armoured scout, a probe, most likely. His war was over. "Cease fire!" If it was a probe, then the Soviets had at least a vague idea of what they were up against and where at least one of the Abrams were. The troop is ordered to adjust its position in the event of incoming artillery fire.




Sure enough, about a minute later rounds are landing around us. The Abrams is a tough tank, the only way to damage it with HE rounds is a direct hit on the thin top armour, a one in a thousand shot. However, for the Reds, artillery was one of the most essential components of their art of war, and when they're lobbing dozens upon hundreds of rounds at you, a one in a thousand chance suddenly sounds like very good odds, odds we definitely don't want to toy with. Luckily, since we shifted positions we suffer only a few errant and harmless pieces of shrapnel scratching the paint job.




Soon after, the Motor-Rifles in BMP-2s are on the scene. Butter for the Abrams and meat for the Bushmaster autocannons of the Bradleys.


"PC! Fire at will!"




 Fire, fire HEAT!" 


"On the way!" the gunner cries. The first sabot round sails into the first BMP-2 the gunner sees. High-explosive anti-tank rounds are more suitable for light-skinned targets like the BMP-2, but as a sabot was already loaded, and in a combat situation a round doesn't leave the breech until it is fired, what the gunner has is what he gets. The loader loads a HEAT round next.


"HEAT up!"


The BMPs roll off of the road, trying to find out where the fire is coming from, but most are cut down almost immediately. The dismounts pile out, disoriented and scattered. They too are similarly mowed down with coax and 25mm fire.



"Splash!" The FIST-V calls down artillery on the road. Unlike full-on tanks, IFVs like the BMP-2 aren't as receptive to HE artillery fire. If the shrapnel didn't get the crews, the shockwaves surely would.



The Motor-rifles have a brainwave and start popping smoke grenades.




The Abrams and the Bradleys have one thing to say to that: "No sell!" With their thermal imaging sights, we can still see them clear as day and target them with the "Last Return" function of the laser-range finder. Even if the smoke scatters the laser, giving the targeting computer false returns, a talented gunner can still engage them using the manual mode.

“Political philosophers have often pointed out that in wartime, the citizen, the male citizen at least, loses one of his most basic rights, his right to life; and this has been true ever since the French Revolution and the invention of conscription, now an almost universally accepted principle. But these same philosophers have rarely noted that the citizen in question simultaneously loses another right, one just as basic and perhaps even more vital for his conception of himself as a civilized human being: the right not to kill.”
-Jonathan Littell <<Les Bienveillantes>>

"The chancellor, the late chancellor, was only partly correct. He was obsolete. But so is the State, the entity he worshipped. Any state, entity, or ideology becomes obsolete when it stockpiles the wrong weapons: when it captures territories, but not minds; when it enslaves millions, but convinces nobody. When it is naked, yet puts on armor and calls it faith, while in the Eyes of God it has no faith at all. Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man...that state is obsolete."

-Rod Serling


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Also ... why am I/others dancing when I just want to build stuff? Because I got some achievement unlock at the building station? :p

that's a cash shop item for trolling other players :D


Well, that's just rude ...but funny. :lol:
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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There's a lull between salvos from our mortars, as they must quickly reposition in case the Reds attempt counter-battery fire to silence them. burning BMP-2s litter the side of the road.




But from the look of things, Smash Troop has been getting it the hardest. a barrage lands directly on top of them. No injuries reported, but one tank reports its gun and stabilisation is out, another has been de-tracked. Most certainly not damaged enough to make them a write-off, but for this battle they're a combat loss. Recovery vehicles are on their way to get the de-tracked tank off the line in the meantime, the crew has bailed out and retreated to the rear. Better you lose the tank than lose both the tank AND an experienced crew. Heavy troop is ready to take its place as the remainder of Smash Troop retreats behind the hill and conducts a reload drill so the loaders of a full stowage cell to work with.

“Political philosophers have often pointed out that in wartime, the citizen, the male citizen at least, loses one of his most basic rights, his right to life; and this has been true ever since the French Revolution and the invention of conscription, now an almost universally accepted principle. But these same philosophers have rarely noted that the citizen in question simultaneously loses another right, one just as basic and perhaps even more vital for his conception of himself as a civilized human being: the right not to kill.”
-Jonathan Littell <<Les Bienveillantes>>

"The chancellor, the late chancellor, was only partly correct. He was obsolete. But so is the State, the entity he worshipped. Any state, entity, or ideology becomes obsolete when it stockpiles the wrong weapons: when it captures territories, but not minds; when it enslaves millions, but convinces nobody. When it is naked, yet puts on armor and calls it faith, while in the Eyes of God it has no faith at all. Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man...that state is obsolete."

-Rod Serling


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The Red Tide crests. True to our intel from our forward observers, Soviet T-80Us have arrived to assist the beleaguered Motor-Rifle regiment. The T-80U is the best tank the Reds can muster, and in certain respects as much a match for the M1A1 Abrams. However, Team Charlie of the 11th ACR "Black Horses" still have a job to do. We're in hull down position, the turret barely cresting the hill, when the first tanks roll down the road. We wait until they close to less than 2000m.


"Gunner, sabot, tank!"






"On the way!"




The round hits home and the turret of the lead T-80 flies in the air. The T-80U uses an autoloader as opposed to a human loader most other tanks have. It reduces the crew size, and thus the size of the tank, thereby presenting a smaller target to anti-tank gunners. However, this arrangement has come with a host of disadvantages: Ammunition is not stowed as safely in the T-80 as other tanks. As a result it is remarkably susceptible to the ammunition being ignited in the event of a penetrating hit.


Our tanks are playin "shoot 'n' scoot" with the superior numbers of the Red armoured unit. An Abrams pops up over the hill, barely exposing the turret, to fire off a round, then ducks back into cover again as the loader loads another round. All the while our mortars at least keep them disoriented and scattered.








As the slaughter continues, me still scanning for targets out of the commander's hatch, the unmistakable sound of a tank round whizzing past my tank catches my attention.


"Jesus!" I button the hatch. "Where did that come from?!" At this point, in the chaos of battle and the kill zone covered in burning vehicles it was getting increasingly difficult to track threats. 




*ker-THUNK!* The tank violently shakes. Our Abrams just took a hit. However, a quick check with the crew confirms that it was a non-penetrating hit.


"This is Two-Bravo, I see the little bastard!" one of the Bradleys says over the radio. "F***er is using his burning buddies for cover!"




(A real-life tactic modeled in Steel Beasts: Hide amongst the burning corpses of your fellow tanks; you're harder to see with thermal imaging sights)


Two-Bravo angles for a shot against the weaker side armour of the offending tank with his TOW launcher. As the gunner depresses the launch trigger, the missile spins for a moment, then leaves the tube, a long wire uncoiling as it does. The gunner follows the target, optically-guiding the missile to the unlucky tank. 




"Target! Cease fire!" the Bradley commander cries. The tank's turret flies off in a brilliant explosion.

“Political philosophers have often pointed out that in wartime, the citizen, the male citizen at least, loses one of his most basic rights, his right to life; and this has been true ever since the French Revolution and the invention of conscription, now an almost universally accepted principle. But these same philosophers have rarely noted that the citizen in question simultaneously loses another right, one just as basic and perhaps even more vital for his conception of himself as a civilized human being: the right not to kill.”
-Jonathan Littell <<Les Bienveillantes>>

"The chancellor, the late chancellor, was only partly correct. He was obsolete. But so is the State, the entity he worshipped. Any state, entity, or ideology becomes obsolete when it stockpiles the wrong weapons: when it captures territories, but not minds; when it enslaves millions, but convinces nobody. When it is naked, yet puts on armor and calls it faith, while in the Eyes of God it has no faith at all. Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man...that state is obsolete."

-Rod Serling


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Welcome to the new area just added to Guild Wars 2 today, the Labyrinthine Cliffs! This is the lowest area, and the dock from which you start your climb up

Here's a picture halfway up the Bazaar of the Four Winds. It feels so Canthan that I can't help feeling nostalgic for Guild Wars Factions

Now this is a bloody airship, the Zephyr Sanctum

Found some diving goggles at the top of the ship. You can guess that I jumped immediately after

Yup, that is most certainly a race track. Filled with Mario Kart-esque power-ups and all. Sanctum Sprint

And look at this, achievement points are bloody finally worth something! With later chests you get weapon skins that are only available through achievement hunting


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Planet Explorer's alpha .6 increased the danger of the night-time crab-spiders 100 fold. A few torches and a flashlight no longer protected me....I eventually needed about 30+ torches in a huge circle and that mostly worked. Guess I'll actually have to use the turrets for border protection when I want to mine out in the open at night, now...



“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Prosper, while that's magnificent work, it's pretty tame by your standards.  You're not going soft on us, are you?

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Still rugged! :biggrin:

I'm not sure if the cowboy hat really goes with Benny's checkered suit.  


I always like to bring Ed-E along.  It's absolutely worth it for the inspirational battle music alone.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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This bit made me laugh and laugh .... but I can't say why without spoiling it.


“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Borderlands / Borderlands 2 Bird's Eye View... if the bird was a spaceship


(if the screenshot shows up. Having some trouble with Steam)

Edited by melkathi

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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Lazy art department more like it.

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И погибе Српски кнез Лазаре,
И његова сва изгибе војска, 
Седамдесет и седам иљада;
Све је свето и честито било
И миломе Богу приступачно.


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