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I demand Felicia Day to be in this production. Voicing all the roles.


Felicia Day should do all sounds in the game with her voice. Like opening a door or chest, walking over pavement, swinging a sword, etc.

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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That guy from police academy should do all the voices, and the effects.


Hell, he would probably do them all in one session.

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"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

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- Friedrich Nietzsche


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I demand Felicia Day to be in this production. Voicing all the roles.


Felicia Day should do all sounds in the game with her voice. Like opening a door or chest, walking over pavement, swinging a sword, etc.

Off-topic, but Half-Life 2 has a very cool mod where a guy did this, voiced every sound effect. It turns out better than you'd expect.
"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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David Warner...


Wouldn't mind seeing Sara Kestelman (Kreia) do a return to voice acting :)


“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Christopher Lambert should voice a faction leader. You could probably get him for a box of oreos these days.

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I am with the "get someone who fits the roles" and "don't use money on celebrities" -crowd. If Melissa Disney works well for a character that is important enough to have spoken lines, then why not, if not, there is no reason to make a character that fits her voice, just to get her voice into the game.

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I agree. Martin Sheen did a wonderful job in Mass Effect. He's a wonderful actor. But there are people just as good that would cost far less. And people that are inferior but are not thousands of dollars less skilled. Not to denigrate Sheen. He's an extremely talented actor and people of his caliber are rare. But there's a ****load of actors and actresses out there, which means there's a decent amount of extraordinarily talented people by virtue of sheer numbers.

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Jennifer Hale would be great. I loved her work in Mass Effect.


Too expensive though. Since this is essentially an "Indie" game (as it's not going through a major publisher), I would love to see some unknown Voice Actors... if Obsidian choose to use any, of course. :)

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They should cast voice actors based on character appropriateness, not to service fans.


I think Imoen had pretty good v/a though, even if the character wasn't very good.


Oh hell yes, I get so fed up with hearing Claudia Black in everything now, and when I hear that 'so-and-so has Bob voicing their character!!!' I'm like "So that's less money for the actual game then..."


I liked Imoen though, didn't like the 'break the cutie' they did to her in BG2 as it made her teen wangsty at points, but always kept her around in my playthoughs.

"That rabbit's dynamite!" - King Arthur, Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail

"Space is big, really big." - Douglas Adams

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Jennifer Hale would be great. I loved her work in Mass Effect.


Too expensive though. Since this is essentially an "Indie" game (as it's not going through a major publisher), I would love to see some unknown Voice Actors... if Obsidian choose to use any, of course. :)

I find it hard to believe she's that expensive given how prolific she is. And as I understand it pure voice actors are more poorly paid than screen actors in general.

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Morrigan fan here, please engage Claudia for some voice work. She will be awesome as a villianess! I like Imoen too. I would like to see some of the voice talent in the old games return for this, a reunion? I think that is unlikely to happen, but wouldn't it be awesome if we can gather the voice talents of those people again and for many of us, it will be a blast from the past. A possible stretch goal?

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I wouldn't want -any- voice acting on this one, would take too much from the budget, and if they do, just a first line or so from dialogue with -unknown- but good voiceactors. Anyone who' has at least some name would probably take too much.

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