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KoA is taking me longer than I thought it would. When I saw it was an EA published game, I figured it'd be really short. But it's actually quite long. I'm probably only half way through and I've already logged more hours than I did playing DA2 or ME3 (two other EA published games).


After this, finish my play through as Katarina in Dungeon Siege III.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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My debut with JA2 is on hold since it looks like I'll need a good few hours to get into how it all works, and right now I only have tiny snippets. Hopefully soon.

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Just bring enough mortar shells and mustard gas :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I know I said I quit it a week or so ago, but over a boring Easter long weekend I managed to pick up DX:HR again, like it again, dislike it again, then quit it again.


The good: Wandering around Hengsha doing short stretches of main quest interspersed with segments of sidequest was fun, probably my preferred mode of gameplay, with a pacing that suited me.


The bad: Leaving the quest hub to infiltrate Tai Yong Medical, which in itself was a chore, then being ferried straight off the the Picus infiltration with no break, nothing to mix it up, and what felt like basically repeating the exact same thing in a different setting. Felt like the Deep Roads all over again.


The ugly: Learning that the planned new quest hubs after Hengsha were cut out of the game, and that all I'd be seeing from now on would be minor retreads of the previous two hubs and there was nothing else that I would like in what remained of the game.


In the end then, I wrapped things up with the sidequesting in Detroit part 2, and am fairly certain I won't be coming back another time, having now the knowledge that I've played the best parts of the game and leaving nothing meaningful on the table.



Anyway, if Australia Post don't stuff things up, I should be receiving ME3 this week, both knowing exactly what to expect of it and not having any idea what to make of it. I'll give it a fair shake then if it's a bust, W2EE arrives in little over a week which I know will take me through the rest of the month.



EDIT: Urgh, typical, just when I thought I got a reasonable deal at $36, ME3 has dropped down to ~$24 now. That's fast for a new release.

Edited by Humanoid


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About half way through GK. They did their homework on New Orleans, or at least some parts of it, heh. Also didn't recognize Curry's voice or know that Leah Remini was Grace. In between that, punching on through Tropico 3 (nothing like winning a scenario with the aid money after a convenient earthquake destroyed my industry)

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Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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You're playing Gabriel Knight? I'm playing Gabriel Knight!


Finished Beneath a Steel Sky and Sanitarium over the weekend.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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You're playing Gabriel Knight? I'm playing Gabriel Knight!


Finished Beneath a Steel Sky and Sanitarium over the weekend.




All those games own.

И погибе Српски кнез Лазаре,
И његова сва изгибе војска, 
Седамдесет и седам иљада;
Све је свето и честито било
И миломе Богу приступачно.


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Been doing SP and MP Mass Effect 3. Loved Priority: Tuchanka probably even more the second time around and

the citadel invasion

is a really nice mission, the elevator bit is a nice change of pace and gameplay, and even Kai Leng doesn't ruin it. I hated the MP until I unlocked the Krogan Sentinel and the Disciple shotgun (at the same time, I might add), now it's rather enjoyable unless I try silver and run into the people who are too 1337 to play with me. ****in' xbox live. :p

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Been doing SP and MP Mass Effect 3. Loved Priority: Tuchanka probably even more the second time around and

the citadel invasion

is a really nice mission, the elevator bit is a nice change of pace and gameplay, and even Kai Leng doesn't ruin it. I hated the MP until I unlocked the Krogan Sentinel and the Disciple shotgun (at the same time, I might add), now it's rather enjoyable unless I try silver and run into the people who are too 1337 to play with me. ****in' xbox live. :p


I don't remember



the citadel invasion, though it could be cool to actually be on the citadel and fight off reapers till you can close it so they can't get on it. Or are you referring to Hammer trying to get to the beam as the Citadel invasion?


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Been doing SP and MP Mass Effect 3. Loved Priority: Tuchanka probably even more the second time around and

the citadel invasion

is a really nice mission, the elevator bit is a nice change of pace and gameplay, and even Kai Leng doesn't ruin it. I hated the MP until I unlocked the Krogan Sentinel and the Disciple shotgun (at the same time, I might add), now it's rather enjoyable unless I try silver and run into the people who are too 1337 to play with me. ****in' xbox live. :p


I don't remember



the citadel invasion, though it could be cool to actually be on the citadel and fight off reapers till you can close it so they can't get on it. Or are you referring to Hammer trying to get to the beam as the Citadel invasion?


He's talking about when Cerberus makes it's coup attempt.
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Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Finished Mass Effect 3. Awesome game, great ending to the series. I hope they don't completely bury the setting.


Now playing L.A. Noire (PC). I haven't been fan of the new GTAs but this detective thing is fun. My only concern is that it might get repetitive.


Also playing World of Tanks. Got my first top tier tank about a month ago and the clan wars have been really interesting. Random battles are starting to irritate me more and more as time goes by, just when I tought I've seen everything some random retard pulls out the stupidest move ever, and it keeps happening.

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Alpha Protocol again, I recently finished Mass Effect 3 and like everyone else I was utterly disapointed. At least Alpha Protocol has real consiquences and serious replay value.


I have not started yet, not until tomorrow, I am actually quite looking forward to it.

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Well beat Gabriel Knight, didn't abuse UHS too much for it (nothing like being a lazy ass). That's another classic I missed but probably shouldn't have, played. Now I guess I'll look into GK2.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Started re-downloading Witcher 2 with the new patch. On 17th april, I will be ready to do some witchers work again. \o/

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Is area branching really the (only) yardstick for C&C? Coz that's the impression I keep getting.


Pretty sure it isn't, otherwise Alpha Protocol would indeed have NO C&C like Volo loves to shout. Obviously, 'C&C' has a different definition depending on the circles you ask, and the Codex will keep moving the goalpost, but I'd generally say that providing both story and gameplay consequences what you do works. From the little I've seen Mass Effect 3 works on a similar approach except a lot of the choices are provided in the two early games and that there are fewer consequences on a gameplay front. There's also the ending.. yeah. Let's just ignore that.

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Is area branching really the (only) yardstick for C&C? Coz that's the impression I keep getting.


Pretty sure it isn't, otherwise Alpha Protocol would indeed have NO C&C like Volo loves to shout. Obviously, 'C&C' has a different definition depending on the circles you ask, and the Codex will keep moving the goalpost, but I'd generally say that providing both story and gameplay consequences what you do works. From the little I've seen Mass Effect 3 works on a similar approach except a lot of the choices are provided in the two early games and that there are fewer consequences on a gameplay front. There's also the ending.. yeah. Let's just ignore that.

Thanks for the clarification. I think that the genophage is about as good an example of multigame C&C you can get without and/or areas/questlines in the game. Decisions from the two previous games essentially make an otherwise fairly unpalatable choice become the only reasonable one. In Rannoch it's a more straight "third door" option for having the right people still alive. Of course it's a pity that it all gets reduced to points (that have basically no impact on the ending) afterwards, but personally I'm impressed by how well they managed to integrate consequence into those two storylines in subtle, yet effective ways. I can appreciate subtle, pure continuity porn

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Question about The Witcher 2 Enhanced Edition predownload. I just downloaded the 11.9 GB and have a question. Do I need to install it now or can I not do it till the 17th? Is the predownload the entire game or if not? Any idea on how large the game file will be after installation?

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Grimrock unlocks in a few minutes and I've got my graph paper ready :D

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