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What you did today


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Hah, wild adventures are great - good to see that you have the balls to just jump on a plane and let the current take you along for what ever ride it has in mind. Those are the most memorable journeys! I envy you, it's been way too long since I did something like that.

Fortune favors the bald.

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I've just spent the better part of the week in Ukraine (yeah, a bit weird to fly to Turkey and then back up to Ukraine, but it was the only open ticket I could find and I have never been here before, so..)! I celebrated New Year's Eve with a family I met on the plane! A father (an engineer), the mother (a doctor) and their 21 year old daughter. Very friendly people in this country, even though they barely speak a word of English. They actually invited me into their apartment and I ate New Year's Dinner with this family and a huge bunch of their relatives. The father has been driving me around Kharkov (the town) every day of the week. The daughter has been staying in my apartment to cook for me (insane)!


I will have to post pictures of their daughter later.. You would not believe me if I described her.


Am now waiting for my plane in the apartment I rented. Nice apartment, great food and awesome company. Very strange, very adventurous and very unexpected. Boredom does strange things to me.


I will be soooo late for work tomorrow.

Very cool story!


да поможет вам Бог

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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I've just spent the better part of the week in Ukraine (yeah, a bit weird to fly to Turkey and then back up to Ukraine, but it was the only open ticket I could find and I have never been here before, so..)! I celebrated New Year's Eve with a family I met on the plane! A father (an engineer), the mother (a doctor) and their 21 year old daughter. Very friendly people in this country, even though they barely speak a word of English. They actually invited me into their apartment and I ate New Year's Dinner with this family and a huge bunch of their relatives. The father has been driving me around Kharkov (the town) every day of the week. The daughter has been staying in my apartment to cook for me (insane)!


I will have to post pictures of their daughter later.. You would not believe me if I described her.


Am now waiting for my plane in the apartment I rented. Nice apartment, great food and awesome company. Very strange, very adventurous and very unexpected. Boredom does strange things to me.


I will be soooo late for work tomorrow.



"Well, overkill is my middle name. And my last name. And all of my other names as well!"

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I've just spent the better part of the week in Ukraine (yeah, a bit weird to fly to Turkey and then back up to Ukraine, but it was the only open ticket I could find and I have never been here before, so..)! I celebrated New Year's Eve with a family I met on the plane! A father (an engineer), the mother (a doctor) and their 21 year old daughter. Very friendly people in this country, even though they barely speak a word of English. They actually invited me into their apartment and I ate New Year's Dinner with this family and a huge bunch of their relatives. The father has been driving me around Kharkov (the town) every day of the week. The daughter has been staying in my apartment to cook for me (insane)!


I will have to post pictures of their daughter later.. You would not believe me if I described her.


Am now waiting for my plane in the apartment I rented. Nice apartment, great food and awesome company. Very strange, very adventurous and very unexpected. Boredom does strange things to me.


I will be soooo late for work tomorrow.


That is pretty damn cool and lucky you met some nice people.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Back at work today after the long holiday. :ermm:

Back at work after no holiday and having spent the weekend writing a job application. :p

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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I am back at work tomorrow, today I am sitting about reading a good book, posting on here and winning occasionally playing CoHO.


Am eyeing the wine rack wondering what I'm going to have with dinner later.


Quite a nice start to 2011, all things being equal, am even looking forward to going to the office and checking my emails.


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Holidays were nice, quiet, and relaxing....and I managed not to gain any weight back during them, which was a nice thing. Now back to the same ol' same ol'. :shifty:


I was thinking the other day about how my husband and I have known each other/been together for 25 years. Not officially married for 25, but still...darn that's a long time.


Found a FNV mod that turns the Wasteland into a chaotic, populated, faction-battle laden land. It's awesome. Not good so much for "normal play" but it really does change combat/fun of the game. Luvin' it. Time to fire it up again.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Went through a fairly pleasant and uneventful bank holiday to start the week off and now suddenly having a major down in mood for no real reason that I can figure out.


Pondering on whether to do some major retail therapy and blow some savings on some random goodies for my birthday later in the month before vat jumps to 20%.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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My dsl has been down simce Wednesday, and verizon says it will be another week or so before it gets fixed. Bleh. I went back to work today, and it was a real good day. I did have one class that really struggled with the concept of the bce/ce time split (bc/ad) for you old school folks. They were just being lazy, so sorry to put a few basic math concepts in your history class :shifty:

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Went back to work after 2 weeks off. Oddly enough it wasn't that painful being back, I sure as hell need the cash inflow considering the way I've been spending cash money cheddar lettuce dollar bills yall as of late. Then I went to the gym and it was packed full of goobers and nubs. It sucks becuase on one hand, I can renew for $300 for 2 additional years, which is quite frankly almost unbeatable. On the other hand, I could spend 600-1,000 and get an absolutely sick home gym, however its very unlikely I will stay home or even in this state long enough for the investment to pay off fully. As an accountant, I'm not in the business of making bad investments. Home gym will have to wait until I have my own house unfortunately, which could be many years from now but it is a dream of mine. Might as well wait so I can make it truly worth it.


I made cauliflower soup tonight which was delicious. I added some chopped up orange/honey/asian chicken thighs from last night and peas and it was very delicious and wonderful.


I have a date with one girl on thursday and then hopefully another date with my orignal girl some other time this week, and then I have a meet up with the last girl I was dating and friends on friday and then I think I'm going to ask the girl who cuts my hair out on a date as well when I go in and get a crazy straight razor shave, but I might put that off until next week. My love life has gone through a complete transformation over the last couple of months. From absolutely nothing for 22 years to chicks completely surrounding my loins with their evil vaginas and manipulative means of making me spend money. It's astounding and delightful.


School starts pretty soon as well. I have one 3 credit course left that is keeping me from graduating but the class is beyond capacity and completely closed out. I suppose it is a good thing as it means I can take some grad courses and continue my internship for another semester. It pays pretty well and extremely flexible and I love the people, so why not.


I have to say, since I stopped being a coward, life has improved fairly dramatically. I'd recommend it to everyone.

There was a time when I questioned the ability for the schizoid to ever experience genuine happiness, at the very least for a prolonged segment of time. I am no closer to finding the answer, however, it has become apparent that contentment is certainly a realizable goal. I find these results to be adequate, if not pleasing. Unfortunately, connection is another subject entirely. When one has sufficiently examined the mind and their emotional constructs, connection can be easily imitated. More data must be gleaned and further collated before a sufficient judgment can be reached.

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Sluggy's pullin' a Shryke

In 7th grade, I teach the students how Chuck Norris took down the Roman Empire, so it is good that you are starting early on this curriculum.



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I am now back at work.


My original plan was to just break old habits, get out of always meeting the same people, seeing the same places. I did not expect to be celebrating New Year's Eve with such great company. I did not have any plans, I just thought I'd join the general celebrations wherever I ended up. Oh, and I had hoped I would go someplace a little warmer than Sweden. Right.


When I get home I will try to put up a few pictures. With explanations.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I have to say, since I stopped being a coward, life has improved fairly dramatically. I'd recommend it to everyone.

Not sure EXACTLY what you mean here, but if the gist is "who dares, wins", it's pretty much on the money. Always go for it, just prepare for a fall better than I did (took a year to recover, but I think I'm ok now. At least I'm working five girls at the moment.) :p

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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I just got the weirdest feeling that Sluggo's turning into the next Elmore Leonard.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Despite still occasionally goofing off in FNV (companions and grenades are really funny) I'm pretty much back to "gaming...meh." Fire up any game, an hour later I'm turning it off.


Went out and took some photos, mostly just experimental things to fiddle with in the photo editor. The sun was out, so the light was fair for camera work. But now it's night-time and this wimpy Californian is going to retreat from the chilly night/house to her warm cozy bed. As usual, couldn't wait for winter, and now I can't wait for summer.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Trying to pace myself through the morning. Really hoping that at some point in this new year my sleep smooths out. For some reason the last few nights I keep finding myself awake, tossing and turning and not getting back to sleep around that 3am to a bit past 4am zone of time. Which is starting to have a cumulative effect on my body clock. :sorcerer:

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I got a document camera for my classroom. It is awesome. I'm so glad that I never have to pull out my crappy overhead projector again. It makes my life way easier.


You guys dont use Smart Boards? They're all the rage at my daughter school and super cool.


They are a bit too rich for us. Document cameras are only about $150, whereas those smart boards are at least $1500.



I am sure we will get there once the prices drop. When I started at my school seven years ago we didn't even have LCD projectors, now they are pretty standard in every classroom.

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I got a document camera for my classroom. It is awesome. I'm so glad that I never have to pull out my crappy overhead projector again. It makes my life way easier.


You guys dont use Smart Boards? They're all the rage at my daughter school and super cool.


They are a bit too rich for us. Document cameras are only about $150, whereas those smart boards are at least $1500.



I am sure we will get there once the prices drop. When I started at my school seven years ago we didn't even have LCD projectors, now they are pretty standard in every classroom.


My brother's school has smart boards, but no LCD projectors. :/


As a student, I'm totally with you on the document camera. I haven't seen an overhead projector in 6 years and I don't miss them in the slightest.

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