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As for Bio's Villains:


Irenicus > Mephistopheles > Loghain > Sun Li > Bodhi > Sarevok > Saren > Malak > Death's Hand > Sovereign > Morag > Huerodis > Archdemon > Harbinger > Bandon

Yo Irenicus, I'm real happy for you and I'ma let you finish, but Melissan was the best Bio villain of all time!!! =]

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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As for Bio's Villains:


Irenicus > Mephistopheles > Loghain > Sun Li > Bodhi > Sarevok > Saren > Malak > Death's Hand > Sovereign > Morag > Huerodis > Archdemon > Harbinger > Bandon

Yo Irenicus, I'm real happy for you and I'ma let you finish, but Melissan was the best Bio villain of all time!!! =]

Oh yeah, forgot about that bitch. Says it all really. Fixed now. =]

Edited by jaguars4ever
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You know what Bioware needs to do. They need to give Mass Effect the Dragon Age treatment. Make it a traditional CRPG in style. Give us the choice to play human, turian, asari, or salarian (male or female), then give us 2 to 3 origins pure race, get rid of the classes however, and let us dive in. Oh, a tools system would be really cool.

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

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You know what Bioware needs to do. They need to give Mass Effect the Dragon Age treatment. Make it a traditional CRPG in style. Give us the choice to play human, turian, asari, or salarian (male or female), then give us 2 to 3 origins pure race, get rid of the classes however, and let us dive in. Oh, a tools system would be really cool.

ME3 with Dead-Shep-Import-Save (or Dead-Shep made cannon for new game) practically begs for this. Just swap Quarians for Dalish, Krogans for Dwarves, Asari for mages/elves, Darkspawn for Reapers etc. give them an origin story, and unleash them on the galaxy.


Too bad it won't happen though.

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Shephard... I'm going to take a draw from my cigar now and if you start reading my subtitles before I start speaking again I swear to god I am going to punch you in the balls.




Blasto is coo'.

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I just took Legion to recruit Tali.





How can you do that? I thought you had to recruit everyone before the IFF mission.


No, the mission to visit the Collector-Ship comes several missions (of any type) after the mission on Horizon. But if you want to bring Legion on Tali's recruitment mission, you may not have enough time to save everyone.

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No, the mission to visit the Collector-Ship comes several missions (of any type) after the mission on Horizon. But if you want to bring Legion on Tali's recruitment mission, you may not have enough time to save everyone.


Cheers, going to go give that a try.

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"Irenicus > Mephistopheles > Loghain > Sun Li > Bodhi > Sarevok > Saren > Malak > Death's Hand > Sovereign > Melissan > Morag > Huerodis > Archdemon > Harbinger > Bandon "


Not a bad list as I actually agree with a lot of it.



Mine: Irenicus - Mesphistopheles - Sun Li - Bodhi - Sovereign - Sarevok - Saren - Death's Hand - Loghain - Morag - Harbringer (though I have not directly encountered it yet) - Bandon - Archdemon - Melissan - Huerodis

Edited by Volourn


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Tsk, tsk. For shame. He's from HOTU. Not from thats econd rate expansion SOU. He's awesome. Plain, and simple.


P.S. I have little doubt that any post ME games will allow you to play other races. I just hope they make a more traditional RPG with actual stats, skills, and talents. Or heck, ewven if it's at the level of ME1, I could live with it. Not this ME2 dumbed down crap.


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Yeah, HOTU. I meant HOTU but wrote SOU. Funny because I never even played SOU. I just remember a big red demon in an ice level, that my Monk slaughtered on the first try. That's about it :nuke:

Edited by RPGmasterBoo


Imperium Thought for the Day: Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life

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No, the mission to visit the Collector-Ship comes several missions (of any type) after the mission on Horizon. But if you want to bring Legion on Tali's recruitment mission, you may not have enough time to save everyone.


It depends on what you've done when you go on the mission. You get two missions after the IFF before you lose crew members, so you have enough time to grab Tali and get her or Legion loyal before you start losing crew members. I'm going to end up losing Thane because Garrus is stuck in an infinite loop until I do his mission so I can't grab the weapon upgrade.

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So the IFF mission is the point-of-no-return in ME2? Is there a time limit on how long you have to do each NPCs loyalty mission? I accepted Jacobs ages ago but havent gotten around to playing it yet.

Edited by Kaftan Barlast

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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No time limit on loyalty missions, but leave the IFF until you've done everything else. You don't really need to do all of them anyway, just Jack/Samara, Tali?Legion, Miranda/Garrus and Mordin.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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No time limit on loyalty missions, but leave the IFF until you've done everything else. You don't really need to do all of them anyway, just Jack/Samara, Tali?Legion, Miranda/Garrus and Mordin.


I thought Tali's actually had a time limit.. or at least if you spent too long doing other missions there was only one possible outcome...

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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No time limit on loyalty missions, but leave the IFF until you've done everything else. You don't really need to do all of them anyway, just Jack/Samara, Tali?Legion, Miranda/Garrus and Mordin.


I thought Tali's actually had a time limit.. or at least if you spent too long doing other missions there was only one possible outcome...


if there is a time limit, we didn't notice. we did all other recruitment (save for legion) and most loyalty missions previous to recruiting tali. we also did virtually all the available side-quest stuff and anomalous world assignments... had clocked over 30 hours o' gameplay and were level +20 before we started tali recruitment quest.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

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