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Everything posted by Chrisimo

  1. Not really. As I said, Paragon Shep only has compunctions with killing when the victim is unarmed or otherwise helpless. This is not the case here, for the reasons I stated earlier.
  2. Some people prefer a cut diamond to a raw one. I liked the new Citadel just as much, if not more. Sure, it was smaller, but I liked the design and interactions. Having the ME1 Citadel again would'nt have been as good. Glad to see a different part this time. True, the main problem was the bad terrain. Not all planets had this and the ones with better terrain had at least some nice views into the eky. But the carbon-copy type of building were another problem.
  3. I'm not sure I understand the reason for implementing such DRM schemes. DRM only works with people who don't look for cracks, right? So we have three groups of people: - People who buy the game - People who don't buy the game and download a crack - People who don't buy the game, don't download a crack and can't play the game because of DRM So the last group is where DRM works, but the most basic disc check would suffice. Every thing on top of that would annoy those who buy the game if it malfunctions.
  4. The Geth are just really small emotionless humans with direct brain to brain ftl communication and a democracy where only 100% votes count. Really, view Legion as a spaceship with humans onboard who need to get consensus before the spaceship can go anywhere. It's a collective in a sense like we humans are. Individual decision based on shared information yet every individual retains it's own perspective. Their communication is more effective and more efficient, they lack our emotions but have other drives and of course have a modular configuration (individual Geth programs make up Geth runtimes who make decisions), but in the end they are not very different from us.
  5. What evidence? They said that they examined the parts of Sovereign and found no evidence that they were anything other than advanced Geth technology. The Prothean VI doesn't work anymore, either. Ok, they could at least do some something in secret, that's true. But it seems like they wouldn't tell you if they were, because you are associated with Cerberus. Convenient, I know, but I'm sure we would find enough examples like that in the real world.
  6. To be honest, it seems perfectly believable that they attribute it to the Geth. The thought that there would be maybe thousands more of those big ships is simply too scary for many. Easier and more convenient to believe that it was a Geth flagship.
  7. I would buy that gladly, but since it's a biogame, I don't think anything cool as total destruction of life is going to happen. The thought that game to my mind, is that the race that created the reapers ages ago evolved to a point that they became more like "energy" or something that's beyond life and death. They became just about immortal, but their minds couldn't take it and it was more like hell to them. Who would want to live forever anyway? So to ensure that no other race will achieve that level they created the reapers to sweep them under the carpet every 50000 years. At the end of the ME3 would be a sniff sniff waah waah dialogue with the creator race how they just wanted to help. I think the Reapers maybe were not created but evolved to what they are now. Maybe their ancestors were the equivalent to our transhumanists, believing that their then current state of evolution was merely a trantitional state and they would evolve into higher beings by merging with their technology.
  8. Why build a Reaper? Just salvage the technology. The upgraded Normandy gun is based on Reaper tech and packs quite a punch. EDI is based on Reaper tech. TIM wants power for himself (mostly) and humanity at any cost but even he would try to make use of the technology first before building an own Reaper.
  9. Does that mess up any of your romances with other characters? No. Not sure if it interferes with continuing ME1 romances, but does not interfere with ME2 ones. You can always check the status of the ME1 romances by going to the captain's quarters and looking at the picture frame. If it lies on the table then your ME1 romance is over or at least suspended. If it shows your ME1 LI then the romance with that LI is still active.
  10. Yes, that is my impression, as well. And it was mentioned by Barla Von that the Shadow Broker tries to keep the current power balance. That doesn't fit with Cerberus' motives. Of course it may just be a plot to get aliens or humans working for him.
  11. Just a guess: Yeah, that's how I understood it, too. And that's what doesn't make sense. Anyway, I think it's possible that Miranda did not have a problem with the methods of those splinter groups and only changed her mind after seeing some of those things in person (you can see the same type of conflict with Mordin). Like someone might condone torture and changes his mind when he is present while someone is tortured.
  12. I think even more people just don't like him and his voice in general, and try to objectify their subjective preferences by claiming he's not good. True...that happens very often when you don't like something. You try to find reasons to explain your dislike but even if those reasons are removed you still don't like it overall.
  13. I think most people don't like his monotone voice and think he can't (voice)act because of that.
  14. You mean it couldn't possibly be that she's using Shep and pretending...? Frankly, the prospect of a Mata Hari of sorts is more interesting to me than yet another not-evil-but-misguided character that returns to the light by virtue of Shep's Saving Grace. Of course it's possible but what would be the reason? You mean , right? Yeah, that makes sense. I don't know if you were being sarcastic here because it doesn't make sense to me.
  15. That's the real reason for romancing Miranda... seducing her away from Cerberus to loyalty to you.. yeah, and well, it's pretty clear from the dialogues that she's been getting the "Fox News" version of Cerberus activities while working on the science side. When , it becomes pretty apparent that it's not just "splinter groups" within Cerberus that are, well, downright evil. I don't remember any specifics regarding evil Cerberus groups coming from EDI. I got general information about the number of groups, funding in general, etc. But no specifics about projects.
  16. Just checked. Everyone loyal, Legion tech specialist, Zaeed 2nd fireteam leader. Result: Legion gets acquainted with a Collector missile. =/ Funny, because when you pick him, Miranda says "well, at least he knows what he's doing" - Zaeed is discreetly mute... I'm pretty sure that Miranda's feedback to the choice at that stage is basically inverse to how good the picked leader is. I know she's critical of Jacob, who can get the job done for sure. Well, apart from the fact that she suggests herself for the position first, being one of the good choices. Guess there's a reason Shepard's the leader and not Lawson. When you pick Garrus she says the same as when you pick Zaeed.
  17. She already is at the end of ME2 depending on your choices.
  18. Shepard wakes up in Normandy's sickbay after being knocked out by the Prothean beacon only find out that it all was just a highly sophisticated video game... Which movie?
  19. Jacob? I never got the impression he could be a good leader - you certain he works for that role? I'll take Zaeed over him any day of the week and twice on sundays. But apparently being co-founder and head of one of the biggest merc groups in the galaxy doesn't make you a competent squad leader... may need to take a look at Blue Suns casualty rates. I chose him once in the second part where the leader gets shot and the right one survives while the wrong one dies - he survived. Someone on another forum mentioned that Zaeed boasts how he is always a lone survivor. I haven't verified this yet but if true this would be an explanation. There's a lot of talk about dark energy so you are probably right. It seems to important for TIM not to be involved or at least informed/prepared. Kasumi will probably be a DLC character.
  20. That's a pity. I was hoping to scout around with Legion much more than just his loyalty mission. You could do Tali's loyalty mission with Legion. It's the most fun mission to take him with you, anyway. And you can take him on missions after the suicide mission. The game is still playable then and you can finish missions.
  21. No. You have two missions left after the IFF mission until the crew gets captured.
  22. Very interesting stuff actually and thanks for reposting it over here. It's not hard to get everyone to survive if you do all the loyalty missions, however it's good to know this stuff if you're trying for a minimum-accomplished-everyone-lives run. I've got 5 people loyal on my current run. Garrus, Legion, Mordin, Miranda and Jack. Mordin was squishy, so he went back with the crew. First run through taking Garrus and Legion for the final boss led to Tali being dead after the HTL moment. However it doesn't appear that there is any combination I can make with those 4 loyal squaddies that results in Tali surviving. Because I'm obsessed with making sure everyone lives, this will be the second time I backtrack to the IFF mission in order to do more stuff. However, next time around it'll provide some more guidance on who I need loyal. Send Legion back with the crew and take Miranda and Mordin with you to fight the last boss. Did you recruit everyone?
  23. Humans cannot imagine truly alien characters. Unless you count insects as aliens. Every 'alien' species will always be a mixture of what wee see in other humans or animals. That was my point about Krogans as a species being somewhat alien because they all seemingly have the same mindset. For humans this would be impossible. You will always have an anti-war type, regardless of circumstance (though percentage of war/anti-war types will vary of course). If the writer want to create an alien species the most obvious difference to humans will be looks/physiology. Otherwise there isn't much a writer can do. The krogans are dying because of the genophage and the wanderlust which is a result of it; but the warlike mindset predates it by far. Wrex is simply trying to find a way to prevent the extinction of the krogan around the genophage. The reason societies progress forward is because their advances give them a decisive edge over competitors. That it takes player intervention (made flesh in Wrex) for a krogan to even propose these changes is exactly what I'm complaining about. How many other krogan share his views? Have you tried importing a save where Wrex died on Virmire? As for what the writers may have been thinking... irrelevant speculation. Only meaningful discussion can be about what is in the game, no? No, because we don't have enough information as to how the Krogans survived this long. We have to speculate. We both agree that the Krogans are dying out now because most of them would rather fight and die as mercenaries than do something about their species situation. And the writers agree about that too. The only thing that we don't agree about is that the Krogan couldn't have survived this long or couldn't have developed fission. Having a warlike mindset in itself does not hinder progress. A lot of our progresses have been made in preparation for or during wars. Very often the military would invent things that are later used for civilian purposes. We don't know how the Krogan were like before the genophage. They had developed fission. This would be an indicator that they did have a more rational approach to war during that time.
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