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I'm sure a lot of people have come up with really creative names for both Revan and the Exile in K1 and K2, respectively. So, let's hear them! I've no problem revealing mine, as long as we all acknowledge intellectual copyright :p


Male Revan (DS): Xavior Halon

Female Revan (LS): Sierra S'y

Female Revan (DS): Alexa Flaire


Male Exile (DS): Drake Orbin

Male Exile (DS): Versai Wreyn

Female Exile (LS): Morne Lorr




I always only use a one-word name, because that's what everyone else in the game has. I know they do have last names, you just don't see them.

  OneWithStrange said:
I'm sure a lot of people have come up with really creative names for both Revan and the Exile in K1 and K2, respectively.  So, let's hear them!


Munchkin. 'nuff said. :rolleyes:"


Apart from that I simply used the random name generator.


My first Revan was a DS female by the name of Leia Emperius (hence my chosen screenname). Then I played a LS male by the name of Carn Katsumoto (I had just watched "The Last Samurai"). Then I played another DS female called Czarina Sloan.


My Exile is Aurora Von, a LS female, and I made a DS male named Laustin Zhar that I'm currently playing now. Overall, my favorites have always been the firsts, so Leia Emperius and Aurora Von are close to my Kotor-playing heart :rolleyes:

  Angry Sherpa said:
In my latest playthrough I named him The Exile.  It was amusing when he was refered to as The at times.


Good idea call him Exile and everyone will refer to you by name. That's always been one of the negatives of full voicing. Small though when you consider the quality of VOT you get these days.


Lets see names..


Darrius Khaine. - My "eternal champion" (some will probably get the the reference).

  Hades_One said:
I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.



Revan- Bail Ne'Dolo


Exile- Gradi Jinn or Kelch Loruit

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.


Revan: Females: Anna, a name I forget

Male: Atari


Exhile: Females: Aneela




KotOR II: After the Credits Rolled: Read

Force Sight: Read


Gaming Blog: Read

  Von Manstein said:
My Exile's name was Pryow. I wanted to avoid really cheesy names like "Deathstalker Emperius" or "Draconicon Axebludgeoner."

LOL I'll admit, I was hyped to play a DS game (in the first Kotor) and I didn't waste any time crafting my character to rule over the galaxy (Leia Emperius).


Alenuska Koshechi


Koshechi inspired by the name Koshechi the Deathless which was a creature in russian mytho


And Alenuska was also in russian mytho however the translation of the name I have may be incorrect.


*the 3 brothers, there once lived 3 brother who traveled from china to USA, their names were chang, fang and bang. When they arrived they decided to change their names to american names, Chang became Chuck, Bang became Buck. Fang returned to China.*


my characters are.. Adriann Yi for Revan and Hector for the exile..


My characters are all named Gorth :">


Except on the rare occasion when trying out a female, then it's Gwynn (sounds better than Gortha). K1 and K2 were the first time since BG2 was new that I tried that one again.


All nice 5 letter names, that I can actually pronounce :rolleyes:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein


Revan: Cashenna Nyavost

Exile: Seifa Kast


Hee hee "Gortha the She-Destroyer" is pretty great too. :rolleyes:


Well, since I always use the same name for my evil females (first time round) and the same one for my doppy LS males...


Darkside Revan - Lersondaya

Lightside Revan - Billy Bob (unfinished, too boring)


Darkside Exile - Lersondaya Shaerli (used the other female name I made up I like as her last name for something a little differant)


Lightside Exile - Coming soon! Probaly Billy Bob


My male Darth Revan --> Maag Rel'a :D

My female Revan --> Maa Rela ;)

Exile [male] --> Voy Grelu (I took my first name and second name and made something, that would sound much better in Star Wars universe than just "Wojciech Grela" :p )


I avoid last names because...

A) it looks weird when they have your name above your player in the game... everyone else is first-name and you've got too names.

B) When you say "My name is Forename Surname" it just sounds sort of messy and too professional.



KotOR II: After the Credits Rolled: Read

Force Sight: Read


Gaming Blog: Read

  OneWithStrange said:
I'm sure a lot of people have come up with really creative names for both Revan and the Exile in K1 and K2, respectively.  So, let's hear them!  I've no problem revealing mine, as long as we all acknowledge intellectual copyright  ;)


You can't copyright names, though.


Revan(LS) Male - Dewan Loass

Revan(LS) Female - Selene

Revan(DS) Male - Kaos

Revan(DS) Female - Pheare


The Exile(LS) Male - Danja

The Exile(LS) Female - Maiko

The Exile(DS) Male - Sabaki

The Exile(DS) Female - Virida


My Revan was usually Owen or Anna Jast. So far, my favourite Exle names are Ellen Lorn and Arin Haris.

I like to go with more 'realistic' first names to make to character more accessible.

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