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When playing Kotor I or II, are you more of a Star Wars fan or an RPG fan?  

77 members have voted

  1. 1. When playing Kotor I or II, are you more of a Star Wars fan or an RPG fan?

    • SW: I'm a fan of Star Wars and play Kotor for that reason.
    • RPG: I'm a fan of RPG's and that's why I play Kotor.
    • Both: I'm a fan of both and Kotor is the perfect unity of that.
    • Other: Please reply and explain why!

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I always wondered what made people interested in Kotor, and whether it was because they were strictly Star Wars or RPG fans in general. I know for myself that I'm a huge Star Wars fan and that's the reason I started playing Kotor; I haven't played any other RPG games. So what's your reason?


If you don't think the above choices reflect you, feel free to choose "Other" and explain your unique situation.


I'm a huge western RPG fan, but also a huge Star Wars fan. However, I have never played any of the other Star Wars games. I have, however, been a fan of the pen'n'paper SW RPG for a good many years, and so KotOR is the perfect combination of both.


I love being able to move around in the SW universe.


I'll watch the movies and I have a HUGE collection from my childhood but thats the extent of my SW fandom.


I play loads of RPGs because I like stories but want something more active than reading a book.

  Hades_One said:
I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.



Fan of both.


The SW prequels did try my patience though, but they've grown on me since first viewing. I still think the original trilogy is far superior.


As for RPGs; always been a fan and always will be.


RPG, no doubt. I have no problem with Star Wars, though I in my mind, very few good SW games were released after TIE Fighter (collectors edition). I've read 2 EU books, seen the original trilogy as well as the first of the new movies, played a couple of the games (tested many more briefly), but that's pretty much it.


I really like SW

i also like RPG, even if i don't play them too much... atm i'm more about online games...


i heard that it was quite good, liked the ambientation...

so i got KOTOR just "to try" in a moment i was quite lazy... (some months after it was out)


Then i enjoyed the game and when TSL came out i grabbed it and liked it even more than the original




  Hell Kitty said:
The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.



Ive been a Star Wars junkie since I was 5 years old. That is why I have a C8 ESB-era Boba Fett standing by my right speaker and a MOC RoTJ Darth Vader in special collectors casing lying around here somewhere.


But RPG's are also my favorite game genre, and buying KoTOR had more to do with that then my then-dormant SW addiction.

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "


Both, but definetely more of an RPG fan than a Star Wars fan. I never play most Star Wars games, but I play virtually every story-based CRPG I can find.

I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you

But I get the feeling that you don't like it

What's with all the screaming?

You like monkeys, you like ponies

Maybe you don't like monsters so much

Maybe I used too many monkeys

Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?


I liked the Kotor games despite being Star Wars, not because of. I've developed an active dislike for Star Wars over the years, pretty much since somewhere after X-Wing vs. Tie Figher. I was pleasantly surprised when I had let myself be convinced to give the first one a try and it wasn't completely horrible. It really had the odds against it, being Star Wars and made by the company who brought me NWN. Just goes to show, nothing is impossible :-

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein


I don't particularly like Star Wars. The original unchanged movies were great but when Georgie boy redid them and then the god awful prequels I just gave up on the franchise. Never really played a Star Wars computer game til KotOR and I got KotOR 1 because there was a drought of CRPGs. I got KotOR 2 thanks to a friend here at the forums.


I'm a fan of both RPG's and Star Wars, but in this case I'm a RPG fan first. Since I go looking for cRPG's to play but haven't played almost any other star wars games.


For me it's both, but I tend to be more of a SW fanboy than a RPG maniac. While there's seldom a SW game that I haven't played and liked, there were a lot of RPGs that I started but quickly got bored with.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.


Both I guess. I used to be a rabid FPS gamer. Then I started playing Baldur's Gate one day and realized that games could be a lot more than shooting stuff, although that's still fun. I've played a lot of RPGs since from the Japanese ones to the Western ones. I even found a copy of this compilation of the Ultima series I think when I was living in Korea and spent a few months playing those.


As for Star Wars. Whats not to like? It was space battles and lightsabers, Codes of Honor and betrayal, redemption, love, vengeance. Everything that makes a good story. Did I mention lightsabers?


I'm not sure why some people just don't find SW fun. heh. I'm probably the weird one. I refuse to grow up.


Heck I even like reading Peter Pan and the Oz books to this day. I need help!

  Gorth said:
I liked the Kotor games despite being Star Wars, not because of. I've developed an active dislike for Star Wars over the years, pretty much since somewhere after X-Wing vs. Tie Figher.

No, no, no - everyone knows XWA > XvT. :)




  Azure79 said:
Codes of Honor and betrayal, redemption, love, vengeance.

That's all fine and all...but SW is clearly all about the lightsabers! ^_^


I'm foremost a RPG fan .. and I won't play a game simply because it's SW!

but I really like the SW universe and atmosphere, so a CRPG was a good match for me, although I was very skeptical when I first played KOTOR.. and needless to say I was pleasently suprised! :)


but my vote goes to RPG, since I would rather play a RP game than a SW game ..

Fortune favors the bald.


"I got KotOR 1 because there was a drought of CRPGs."


No. You got KOTOR1 because youa re a BIOfanboy just like me.


Actually, more seriosuly, I was gonna avoid KOTOR completely because of the SW theme; but all the good reviews when the x-box version came out as well as people who disliked NWN were actually very grudgingly gave priase to BIo for KOTOR.


I found out, it was a good game. Not great. Just like the sequel. But, yeah, ultimately I enjoyed KOTOR1&2 in spite of the SW connection. I do like the SW movies; but I have never been gung ho about them.


  jaguars4ever said:
  Gorth said:
I liked the Kotor games despite being Star Wars, not because of. I've developed an active dislike for Star Wars over the years, pretty much since somewhere after X-Wing vs. Tie Figher.

No, no, no - everyone knows XWA > XvT. :lol:

Then "everyone" is obviously wrong. :blink:"

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.


I'm a big fan of both Star Wars and RPGs. However I bought KOTOR and enjoyed it mostly because of Star Wars. In my opinion, as far as RPGs go the game was just ok. But, to me, the Star Wars Universe made the difference.

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I am Dan Quayle of the Romans.
I want to tattoo a map of the Netherlands on my nether lands.
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