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I thought Portal 2 was a great game, although I thought the original was a cleaner concept.


I'm past the fire giant in Hellblade:  Senua's Sacrifice.  The combat sucks.  I actually put it to easy.  The reason is simple, I'm perfectly happy having the game be easy because all I really care about with this game is the story.  That said, once you get the dodge/focus/sidestep thing going, combat isn't that hard.  Merely tedious.  I'm well on my way to the second boss.  Really interesting, but combat sucks and that's a real downer.  I miss run and gun FPSes of my youth.  I'll have about 3 three weeks in December and January to play a game and I'm hoping they've finished polishing off Sunless Skies by then.


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My storage was flooded a few weeks back and my old Xbox 360 was drowned in muddy water. I've let it dry until tonight when I tried starting it up.. and it worked flawlessly. I'm impressed.


Anyhow, to see if it still could read discs I started up a game of Red Dead Redemption. Boy did that game age! I remember it being sooo damn beautiful, but.. now it's kind of low res textures and jaggedy models everywhere. And stiff npc eyes staring at me.


It's weird. I clearly remember it being the best looking game I had ever seen back in.. 2011? I really didn't expect it to age that violently.


It's still fun though..

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Giving Darkwood another shot. I got quite far into the game the last time I played it, but got frustrated by swiftly running out of resources and feeling stuck. On the second playthrough I'm able to deal with the nights a lot better (even survived a banshee attack in the first hideout!) and don't fuss as much over dying so I even tend to investigate events around the hideout during the night.


A really bloody well-designed horror game. And I love what it does with the top-down perspective.


Aside from that, I've put Star Traders: Frontiers on a short hiatus, want to get back into it once the Xeno faction gets expanded (one of the two development goals I really wanted to be reached for that game) and am still working through Shadow Tactics


There are much more cut-scenes, when the game just wrestles control from the player, which is quite unpleasant and unexpected.

But there's a thing happening!! How else would you, the player, notice!? Edited by Fenixp
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Still failing to do Mythic Siege of Boralus in WoW.  Not sure if the failure is with me or other party members, but am going with myself for now.  Mythics sure are appropriately hard, but is annoying for them to gate the storyline behind this.  Makes sense I guess - need to keep people grinding :lol:  Did gear up a good bit over the weekend, so can at least do heroics.


Paladin healing is still quite annoying though, having it based in proximity means I take a 20% healing penalty on fights where people have to spread out or move around a lot.  Not sure why they had to take the proximity off the f-ing Beacon of Light but that's Blizzard for you.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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I hated that SWTOR gated story behind group stuff (or even worse, PVP) though they've mostly remedied it by giving solo versions of Flashpoints (regular group content). There is still some things gated behind Operations (large group content) that I've never seen and I've been playing on and off since beta. I know it's a MMO but it's tough to get a group for some content like the Seeker Droid and Macrobinoculars stuff and as a DPS class with inconsistently random playing times and an aversion to hanging out on the fleet I don't ever get Ops to pop in the groupfinder.

Free games updated 3/4/21

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I finished my KGB playthrough on normal difficulty of Phantom Doctrine.  I like the game quite a bit, but it's definitely too easy on normal difficulty.  Still, this was a significant step up in both scope and polish from the studio as compared to Hard West, so I'm excited to see what they bring to the table next time.  Finishing the game unlocked the expanded story option as well as the Mossad starting agency.  I wonder how the Mossad playthrough will differ from the KGB playthrough, and how both of those differ from the CIA playthrough, for that matter.  The ending of the game is sort of a "I feel like there's something more to this" kind of ending, which either hints at more endings and a potential true ending, or they're setting up for a sequel or DLC.  Either way, I'm going to do an extended story, hard difficulty, Mossad playthrough sometime in the future. 

Edited by Keyrock
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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Finally did Mythic Siege of Boralus,  I think the problem last time was other people really - tank had the AoE facing the group and DPS wasn't doing enough damage.  I still did manage to screw up and die but luckily one party member lived and got into the cannon and killed the boss.  Still have room for improvement.


I guess I can take a breather from WoW and get into Phantom Doctrine some.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Back to Monster Hunter World. Tried ot savescum some much needed decorations. I was on the right track and then i screwed up when i put my ps4 into rest mode and my backup save got overwritten. Now i have to wait another probably before i'll get what i want. XD

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition.

Despite the cut-scenes, the new content provides a reasonable challenge (i.e. 2 times more opponents with buffs, than the original game). Found a wand of Cloudkill, so I'm likely to cheese overcome it.

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Battlefield 1943


Tons of fun playing as Japanese, not many games allow you to march into American G.I's with a katana!


I am also playing the SP campaign in Battlefield 3. It's fun to shoot at my fellow Iranians using their own weapons as they scream 'بمیر!بمیر!'.


'Die! Die!' :p

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There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.  

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Replayed Fallout 1. Which still holds up extremely well for the most part. Only thing that I found annoying was some of the inventory management towards the end of the game when you have a lot of stuff. 

On the whole, I really love this game and still find it to be an absolutely amazing experience. Fairly short and sweet.


Replayed Fallout 2. I love Fallout 2 but holy cow, it is an extremely uneven game. When it's good, it's *really* good. But then there is sooooo much filler, mostly in terms of really uninspired combat encounters. No game, it's not fun to be dropped into a random encounter with 14 enemies all taking their slow turns (yes, even with combat speed turned up) before you get to act.

And there's quite a lot of that in the game. It's a fun game, but frustrating as hell sometimes.


Now moving on to Fallout: New Vegas.

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Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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I know this is mostly for a (currently non existing) history thread in way off topic, but there was a bit more to the story about nukes, japan and surrender than most westerners seems to think about normally. In august 1945 the Soviets invaded Manchuria with 1.5 millon troops and annihilated the Japanese army there (700k strong) in two weeks and were poised for invading Japan within a short time. Nobody in Washington fancied a million strong Soviet army taking over former Japanese territories (the latter being entirely my speculation)

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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On topic... still playing Guild Wars 2, still having tonnes of fun just running around exploring and doing open world PVE. Finally got my Necromancer leveled up to 80 and had hero points to spare, so unlocked the 'Scourge' elite specialisation and put the remaining point in it. I can't help myself, too many alts! Anyway, cheated a bit, besides jumping to first part of Path of Fire, also jumped to first part of Heart of Thorns. PoF to unlock a mount, HoT to unlock the gliding skill. Gliding is fun.... until I noticed that shrinking endurance bar, which sent me plummeting to my death once it was exhausted :grin:

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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The Japs made the Nazis look like choir boys.

See, kids?! This is why the Japs got the nukes...well, that and the fact that the yanks were itching to drop a nuke somewhere.

I have a Chinese coworker and never have heard her say anything positive about the Japanese.

"only when you no-life you can exist forever, because what does not live cannot die."

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Back on topic, Labor Day Weekend Vay-K started early for me so took the family up to the northern states of the americas where have been enjoying the cooler weather and greeneries. The sequoias and white and red pines are abundant, the cabins are well kept to boot.


In short, I haven't/will not be playing games until I return home with the fam. Hmmm... What will I be playing when I get back? Spiderman for PS4, undoubtedly. And that's ine of the better games of the year :)

Just what do you think you're doing?! You dare to come between me and my prey? Is it a habit of yours to scurry about, getting in the way and causing bother?


What are you still bothering me for? I'm a Knight. I'm not interested in your childish games. I need my rest.


Begone! Lest I draw my nail...

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The Japs made the Nazis look like choir boys.

See, kids?! This is why the Japs got the nukes...well, that and the fact that the yanks were itching to drop a nuke somewhere.
I have a Chinese coworker and never have heard her say anything positive about the Japanese.
I am an Iranian and you'll never hear me say anything positive about the Chinese. :grin: Edited by Katphood

There used to be a signature here, a really cool one...and now it's gone.  

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Just started FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION. (Bought it while it was still 50% off on sale on Steam.)

Edited by wolfrider100
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" Life... is strength. That is not to be contested, it seems

logical enough. You live, you affect your world. "

Jon Irenicus ´

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