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Patch 1.2.0 Updates Thread

David Benefield


Hello Beta Folk!
The Team has been working hard on getting Version 1.2 ready. This is a bigger patch stuffed with a bunch of fixes, some new features, and some balance changes (see notes below). Windows and OSX version are now available on the beta branches on both Steam and GOG. Linux needs to have an issue resolved before we can add that to the beta for Steam.
We'd really like your help in making sure that these changes & fixes are not having any unintended effects on your game. Specifically, please keep an eye out for:

  • Cases where click-ables cannot be clicked (related to our Fog of War changes)
  • Class/abilities not working correctly (related to our changes for Mod support)

Thank you so much for your help in testing out these beta patches! 

UPDATE: 6/28

Hello all! 


We are placing an updated build onto the beta branches of Steam and GOG.


Build Updates

  • Linux Build is now available!
           If you have any issues with this Linux update, please try restarting your steam client.
  • Deleting mods, using the up/down arrows for load priority, and clicking the refresh button now work properly.
  • Fixed a rare issue where sometimes save games couldn't be loaded.
  • Fugue Spore poison Charm effect has been changed to Confused and its duration has been slightly increased.
  • Resolved an issue where some entries in the Companion Relationship history UI were blank.
  • Sungrazer Flail Extinction Event can no longer trigger off of its own attack.
  • All consumables now have a scaling keyword on their base ability to ensure that each one properly benefits from scaling.
  • Scroll of Circle of Protection will now play VFX properly and end its duration.
  • Scroll of the Helpless Beast is now PL 0 and scales only with Arcana and Power Level bonuses.
  • Potion of Form of the Fearsome Brute no longer scales its Ogre form passive effects based on attributes.
  • Frost Bomb is now properly set to PL 0, so it will no longer receive scaling penalties.
  • Wahai Poraga now has the correct Penetration value from pollaxe data.

Build Updates

New Features

  • Added mod support for character backgrounds, voice sets, and Classes.
  • Mod Manager added!
    • We have just put in a Mod Manager to work with Nexus Mods. We're still working out the kinks though. Here are some of the known issues we are working on.
    • Known Issues:
      • Unable to delete mods, refresh list or move mods on priority list.
      • View Documentation button leads you to eternity.obsidian.net.
      • Part of UI does not scale properly at low resolutions.
      • Localized text is not yet in.
      • Long titles are displayed in very tiny font.
  • The Player Stash now has a search feature.
  • Holding shift while selling things from your stash will now add items without prompting the player about stack sizes.
  • Reputation screen now displays the player choices that led to changes with the companions's relationship.
  • New UI for Crew Injuries has been Added.
  • Added UI to recommend which companions to bring on quests relevant to those companions.

Major Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where party members who were knocked out during a save state would be dead but still be in the party upon loading the save.
  • Players no longer spiritshift when drinking from the pool at Outcast's Respite.  This was causing issues with equipment missing upon loading a save where the user was spiritshifted.
  • Various CPU performance improvements have been made across the game.


  • Players can no longer pickpocket their party members that aren't in the current party.
  • Fixed an issue where Vela would disappear from the player ship when wanting to bark at a party member.
  • Xoti no longer gain's anti-Eothas disposition when talking to Waenglith.

User Interface

  • The tool tip that breaks down player health in the character sheet now displays the proper amount of health.
  • All active animal companion abilities now properly display on both the Ranger and animal companion ability bars.
  • Fixed problems with the ability bar detecting the active/queued state of modal abilities in no modal group.



  • Hazanui will now properly move to the brass citadel docks to show you the submarine if you return to her at the Rauataian HQ after dealing with the queen/prince.
  • Dispatching Hamuto after intimidating his men will no longer break Bertenno's reaction when the fight ends.
  • Captain Vilami will no longer talk about setting an ambush at the vault if peace has been achieved between the Valeras and the Bardattos.
  • Fixed conversation with Nemnok where conversation would end prematurely and quest would not progress.
  • Pirates loyal to Furrante in Balefire Beacon during Aeldys' release from the tower will no longer remain hostile after Aeldys returns to the Consuaglo to take control of the faction.
  • Undercroft pirates will return to being peaceful, once, if you had run into hostilities with them and then received Goods and Services from Aeldys. The pirates won't tolerate a second attack even if working for Aeldys or Mad Morena
  • Ensured that Lil Woody appears in Dunnage if The Man of Chimes quest is at the appropriate stage.
  • Prince Aruhi won't assume to have given you Trade Secrets if you've found the Undercroft before you talk to him and choose to leave his intro conversation without receiving Trade Secrets.
  • If players chose to siphon Sciorielaphas' soul and set him free, they will no longer improperly see him in the scene after leaving and returning to the Guild Ruins.
  • Ensured that Benweth disappears from the Court if he was summoned there for the party and then to the ramparts after his ship is stolen.
  • Shadow Under Neketaka will now always update properly when arriving to Mairu



  • Sky Dragon Wurmling pet now properly appears when importing Pillars of Eternity 1 saves
  • Fog of War & Line of sight calculations have been made more precise.
  • Player Ship now always displays a World Map icon (addresses rare instances where the game could get stuck in this state previously)
  • Heart of Fury has been removed from the default AI behavior so as not to proc too soon and use rage when enemies are not in melee.
  • Close to Board now deals less damage to player ships to better match a player continuously moving at Full Sail.
  • The in-game year has been fixed to show the year 2828.
  • Enemies affected by Dismissal no longer stay alive and become permanently untargetable.
  • Monastic Unarmed Training now replaces the character's default unarmed attack with the base Monk attack.
  • 2H Melee Weapons have each received +1 additional Penetration.
  • Effigy's Resentment Zahua +15% Buff Duration -> +5%.
  • Effigy's Resentment Caroc +1 Pen While Stealthed -> +1 Weapon Penetration vs Kith.
  • Charmed is now removed if the charmed character is damaged by their new allies.
  • Alchemy Skill no longer affects "Poison" keyworded spells and abilities. (It still affects applied poison consumables)
  • Prices of Galleon and Junk ships have been doubled.
  • FogOfWar now resets its "Disabled" state when OnGameStateReset events are called.
  • Consumables are no longer affected by Might, Intellect, or Perception bonuses.
  • Consumables now only scale up from their respective skill and status effects that modify Power Level (they are longer affected by character level).
  • Consumable effects were also re-balanced to scale from base level 0 upwards (to match skill advancement from 0). This will also prevent penalties from appearing when using higher skill items.
  • Figurine Items are now charged items with an additional limit of 1/Rest use.
  • Class Role entries are no longer hidden in the glossary.
  • Marine Godlike Water immunity now only applies to hostile effects.
  • Removed game data related to cut ability "Gift of Hope".
  • Spoilers:
    • Nemnok's party wide effect now lasts as long as he is equipped.
    • Party members are no longer incorrectly indicating that they want to talk upon arriving in Ukaizo.
    • Achievement "Infamous Captain" should now properly complete as soon as players get into combat with their crew during a mutiny.
    • Arquebus "The Red Hand" is now obtainable in Ermezzo's storeroom.
    • Modwyr's Eager Lover bonus can now only be gained when attacking hostile characters preventing players from exploiting and going into combat with the beneficial effect.
    • Fixed exploit where players could obtain infinite experience by unlocking Castol's office door, then save, load the save, then unlock the door again.
    • Fixed an issue where players could have their party members run past the scene barrier and not be seen in the Old City.
    • Yellow-Eye Three will no longer confront you about sneaking around if you've received Arkemyr's invitation.
    • The hidden door in the Drowned Barrows no longer displays and allows players to transition to the next area without triggering the hidden switch.

Class Changes


  • Power Strike and Staggered Strike AOE is now Foe Only.
  • Unbending Discipline Cost 3 -> 2.
  • Unbending Shield Discipline Cost 3 -> 2.
  • Unbending Trunk Discipline Cost 3 -> 2.
  • Refreshing Defense - Concentration bonus now also refreshes duration.
  • Refreshing Defense - No longer caps at +10 seconds (5 hits).


  • Barbarian Frenzy abilities now properly check subclass for visibility, not ability ownership. (Berserkers should now be able to properly select Frenzy upgrades)
  • Leap and Panther's Leap are now Loud on impact, Dragon's Leap is now Extremely Loud on impact.
  • Heart of Fury is no longer included the default Barbarian Aggressive Behavior set.


  • Trickster Gaze of the Adragan Guile Cost 3 -> 2.
  • Trickster Wall of Many Colors Guile Cost 4 -> 3.
  • Trickster Sneak Attack penalty -20% Damage -> -10%.
  • Trickster now also acquires wizard illusion spells at PL 2, 4, 6, and 8.
  • Eliminating Blow only applies Shaken to secondary targets, as suggested by its upgrade string.


  • Shieldbearer LoH prevent death Duration 5s -> 4s.
  • Virtuous Triumph 100% Zeal on Kill -> 25% Chance on Kill.
  • Hands of Light Zeal Cost 1 -> 2.
  • Greater Lay on Hands Zeal Cost 1 -> 2.
  • Enemy Paladin AI now shares AI cooldowns between different Lay on Hands types.


  • Binding Roots now has the Plant keyword.
  • Thorny Roots now has the Plant keyword.
  • Thorny Roots Penetration 0 -> 7.
  • Master's Call and Binding Roots are no longer mutually exclusive with each other.
  • Marked Prey and Marked for the Hunt can no longer be empowered, since they gain nothing from additional PL.
  • Evasive Fire - Base damage from 20 to 36 -> 15 to 20.


  • Torment's Reach no longer mentions deprecated Crush damage
  • Torment’s Reach now targets Deflection on the primary target
  • Torment’s Reach now benefits from +25% weapon damage.
  • Torment's Reach and Raised Torment no longer Stagger or Stun the primary target.
  • Rooting Pain - 100% Chance on Wound -> 25%.
  • Flagellant's Path now deals only crush damage to enemies in the path, instead of Full Attacks. Launching Kick now also deals the crush damage as well, as intended.


  • The Lights Danced Across the Moor summons now use the appropriate wisp character stats (with distract attack).
  • Seven Nights She Waited projectiles destroy after hitting a target.
  • Her Tears Fell Like Rain projectiles destroy after hitting a target.
  • Her Tears Fell Like Rain secondary damage 15 to 23 -> 6 to 12.
  • At The Sound of His Voice The Killers Froze Stiff 6s Paralyze -> 4s.
  • And Their Fear Followed 6s Paralyze -> 4s.
  • And Their Fear Followed Phrase Cost 4 -> 3.
  • Hel-Hyraf and its upgrade now target Deflection.
  • And Evil Turned Away From The Sun now properly grants immunity to resolve afflictions and properly damages Spirits and Vessels, it now also no longer gains additional projectiles from PL scaling.


  • Iconic Projection now extends its attack information to the attack bar tooltip.
  • Suppress Affliction 5m Range -> 8m.
  • Barbs of Condemnation -5 Defenses -> -10.
  • Holy Meditation 10s Duration -> 15s.
  • Repulsing Seal Interrupt (Prone) on Hit -> Graze.
  • Warding Seal Penetration 7 -> 9.
  • Priest of Wael variant of "Gaze of the Adragan" is now defined as PL 7 (the same level it is acquired).
  • Barring Death's Door 10s Duration -> 8s.
  • Triumph of the Crusaders base Healing 200 -> 80.
  • Divine Terror 15s Duration Frighten -> 20s.
  • Magran's Faith Attuned Proc status effect now stacks up to 2 times to support dual wielding weapons with the exact same effect.


  • Spiritshift will now continue to provide equipment bonuses while in spiritshift form (excluding armor and weapons).
  • Spiritshift no longer scales duration with Power Level (Form Weapons and Armor will still scale).


  • Citzal's Enchanted Armory no longer removes all of the Wizard's other equipment.
  • Flame Shield now extends its attack information to the attack bar tooltip.
  • Form of the Fearsome Brute will now continue to provide equipment bonuses while in ogre form (excluding armor and weapons).
  • Confusion Slow Cast -> Average Cast.
  • Confusion Fast Recovery -> Average Recovery.
  • Concelhaut's Draining Missiles now properly returns health for each missile that impacts the target.
  • Gaze of the Adragan Slow Cast -> Average.
  • Substantial Phantom unique progression table now grants the proper wizard spells and wizard AI necessary to cast Minoletta's Minor Missiles, Necrotic Lance, and Arduous Delay of Motion.
  • Essential Phantom and Substantial Phantom now receive copies of the wizard's weapons when summoned.
  • Wall of Force now uses the proper icon for its trap ability.
  • Minoletta's Concussive Missiles 5 Projectiles Base -> 3.
  • Minoletta's Concussive Missiles Base Damage 10 to 13 -> 7 to 10.
  • Minoletta's Concussive Missiles AOE Base Damage 7 to 8 -> 4 to 6.
  • Deleterious Alacrity of Motion to also grant +15% Action Speed.
  • Deleterious Alacrity of Motion effects now all have the same base duration.
  • Wizard Subclass +20% Recovery Time -> +10%.
  • Reordered Wizard Subclass effects to show bonuses before penalties.
  • Wizard Subclass +1PL -> +2 PL.
  • Kalakoth's Minor Blights +20 Accuracy removed from attack.
  • Kalakoth's Minor Blights 5 Penetration -> 7 Penetration.
  • Kalakoth's Minor Blights 10m range -> 8m.
  • Ryngrim's Enervating Terror Average Cast -> Slow Cast.
  • Ryngrim's Enervating Terror Average Recovery -> Fast Recovery.
  • Ryngrim's Enervating Terror Duration 20s -> 15s.
  • Ryngrim's Enervating Terror 2.5m Radius -> 1.5m Radius.
  • Ryngrim's Enervating Terror 20m Range -> 8m.
  • Caedebald's Blackbow Terrify on Hit now vs Will.
  • Wall of Draining's negative effects are now set to Hostile and will properly break stealth if cast on an enemy.
  • Wizard's Double is now overridden to not be able to be empowered, since it gains nothing from additional PL.


  • Mental Binding Cast Speed Average -> Fast.
  • Mental Binding Recovery Fast -> Average.
  • Mental Binding 6s Immobilize Duration -> 10s.
  • Reaping Knives Attack Speed Average -> Fast.
  • Fractured Volition 15s Duration -> 20s.
  • Body Attunement 15s Duration -> 20s.
  • The spell "Tactical Meld" is now available during cipher progression.
  • Tactical Meld +1 Engagement Limit -> +3.
  • Screaming Souls base Raw Damage 15 to 25 - > 30 to 50.
  • Screaming Souls Distract Duration 8s -> 18s. 
  • Secret Horrors Duration 12s -> 15s.
  • Defensive Mindweb Average Recovery -> Fast.
  • Pain Link Duration 12s -> 15s.
  • Echoing Horror Frighten Duration 8s -> 12s.
  • Haunting Chains Duration 18s -> 20s.
  • Tenacious Grasp 15s base duration -> 20s.
  • Eyestrike Slow Cast Speed -> Average.
  • Mind Plague 12s Duration -> 15s.
  • Whisper of Treason 20s base duration -> 15s.
  • Puppet Master 20s base duration -> 15s.
  • Ringleader 20s base durations -> 15s.
  • Whisper of Treason 10m Range -> 4m.
  • Puppetmaster 5m Range -> 8m.
  • Wild Leech Recovery Average -> Fast.
  • Wild Leech Duration 15s -> 30s.
  • Borrowed Instinct Duration 30s -> 20s.
  • Ancestor's Honor is now Ancestor's Memory and now grants the Brilliant Inspiration for 12s instead of +1 Empower Point.
  • Eyestrike AOE Size Small -> Medium.
  • Mind Wave AOE Size Medium -> Large.
  • Defensive Mindweb AOE Size Medium -> Large.
  • Detonate now checks that health is below 25% not that it is below 25 value.


Item Changes


  • Visage of Concelhaut pet item summon is no longer considered a "Conjuration" spell, and therefore restricted to Evokers.
  • Bardatto's Luxury Nobility and Untouchable are now visible in UI.
  • Chromoprismatic Quarterstaff base penetration and damage increased to match other quarterstaves.
  • Potion of Ascension +1 PL -> +2.
  • Animancer's Energy Blade Base Damage 5 to 8 -> 10 to 14.
  • Engwithan Bracers Petrified Guard once again grants Resistance against Dexterity Afflictions.
  • Potion of the Fearsome Brute no longer fires exception errors when inspected.
  • Removed duplicate Wind, Electricity, Water, and Fire keywords on Scroll of Great Maelstrom.
  • Avenging Storm Scroll no longer references missing game data.
  • Etonia's Signet Ring display string is now updated to reflect +2 All Defenses per stack.
  • Scroll of Major Healing base heal value 60 -> 90.
  • Scroll of Circle of Protection should now properly end and its VFX should display correctly.
  • Scroll of Pillar of Holy Fire Base Penetration 5 -> 7.
  • Scroll of Embrace of the Earth Talon Base Penetration 7 -> 9.
  • Scroll of Embrace of the Earth Talon Accuracy Bonus 5 -> 0.
  • Scroll of Meteor Shower Accuracy Bonus 3 -> 0.
  • Scroll of Meteor Shower Best of Burn/Crush -> Burn.
  • Scroll of Ray of Fire Base Penetration 10 -> 7.
  • Scroll of Rusted Armor Accuracy Bonus 5 -> 0.
  • Scroll of Tornado Accuracy Bonus 5 -> 0.
  • Scroll of Tornado Base Penetration 5 -> 7.
  • Scroll of Torrent of Flame Accuracy Bonus 5 -> 0.
  • Scroll of Wilting Wind Accuracy Bonus 3 -> 0.
  • Scroll of Winter Wind no longer has a duplicate Frost Keyword.
  • Remove double dip scaling from Scrolls of Healing.
  • Removed overridden scaling from all poison effects.
  • Removed overridden scaling from all potion effects.
  • Removed overridden scaling from all drug effects.
  • Dragon's Dowry Blazing Fury only accelerates its own attacks.
  • Final Stand Potion 10s Duration -> 6s.
  • Sungrazer Flail - Extinction Event no longer chains off of its own kills.
  • Sungrazer Flail - Extincting Event Base Damage 20 to 30 -> 15 to 25.
  • Sungrazer Flail - Meteoric only procs off of Sungrazer attacks.
  • Potion of Imperfect Arcane Reflection 75% Chance to reflect -> 50%.
  • Potion of Impediment 45% Chance to interrupt on hit -> 30%.
  • Gosha Pet 10% Crit to Hit Party Wide -> 5%.
  • Whispers of Yenwood - Reliable 50% Miss to Graze -> 25%.
  • Grimoire of Vaporous Wizardry is now marked unique.
  • Healing Hands - Lesser Lay on Hands base Heal/tick 8 -> 12.
  • Fugue Spores Poison has been changed from Charm to Confusion and its duration has been increased.
  • Implosion Charge Base Damage (per pulse) 20 to 25 -> 5 to 10.
  • Implosion Charge Hobbled Duration (per pulse) 20s -> 12s.
  • Sparkcrackers Attack Distance 10m -> 8m (in line with all other bombs).
  • Lightning Bomb Paralyze Duration (per pulse) 6s -> 3s.
  • Lightning Bomb Base Damage (per pulse) 15 to 25 -> 10 to 15.
  • Immolator Bomb Base Damage (per pulse) 10 to 20 -> 8 to 12.
  • Cinder Bomb Blinded Duration (per pulse) 12s -> 8s.
  • Blister Bomb Weakened Duration (per pulse) 15s -> 8s.
  • Blister Bomb Base Damage (per pulse) 10 to 20 -> 7 to 10.
  • Frost Bomb Base Damage (per pulse) 15 to 30 -> 6 to 14.
  • Frost Bomb Base Penetration 5 -> 7.
  • Frost Bomb Immobilized Duration (per pulse) 12s -> 8s.
  • Frost Bomb Attack Speed Duration (per pulse) 12s -> 8s.
  • Ball and Chain Subjugation Interrupt on Crit now properly applies a Prone Interrupt (vs Fort), rather than deprecated Knockdown effect.
  • Ball and Chain Subjugation effect will now properly trigger with barbarian Brute Force attacks.
  • Mohora Tanga Harpooning Penetration bonus now correctly only affects Mohora Tanga.
  • Scepter Destructive Channeling +2 Penetration -> +1.
  • Aloth's Armor Structurally Stable - All AR bonuses to +2 AR. (Some were +3).
  • Aloth's Armor Causally Fixed Bonus Defenses +5 -> +10.
  • Aloth's Armor Causally Fixed Pierce/Slash AR +2 -> +1.
  • Blightheart Tainted Being Corrode Proc now only applies to spells.
  • Mantle of the Seven Bolts - Storm of Seven Bolts now has the Electricity Keyword.
  • Mantle of the Seven Bolts - Storm of the Seven Bolts no longer scales number of projectiles.
  • Mantle of the Seven Bolts - Final Storm AOE now has the Electricity Keyword.
  • Soul Strike is now also 1/Rest (as is Soul Smite).
  • Shout of hosts on Heaven's Cacophony is now properly set to 1/Rest.
  • Deltro's Caged Helm now uses longest duration effect, instead of stacking.
  • Mohora Tanga Gaff ability is now usable once per rest.
  • Accuracy bonus removed from Bounding Strikes AOE on Eager Blade.
  • Nemnok's Party effects now last as long as Nemnok is equipped and no longer display on the party portraits.
  • Acolyte's Frostbite Vengeful Cold ability is no longer hidden from the inspect UI.
  • Modwyr's Eager Lover bonus can only be gained when attacking hostile characters.
  • Lord Darryn’s Voulge:
    • Corsairs AOE now strikes only hostiles.
    • Now has the Electricity keyword, as does Static Charge effect.
    • Static Charge now only applies to those that have charged stacks on them.
    • Static Charge trigger effect no longer deals extra damage in addition to the charged stack damage.
    • Static Charge no longer uses Resonant Touch VFX and instead displays Shock VFX on affected targets.
    • Static Charge is now considered a hostile effect.



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I don't understand why people so much complains about figures, alchemy, items, classes nerfs ? Because they can't play on PotD or because their strategy may become useless on next patch ? 


I like PoE and I see that easier way to balance game is nerf broken/overpowered abilities and skills, and then step by step add new features


I can't speak for everybody else, but as far as I'm concerned the problem is not with nerfing per se; the problem is with nerfing stuff that never needed to be nerfed (e.g. Baubles of the Fin, all of the speed buffs, Wildstrike and Greater Wildstrike, etc.) and over-nerfing OP stuff so that it no longer adds any value to anything (e.g. Virtuous Triumph at 25%; it went straight from "must-have" to "why bother?")

Edited by AndreaColombo
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"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

"It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers."

— Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears

My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus


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I don't understand why people so much complains about figures, alchemy, items, classes nerfs ? Because they can't play on PotD or because their strategy may become useless on next patch ? 


I like PoE and I see that easier way to balance game is nerf broken/overpowered abilities and skills, and then step by step add new features


I can't speak for everybody else, but as far as I'm concerned the problem is not with nerfing per se; the problem is with nerfing stuff that never needed to be nerfed (e.g. Baubles of the Fin, all of the speed buffs, Wildstrike and Greater Wildstrike, etc.) and over-nerfing OP stuff so that it no longer adds any value to anything (e.g. Virtuous Triumph at 25%; it went straight from "must-have" to "why bother?")


Indeed. Before blindly supporting the nerfs imposed, maybe also think about whether in fact the abilities were overpowered in the first place?


Btw, the nerf to Rooting Pain is not 25%. It is 0%. I can't get the skill to trigger now. Can someone else verify this? I will submit a bug report if I find concurring views.

Edit: nevermind, I will post the bug first.


Unless you think the nerf to 0% is me crying about the nerfs to abilities.

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I don't understand why people so much complains about figures, alchemy, items, classes nerfs ? Because they can't play on PotD or because their strategy may become useless on next patch ? 


I like PoE and I see that easier way to balance game is nerf broken/overpowered abilities and skills, and then step by step add new features


I can't speak for everybody else, but as far as I'm concerned the problem is not with nerfing per se; the problem is with nerfing stuff that never needed to be nerfed (e.g. Baubles of the Fin, all of the speed buffs, Wildstrike and Greater Wildstrike, etc.) and over-nerfing OP stuff so that it no longer adds any value to anything (e.g. Virtuous Triumph at 25%; it went straight from "must-have" to "why bother?")


Okay I get it, will be interesting to read why obsidian done that (for example why they stop scaling alchemy bonuses at all, why not +2.5% per level ? ), did they do some calculation or testing fights or they have some big plan how to balance game ? :D 

Edited by mant2si

Solo PotD builds: The Glanfathan Soul Hunter (Neutral seer. Dominate and manipulate your enemies), Harbinger of Doom (Dark shaman. Burn and sacrifice, yourself and enemies for Skaen sake)

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I'm the kind of a person that prefers consistent but weaker effects that X% but stronger effects. Just helps my mental hygiene. Still, for stuff like Victorious Triumph, I wouldn't mind if the game used pseudo randomness where the longer you go without a given event occurring, higher it's chance to trigger, so that you would *always* get it to trigger it at least once every 4 kills. These kinds of mechanics also tend to work the other way, too, making an event increasingly less likely to happen after happening, so the chance of getting something twice in a row is much lower. 
Helps a lot with making stuff like new Victorious Triumph feel consistent and impactful.

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I don't understand why people so much complains about figures, alchemy, items, classes nerfs ? Because they can't play on PotD or because their strategy may become useless on next patch ?


I like PoE and I see that easier way to balance game is nerf broken/overpowered abilities and skills, and then step by step add new features

I can't speak for everybody else, but as far as I'm concerned the problem is not with nerfing per se; the problem is with nerfing stuff that never needed to be nerfed (e.g. Baubles of the Fin, all of the speed buffs, Wildstrike and Greater Wildstrike, etc.) and over-nerfing OP stuff so that it no longer adds any value to anything (e.g. Virtuous Triumph at 25%; it went straight from "must-have" to "why bother?")

I will still take Virtuous Triumph, but not because I think it’s valuable, but because I have no other choice since I don’t wanna pick these exhortation **** :D


Imo it is still useful if u build your paladin as a dps oriented build, but has 0 effect if it’s a support or tank.

Edited by dunehunter
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any chance the difficulty for POTD in 2nd half of the game and ALL bounties and sidequests will be reworked the same way the first few levels got reworked?


They are reworked, you are just overleveled for all of them. We'll have to wait for more high-level content from DLCs at this point I think for challenging end-game stuff.


No they are not. Only about 1/3rd of the game (predominately the early main quests and sayuka as well as beraths temple) are reworked. You notice this by seeing the special enemies that are always displayed red (with upscaling, not sure if its the same without). Nevermind the fact that these enemies have a massive difference in power compared to the ones that didnt get added after the rework.


I also finished the game pre rework and post rework on POTD so you can be sure i know what im talking about. The mid/lategame and pretty much all sidequests have had no changes.



I also finished the game pre-rework and post-rework and I'm pretty sure you're wrong, at least about the critical path and major quests. For example, one of my earlier attempt at the Ukaizo fight had no skulls and no additional engwithan witches and way less general health and danger. post-rework, at level 20 you still see skulls over the dragon, and you get additional adds (though they sometimes don't appear due to a bug, which seemed to be something that was a known issue at least when i reported it), not to mention that the dragon has basically a bajillion health.


But, that being said, it was still a relatively easy fight at level 20 party because it was designed as like a level 15 or 16 encounter (the quest is level 15/16 iirc). Upscaling means the named dragon gets like +6 level so even at level 20 you'll get two skulls, but it has all the danger of a level 15 encounter.


It's possible bounties didn't get any harder (i think they're just leaning on the change from +2/3 upscaling caps to +4/6 caps, which I believe means enemies gain +2 levels per your +1 level and i don't particularly remember any new factors to those fights). But to say that nothing in the mid/lategame and "pretty much all sidequests" have had no changes seems like a stretch.


EDIT: btw, i don't think special enemies "are always displayed red" in the rework (i know this because i attempted the lady epero estate quest at different levels and got to see the enemies go from always red to nothing). they are just super high level at early levels and the new upscaling setup means they stay ahead of your level gain for a while (named enemies get up to +6). there are just so few quests that are tuned for levels 13-20 (the highest quest level is only 18) so there's a dearth of higher-level challenges once you get to like level 13 or so, even if you're fighting skulled enemies everywhere from upscaling, and it also means that once you hit level 18 there's literally nothing in the game that's designed to give you a challenge (assuming that a quest one level higher is a decent challenge and one at your level is "appropriate").

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I am playing with an experience point reduction mod and game is super fun!! Gracias!!


Found a few more bugs:


1) Walked into King's Coffin in Dunnage and when I got close to the bar, a notice chimed up that there was a trap nearby, didn't see a trap at all though (am I missing something maybe??)


2) [this might not be a bug] The enemy cannibal characters in the Temple of Tangaloa Ruins - for some reason when I attacked them this time, some of them didn't react who were standing out of sight - though I was hanging further back than I normally do as I wanted to lay a trap for them with a rogue drawing them through the choke point walls and into the trap, as I was worried about my level.


3) when I hover over my stats for my characters if they have a bonus - it doesn't always give me a breakdown of where the bonuses are coming from - also do bonuses from items stack in POE2 - I know they weren't in POE1 but they currently are in my playthrough?  Could this be the experience mod I am using?


4) along with the yellow level up circle remaining, I also somehow got a blue one to stay there also on Xoti


5) sometimes my party members when trying to use Second Wind and/or other abilities just sit there forever and it never activates, it is very random though and I can usually jog between abilities and get the one I need to work

“How do you 'accidentally' kill a nobleman in his own mansion?"

"With a knife in the chest. Or, rather, a pair of knives in the chest...”

The Final Empire, Mistborn Trilogy

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I am playing with an experience point reduction mod and game is super fun!! Gracias!!


Found a few more bugs:


1) Walked into King's Coffin in Dunnage and when I got close to the bar, a notice chimed up that there was a trap nearby, didn't see a trap at all though (am I missing something maybe??)


2) [this might not be a bug] The enemy cannibal characters in the Temple of Tangaloa Ruins - for some reason when I attacked them this time, some of them didn't react who were standing out of sight - though I was hanging further back than I normally do as I wanted to lay a trap for them with a rogue drawing them through the choke point walls and into the trap, as I was worried about my level.


3) when I hover over my stats for my characters if they have a bonus - it doesn't always give me a breakdown of where the bonuses are coming from - also do bonuses from items stack in POE2 - I know they weren't in POE1 but they currently are in my playthrough?  Could this be the experience mod I am using?


4) along with the yellow level up circle remaining, I also somehow got a blue one to stay there also on Xoti


5) sometimes my party members when trying to use Second Wind and/or other abilities just sit there forever and it never activates, it is very random though and I can usually jog between abilities and get the one I need to work


i don't think obsidian actively monitors this thread, you should file bug reports as new posts in the forum.

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You cant control Essential Phantom and Substantial Phantom. Esssential dont cast any spell and Substantial cast Arcane Clean near allies and spell reflect. I think you can control these guys in this patch, or I am wrong?

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The casting changes to some Cipher powers make the Galawain warbow (can't recall the name at current) an excellent substitute for Frostseeker in a Seer build. With Driving Flight, you get two chances at negating the attack recovery, allowing you to quickly spend that Focus on Mental Binding, Eyestrike, and the like.

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I don't understand why people so much complains about figures, alchemy, items, classes nerfs ? Because they can't play on PotD or because their strategy may become useless on next patch ? 


I like PoE and I see that easier way to balance game is nerf broken/overpowered abilities and skills, and then step by step add new features


I can't speak for everybody else, but as far as I'm concerned the problem is not with nerfing per se; the problem is with nerfing stuff that never needed to be nerfed (e.g. Baubles of the Fin, all of the speed buffs, Wildstrike and Greater Wildstrike, etc.) and over-nerfing OP stuff so that it no longer adds any value to anything (e.g. Virtuous Triumph at 25%; it went straight from "must-have" to "why bother?")


Funniest thing is, they do all that redundant nerfs and somehow miss the actual unblanaced aspects of the game. People discovered how good Streetfighter is, class build forum is now plagued by Streetfighter builds, but they nerf Wildstrike. I mean the ****.

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I don't like either the streetfighter change, nor the trickster uptune, to me they seems to be unnecessary. And yes you are right the forum is plagued by these streetfighter/xxx, trickster/xxx builds :p

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I don't like either the streetfighter change, nor the trickster uptune, to me they seems to be unnecessary. And yes you are right the forum is plagued by these streetfighter/xxx, trickster/xxx builds :p


what's the streetfighter change? nothing in beta patch notes


EDIT: i opted in the beta just to see what this change was, and I think dunehunter is just mistaken, I don't see anything different about the streetfighter.


In case anyone's curious the new trickster spells are:

PL1: Arkemyr's Dazzling Lights - 1 Guile

PL2: Mirrored Image - 1 Guile

PL3: Ryngrim's Repulsive Visage - 1 Guile

PL4: Llengrath's Displaced Image - 2 Guile

PL5: Confusion - 2 Guile

PL6: Arkemyr's Wondrous Torment - 2 Guile

PL7: Gaze of the Adragan - 2 Guile

PL8: Kalakoth's Freezing Rake - 3 Guile

PL9: Wall of Many Colors - 3 Guile


Overall I think the trickster has become a much more interesting subclass. Sort of like a wizard-multiclass-lite, except you get high-level spells not normally gotten via multiclassing except at the cost of not having as many spells and competing with guile for usage. In addition, like pre-1.2 and unlike the wizard, you can still really spam the low-level stuff. Imagine a bajillion casts of Mirrored Image whereas a wizard only gets 2 + 1empower.

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Found a bug, I think. Deleterious Alacrity of Motion seems to randomly give either the 15% action speed or the Swift buff, but not both. This can be seen on the character status effect icons, the stats page, as well as recovery tooltips for weapons/spells etc. Can be reproduced in the very intro battle if you use the console to level up to 5.


Also existing mods seem to be broken, this may be intentional(?). For example this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/30 ... if it's enabled, it breaks a wizard's ability to choose spells at level up or character creation.

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I'm still having PoE reactivity issues from my imported save where i'll receive my Effigy's Resentment: Devil of Caroc. But not my Gift from the Machine, which sucks because i've basically never had any other bugs but this and the Vela Import bug



Yeah, this isn't importing correctly again in manufactured saves -- I believe it was fixed previously but for some reason in the current patch at least it's not importing correctly again. Someone PM me when this gets fixed, it's gonna put my PotD replay on hold I think.

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The update fixed the bad performance in some areas for me.


Unfortunately the "Xoti wants to talk but normal conversation happens" bug is still there, if you talk to her the icon disappears but as soon as you select her again the glow behind the icon comes back (the icon itself doesn't).


Dangit, That sort of bug is the ones that (aha) bugs me the most, since I consider character interactions one of the biggest points of the game.


Oh well, if we keep politely (and I DO mean politely) nudging them, they'll get to it eventually... And in the meantime, while I'm waiting, I started BATTLETECH.


(Normally, I would think that Harebrained Schemes capitalising the entire name was silly, but actually, it's really useful to differentiate it from all of the other BattleTech stuff it might otherwise be confused with and wow that was an utterly irrelevant comment to male here...)


At least my cipher - when I restart - will be a bit better.

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Issues I've come across so far with the 1.2 patch:


Behavior Editor

You can no longer select abilities in the windows. You can click all you want in the window, nothing happens. You can't even scroll the window. Issue I've had since prior to 1.2 is if you right click on an ability in the selection window, the text from the window behind it bleeds through, making the detail ability information unreadable



I've noticed that on occasion my characters get locked up and just stand there. I just watched my rogue standing there with an ability icon she's going to use, the recovery timer counts down, and then restarts. I saw it happen 3 times. I also saw that my warrior was trying to change his stance. He just stood there with the stance icon without doing anything else. Again, his timer just kept restarting.

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Just noticed another bug related to combat after 1.2 patch, one of my characters has the option to use the modal of Imbued Ammunition even though the character that has that weapon isn't in the party.

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One issue is the uptuned Trickster is way too powerful now, what's the meaning to take a pure rogue over trickster? AoE terrifying for only 1 Guile cost? It's just ridiculously good.

you think ? Yeah trickster beserker looks like being a sick build now

1 Guile for Replusive Visage... what do u think :)

Yeah no need to do a spelblade anymore



I've actually tested a trickster monk against both a spellblade and a sage and the trickster now outperforms both with this ability alone due to spammability and faster casting/recovery time. A trickster shouldn't be able to cast a spell better than a wizard; or if s/he is, it should at least cost 2 guile.

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