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Everything posted by Purudaya

  1. I hadn't thought of it that way. Two Weapon Style relies on the "Two_Weapon_Style_SE_DualWieldAttackSpeed" status effect, so I'm not sure if that complicates things. I'm pretty sure I know how to make an ability invisible, but how would I make sure it gets added to every character, including enemies? Thanks for your advice so far, I really appreciate it.
  2. So there are two entries in global.gamedatabundle ("DualWeaponRecoveryMultiplier" and "DualWeaponFullAttackDamageMultiplier"). There are also status effect entries for both dual-wielding (the automatic recovery bonus) and two weapon style (the passive ability and added recovery bonus). Unfortunately Visual Code isn't letting me format the latter for some reason so pasting it here would look like gibberish. In either case, I think your solution - an unseen passive effect based on the boolean values for weapon slots - would be the most versatile option. Just two questions: 1. How would I make sure that passive is assigned to every character and enemy in the game? 2. Would you be willing/able to provide a code outline for the ability (or status effect)? I've had some experience modding existing abilities, items, etc, but I'm completely lost as to how to create a new ability/status effect and make sure it gets automatically applied. Any help you could provide would be really appreciated; thank you for your advice so far.
  3. I'm trying to apply an accuracy penalty to dual-wielding, but I want it to take effect independent of whether or not two weapon style is active. There must be a status effect for having one weapon in each hand (unrelated to any ability) because doing so impacts recovery time even without two weapon style, I just cant find where/what it is. Could someone please point me in the right direction or give me a brief rundown for how to apply an accuracy penalty whenever a character has a weapon in each hand? Thanks in advance!
  4. Community Patch, Enhanced UI, Deadly Deadfire Lite (25% XP gain reduction only), and Soulbound Upgrades, in that order
  5. In case others haven't mentioned it, patch 5.0 adds dialogue (including an ongoing narrative with Woedica that unfolds alongside the main questline) which, among other things, explains what life was like before the wheel. Might be worth a second playthrough now that PoE2 is content complete
  6. Strange that it's not showing up correctly for me. I only have a few other mods and I make sure to place the community patch last in my load order. I'll look into it and see if I can find any conflicts.
  7. The right-click description of the modal is correct, it's just the tooltip from the action bar/whatever that still uses the old text - at least in my experience. I agree with you about the modal change. Most of my sabre-focused characters are low-deflection anyway, so a -10 penalty doesn't really feel like it balances out the much more valuable penetration increase. In my current community patch playthrough, it feels insignificant enough that I just leave the modal on and forget it. Maybe changing the penalty from +50% recovery time to +20% would feel like a more appropriate malus.
  8. Sorry if this has already been posted, but I spotted a small text-related bug/oversight in the current patch: the sabre modal Windmill Slash tooltip still says "gain penetration at the cost of recovery time" rather than "at the cost of deflection." Thanks as always for your continued work on this
  9. Assassin/Evoker is supposedly very good. You'll get the assassinate benefits when casting from stealth (pretty sure the reduced recovery applies as well) and evokers have a chance to double-cast.
  10. If I could suggest one other possible nerf that I haven't seen yet, it would be the rogue's Persistent Distraction. It makes sense that it removes the requirement to set up sneak attacks against engaged enemies, but - because it applies two afflictions - it removes the requirement to set up deathblows as well. IMO Persistent Distraction should only apply 1 affliction (probably flanked) so that rogues still have to source another affliction to make deathblows trigger. As it stands, once melee players hit PL 4 they don't really have to think about conditions for sneak attacks or deathblows ever again, which removes a lot of the strategy for the class. I play a lot of rogue multis and this has bothered me since 1.0. Just an idea
  11. No, but I have tested an arquebus assassin and an arquebus holy slayer seperately with the 200% bonus (which the holy slayer won't have access to in the community patch release due to PL) in high level encounters - keep in mind that I wouldn't expect +200% at low-mid level, only at PL 10. It takes about 3-4 shots from stealth to kill most enemies (you can actually abuse red hand's two shots by hitting smoke veil right after the first), but of course there are some enemies with low armor that you can score harder hits on. Even so, +200% isn't that much better on an arquebus than +150%, and since you don't feel the full benefit until later levels it really doesn't feel OP. Most of my tests have been at level 16-20. For me, the unmodded assassin is underpowered (exception: assassin/evoker, but that doesn't make much use of backstab) when compared to other single-target DPS classes, slightly less so once vanishing strike is available. But that's quite late game and usually only nets 2 backstabs unless you're using light weapons, and those don't benefit much more from the extra +50%. If 200% seems too high compared to 150%, what about giving a backstab bonus to assassins only the way tricksters get a unique sneak attack malus? This is probably getting a little too creative for the confines of the poll, but what about tying sneak attack and backstab to subclass? Assassin > Debonair > Streetfighter/Vanilla > Trickster? It's late, I'm probably giving it too much thought All I can say is that I've tested +200% on a level 20 assassin using dual sabres, axes with modal, and arquebus - and it feels right for both the level and the class role compared to other martials/martial multis at the same level. If you have time to test it out, I'd love to hear what you think.
  12. I'd love to see this end at 200% at PL 10, personally. I've modded this and tested a few builds - it doesn't feel OP given the time/resources it takes to proc invisibility and position backstabs, and vanishing strike isn't as much of a balance problem because faster/low-base-damage weapons don't benefit as much as they would with the lash. Just recently tried a single class assassin with dual sabres focusing on Gambit and Vanishing Strike. The 200% backstabs are powerful, but it doesn't unbalance the class against other single-target DPS builds. Just my 2¢.
  13. I know you've already contributed to the upcoming community patch, but if you ever wanted to release a custom "Boeroer's Cut" rebalance I'd be extremely stoked to play it
  14. So I ran the eyedropper tool over shared pixels and some of the whites are indeed whiter in the originals - from the examples you picked, you can see it most clearly on deep wounds, accurate carnage, and what looks like rapid casting (the star and hourglass). It might just be that the gradient range is slightly different here than in vanilla, that the emboss effect has something to do with it, or that the devs used two gradients with the white icon as the middle layer. You could try duplicating the gradient layer and setting one to 80% opacity and the other to 20%, then stacking the layers so that the 80% is on top and the white icon is immediately beneath it - the background will look the same but the whites will end up 20% brighter. To each their own, of course; they look great all in all. Thanks for all your hard work on this.
  15. It looks like you're using a vertical gradient for the backgrounds but it's rendering on top of the white icons, which might reduce clarity. Maybe set the icon layer on top of the gradient layer so that it doesn't get darkened? Just a thought
  16. So I've been doing a lot of build testing lately and I've been running into some long-standing limitations with weapon styles: if you really want to optimize a martial character, two-weapon style is almost always far-and-away better than two-handed and (especially) one-handed style. I've even modded one-handed to give more hit-to-crit conversion and two-handed to give more bonus damage, but the problem remains that attacking with two weapons on full attack (even with -35% damage) is just too good when it comes to proccing on-crit effects and applying afflictions. Even a one-handed monk with accuracy pumped to high heaven doesn't trigger swift flurry and heartbeat drumming as often as a monk with two-weapon style and decent perception spamming full attacks. What I'm asking is this: Full attacks with a weapon in the off-hand trigger an attack with both weapons. Is it possible to trigger some other effect on full attack for one-handed and two-handed styles? I feel like the only way to make one-handed and (to a much lesser extent, two-handed) competitive is to give them some extra functionality on full attack that they don't have otherwise. Does anybody have any thoughts?
  17. Question about the community patch: Is this a +20% lash (+5%/PL) or a flat +20 DMG (+5 damage/PL)? Was kind of confused by the combination of +20 and +5%. Or is it actually like it says: +20 flat damage, then +5% lash/PL? Because that would help improve backstabs for weapons with low base damage. Anyway, thank you all for your work on this. Can't wait to play the final release, this rebalance has improved a lot of class combinations that were hard passes before.
  18. I've had the same problem with stunning blow exactly twice out of around 60 recent combat encounters (I use SSS for build testing) since version 4.0. Loading the most recent save has fixed it both times - if you're able to reproduce this reliably and it's not just a one-off, I'd recommend uploading your save with a bug report.
  19. Could you please share the specifics of this build? I haven't seen stalkers get much love and would be curious to see what synergies/benefits it provides over other wizard/martials
  20. Have you considered adding in a streetfighter/monk? Great single-target DPS, especially if you go Helwalker on the monk side. The extra incoming damage shouldn't be a concern as you'll be able to stun-lock most enemies by spamming stunning surge (refund resource on crit). Max perception and dexterity, dump resolve to 7-8, invest a few points in intellect and might (you'll get +10 to both from the Helwalker passive and turning wheel). Dual Sabres, swift flurry, thunderous blows, enduring dance, stunning surge, turning wheel, heartbeat drumming, tough, persistent distraction, deep wounds, and deathblows are the must haves. Confounding blind is also helpful for increasing crit chance and devastating blow is a great boss finisher. Both swift flurry and heartbeat drumming proc extra attacks and can proc off of each other. Given that you'll have almost unlimited full attacks via stunning surge, you'll often deal 2-3 extra hits per attack (all doing sneak attack+deathblows damage due to persistent distraction). Hit Enduring Dance at the beginning of combat to generate wounds quickly to get the +10 might and intellect (harder hits, longer-lasting stunning surges), then use thunderous blows situationally to increase PEN (otherwise, avoid spending wounds to keep bonuses up). If you do get overwhelmed or run up against enemies immune to stun, switch over to Duality of Immortal Presence: Body for a quick +10 CON. Focus as much equipment as possible on maximizing accuracy/crit chance and you'll have a great time. Bonus: open combat with blunderbusses using the powder burns modal to trigger Heating Up right off the bat (your low RES will help to keep you flanked longer).
  21. Monk, especially Helwalker. Trickster's defensive bonuses will mitigate the Helwalker's squishiness while the +10 intellect from turning wheel will make your spells last longer. Hit dance of death (later enduring dance) at the beginning of combat to generate wounds quickly, then spend points on stunning surge and repulsive visage to stun/fear lock enemies in melee range so you can pick them apart. Fun, versatile build that's great for either off-tanking or solid DPS. The +10 might also lets you focus on maxing dexterity, perception, and intelligence at character creation for high speed, more critical hits, and even longer spell durations.
  22. A high INT/PER Rogue/Cipher with dual mortars typically gains max focus with one (max 2) full attacks, depending on how enemies are clustered. Streetfighter/Ascendant is especially powerful with the powder burns modal proccing Heating Up. Bonus: dump resolution so that the distracted affliction (and thus Heating Up) lasts extra long through your ascended phase, providing extra casting speed.
  23. Damn, I've been playing so long that I don't even think about the stealth conditions anymore. My instinct is that any action (aside from movement) breaks invisibility and only offensive actions/aoe buffs break stealth, but I could be wrong. Either way, it feels pretty natural/logical and I don't think you'll run into any nasty surprises. To your build: barbarian is not a bad choice for a sniper build because your reload speed will benefit from the passives. But if you want to make a stealth-focused sniper, I would recommend assassin/bleakwalker: if you use the paladin's flames of devotion ability, its damage lash will stack multiplicatively with the passive damage bonuses from sneak attack and assassinate and will allow you to hit extremely hard with the arquebus. Keep in mind that paladins in PoE are different from most other RPGs and don't necessarily require the type of roleplaying traditionally associated with the class. But if you're set on barbarian and the firearm type doesn't matter, also consider single class with dual blunderbusses. At high level, you'll be able to trigger full attacks against multiple enemies at once, which can nuke entire mobs with the right equipment. Even better with a single class monk, but I'm not sure how far you're willing to stray class-wise.
  24. Choosing single/multi classes happens only (1) at the moment you create a character/adventurer or (2) at the moment you recruit an NPC. You might be thinking of dual-classing as in the infinity engine games, where you could pick up a second class at level up if certain requirements were met - that doesn't exist in PoE2.
  25. I'd recommend just using the unity console mod from Deadfire Nexus. It's more intuitive, has more options, doesn't disable achievements, and requires no memorization.
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