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Found 22 results

  1. Would highly appreciate it if someone could provide a watercolor for this portrait.
  2. Hi, i have some issues with choosing my starting character. i never played POE but i like challenging games and to create my "perfect" character, so i want to play on hard mode I like a meele focussed build for my main character without too much micro management and i like good late-game-scaling. After some research i think of going with barbarian or paladin, but i have some problems with m choosing the right race. I really like the godlike race, but i am not sure how the racial abilities scale into lategame because they have to compensate the missing helmet (as far i know there are some really good helmets later on). The Nature godlike gets +3 to might, Dex and con while under 50% endurance. On the damage side alone that is +9% damage and +9% attack speed without a timer. The constitution increase seems also like a nice bonus. But in comparison the Humans seems to be the better choice, because the passive (+15% damage and 7 accuracy for 20 sec when droping below 50% endurance) synergize well with the barbarian. Also it would last longer because of high int of the Barbarian. On top of that there would be the helmet bonuses. So how would rate the lategame scaling of nature goodlike vs. Human for barbarian? I Also think of of going as a fire godlike as a paladin (nice roleplay) but their passive seems to be awful. +4 damage reduction and +2 burn damage to attackers. According to pillarsofeternity.fandom that ability doesn't even scale. Am i missing something out here? So i really want to play with a godlike (nature-barbarian or fire-paladin) but it would kind of ruin the fun for me when my main character would fall of lategame. I really looking forward you opinion on this topic Thank you and best regards Daniel
  3. By modifying Assembly-CSharp.dll one can achieve with ease many frequently requested things that are otherwise not possible or very difficult. I have decided to make this tutorial instead of mods since mods for Assembly-CSharp.dll have some drawbacks (see below). Difficulties with Assembly-CSharp.dll modding - A modified Assembly-CSharp.dll won't be properly recognized by patches. So one has to use the BACKUP and patch the game or reinstall it. After that one has to redo all modifications to the new Assembly-CSharp.dll. It helps if one keeps track of the changes in a text file. - Assembly-CSharp mods are incompatible with any other mod that modifies Assembly-CSharp.dll Getting started - Assembly-CSharp.dll is located in "...\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\Managed". - MAKE A BACKUP of Assembly-CSharp.dll !!!!! - To modify the dll you need a de/compiler like dnspy. - Launch up dnspy and open Assembly-CSharp.dll. The rest should be self explanatory for everyone with little programming skills (else leave your hands out of it!!! and learn programming). What can be done? 1. Helms for godlike 2. Does "waiting" from the rest menu take to long? 3. XP Gain. You dislike PoE2 xp system? The lines you need to edit are under "Partymanager" "AddPartySizeBonusXP" and "AssignXPToInactiveParty" I prefer no party size and no inactive penalty (changes for that below). This lines can also be modified to have a difficult scaling. 4. Difficulty scaling under "DifficultyScaling" "public class ScaleData" right click on the token and chose "edit class" this things can be changed... CreatureAttributeBonus CreatureLevelMult = 1f; DetectableDifficultyMult = 1f; DisarmDifficultyMult = 1f; TrapEffectMult = 1f; TrapDamageMult = 1f; SkillCheckMult = 1f;
  4. Hey everbody, i want to ask if there is any way to unlock the godlike helmet slot. I have tried to look in gamedata but couldn't find anything.
  5. I was wondering what other people picked for their first character in pillars of eternity and what factored into that decision. After playing the game with your first character what race did you choose for your second play through and what determined that.
  6. Hello everyone 80+ hours in game - and probably 50 hours spend in character creation and theory crafting ( Loving it ) My current idea is to make an arbalast wielding savage build that perhaps will be able to solo veteran+ ( Perhaps with a wingman/wingwoman ) Class : Savage ( Barbarian, no subclass / Ranger Sharpshooter ) Barbarian for action speed, crit, coolness factor and rp. Sharpshooter for accuracy, and ranged focus of the build in general. And again rp. ( roleplay ) Race : Nature Godlike ( Looks & rp reasons mainly ) Pet : Boar ( Im aware Bear is the most sturdy of em all, and ranger pets apparently blows - but just look at that toothy chubby bastard! :D Attributes : 18 Might, 8 Con, 16 Dex, 18, Perception, 14 Int, 4 Resolve ( Any suggestions? ) Weapons of choice : Arbalast - Animation, modal and badass! / Morning Star, crushing and eh.. savage ( Any suggestions to 2h melee? ) Unique Arbalast : Spearcaster Barbarian : Active abilities : Frenzy to Blood frenzy to Bloodstorm ( Speed, DoT and Strong & Fit - afaik, Strong & Fit should activate the Nature Godlike racial - correct? ) Barbaric blow to Crushing blow ( Im abit confused if recovery is affecting my Arbalast - so not sure if this the best pick ) Savage Defiance, sofar i prefer the upgrade with lower cost. Passive abilities : Blooded Two handed style Bloodlust Bloody slaugther Blood Thirst ( If this works with Arbalast ) Sharpshooter : Active abilities : Marked prey - Marked for the hunt Wounding shot - Accurate wounding shot Thorny roots Evasive Roll - Evasive Fire ( Love this one ) Passive abilities : Resilient companion Marksman Gunner Protective companion - Stalkers link ( Unsure if this will be worth it, considering the life expentency of my toothy buddy ) Driving flight Uncanny luck Survival of the fittest Suggestions, ideas and input are more then welcome. Especially regarding gear/items besides Spearcaster. Thanks upfront!
  7. I would really like to have some of the unique Godlikes we encounter throughout the course of the game become available during character creation via a Berath's Blessing. Something like an "Additional Godlikes" Blessing. Thoughts?
  8. I made a new mod level and ability cap increaser 1.0 Mod (LACI 1.0) on github https://github.com/Fhav6X/level-and-ability-cap-increaser/releases/tag/LACI1.0 and nexusmods https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity/mods/198 What does it do? - This mod increases the level AND the ability cap to level 20. ( Yep, just 20 but with abilities . You won't know where to put them all ) - This mod removes the helm restrictions for Godlike. Their boons are worth nothing at level 20 and so this restriction is no longer justified. - This mod removes the bonus xp for smaller parties and the penalty for not-in-Party-PCs. Main PC and all other party PC always get 130% of the base xp. Exception are PCs on adventure. They get the +X% xp extra. ( I to often found myself solo, missing a lot of comments from the others, just to get more xp for me and the companions) How to install? - Just extract the archive into the main Pillars of Eternity folder. !!!The code of this assembly-csharp.dll and the unity3d files is property of Obsidian Entertainment!!!
  9. What do you think: is it possible to see new playable races (or godlike types) in future games, DLC? Or its just not illogical - to make new playable races because you are not a new character in this adventure (you continue your epic adventures in Eora as Watcther for POE I). In the other hand - you can change race even if you transfer saves from POE I. I even asked Alex Scokel during stream last week - is it lore ok to change race in POE II if you transfer your save. And he said - it's ok!).
  10. Is it intentional that silver tides heals enemies when in combat? I ran a PotD Berserker Moon godlike and i assumed that my silver tides would only effect me and my allies, but instead it made the run exceptionally harder as during fights my heal would bring my enemies back from the brink of death during the really hard fights, and because barbs need high intellect i was healing the whole battlefield. I don't know if its a bug with Frenzy's confusion, but it doesn't seem fair to have it work as such a harsh double edged blade. Not only can i hurt my friends but i can literally help mobs? I hope this is a glitch. I'm 40 hours into the run and its balanced itself out now that my characters are stronger, but the first 10 levels were a nightmare on top of the patches to difficulty (which i'm happy with but i digress). High might+high intellect+3 heals per fight makes for punishing gameplay. Please change this.
  11. I noticed that none of the default ones match the two new male Moon Godlike heads so I did some Photo manip on some existing portraits MOD LINK
  12. Here's a simple guide to get a helmet for your Godlike character. You need to have the ability to change your race. To do this, you'll need either the paid Cheat Happens trainer or a free Cheat Engine table for Pillars of Eternity. Google is your friend. As far as I know, console commands can't change race, but if they can then that should work as well. Step 1: Get the trainer or Cheat Engine working. Step 2: Change your race to any non-godlike race. This will not change your appearance, but it will unlock the helmet slot. Step 3: Equip any helmet. Step 4: Change your race back to your original Godlike race. The helmet slot will be locked out, but you are still wearing the hat, and gain all it's bonuses. Please Note: Parts of the Godlike head is actually "hair", so most hats and helmets remove those excotic parts. Horns are always part of the head, and remain visible. Thankfully the Death Godlike growths are part of the "hair". Death Godlikes have red eyes and it seems that their faces are complete, even though we were never meant to see them. Ears on the other hand are incorrectly flesh colored. Flavor text: Fire Godlikes will always have horns poking out from the helmet, but that doesn't bother me. I think my elf bodied female Fire Godlike looks rather cute in that hood. And if your worried about going against the established lore, you could imagine that the hood on your Fire Godlike is made from fire retardant cloth, and that there are holes for the horns to stick out. Originally I wanted to play a human looking Death Godlike, and created a human character and then changed my race and added the Death Godlike ability, and this seemed to work. Unfortunately, since leveling your character is a variation of the chracter creation, it automatically changes your appearance to the correct race. I think you could circumvent this by always changing your race back to human before leveling your character, to keep your human appearance, and afterwards change back to Godlike. Why Would You Do This: Quite frankly, most of the Godlike heads are not pleasant to look at. Compare that rather attractive female Fire Godlike portrait to the actual heads, and you'll see the point that quite many have made. Or maybe you'd like to get the helmet bonuses, for gameplay purposes. Anyway, this is basically cheating. Sometimes, mods just aren't the answer.
  13. Hi, I've looked around but can't seem to find this information anywhere - I assume it is possible to play a Male Dwarf Fire Godlike ? If so would anyone have a screen-shot of the available heads for dwarf fire godlikes ? Thanks
  14. Basically what the title says. I'm running a nature godlike and I suddenly realised I was never sure if i saw my racial at work, its supposed to give some attributes bonuses when below 50% endurance. Anyway I looked at my char when i was with low endurance and didn't see any buff icon, or change in the stats in the char screen. Don't even see the racial listed anywhere in the char sheet.
  15. Hello all well i was wondering is there any good/OTHER godlike Portraits i know there are many "human/type" portraits but GodLike "race" or how they look ( specially death one ) seem kinda cool and new but not many portraits of them that i could find still thanks for all if anyone could help
  16. Hello everyone! I wanted to share my fanfiction in PoE world. I wrote six chapters, but seventh (the last) is being written now and should be finished in 2015 (purpose is until PoE hits). Despite English isn't my native language, I decided to translate my story (it's always better than Google Translator ), but I would be grateful for correction by somebody, who likes removing grammar errors, etc. (PM me then). Still I hope that general meaning of the story is clear, it was hard work, but I had fun too. I used game lore, naturally for story, so there may be some "spoilers" (but I don't know it is a good word). I would say that there is nothing new what you can see on wiki and in beta. However there are some my "inventions", but I tried to be so close to the lore as possible. Action takes place in Readceras. Main character is a Godlike, who was raised in temple of Eothas. One day he is offered joining to paladin order (Fellows of St. Waidwen Martyr). Soon after that he gets involved in Eothasian-Magranic conflict with enigmatic animancy in the background, when he sees series of mysterious abuctions... I warn about some "strong moments" in the story (vulgar language, sexual themes, etc.) OK, here is link. I hope you will enjoy it and maybe be inspired to write your own story. Nice reading! Between light & fire
  17. First I'm not a backer, but I have this game on my focus. (Buying it at release if I think it's worth it.) So my only experience is from reading the wiki and footage from the beta. At first the concept of godlikes has appealed to me, but now I think the effects are to low for "godlike". Now there are only marginal effects. Pro: - few people will love you - small attribute bonus - one unique passive ability Con: - most people will hate you - no helmet How about giving it more impact? The people thing can stay, but instead of small boni it should be big boni balanced out with big mali. So it will add choice especially in combination with the classes. (And thus diversity.) So you can choose a godlike to further increase the strength of some classes (in return to increase their weakness) or balance out weaknesses of others (in return to decrease their strenghts). Easy to add: There could be added a skill bonus/malus, like nature godlike with bonus to "survival" and mauls to "mechanical". Or the fire godlike with bonus to "athletics" and malus to "stealth". Harder to add: There could be some boni to related abilities and mali to nonrelated, like death godlike with a bonus to any debuff ability and a malus to any buff ability. Or the fire godlike with a bonus to any "fire" and "combat" ability, but a malus to any "nature" and "heal" ability that is not fire or combat. This would add to some interessting choices between godlike/nongodlike and classes. For example you can choose to be a fire godlike as druid and therfore greatly improve your capabilities with your spirtform (combat) and the few fire related abilities in extend of weakening most of your other abilities (nature). Maybe the nature godlike is the exact opposite and if you choose to be nongodlike you stay balanced in all your abilities. Maybe add some weak related abilities which the godlike gets regardless of class. So if you chose the fire godlike and mage you improve your "fire" magic but you will learn it's fire abilities anyways or you chose fire godlike and barbarian and miss the boni to "fire" magic, but that may be your only way to gain some fire magic with that class at all. (Ok, it would be OP with the boni to "combat" and the mali to "nature" and "heal" which the barbarian most likely doesn't have anyway, but that is only a suggestion to show what I mean.) TL;DR: Give the godlike more impact (positive and negative) to make it a true choice. Note: I understand why a godlike may not be able to wear "any" helmet, but since you can craft armor yourself why not adding a few non-lootable helmets specifically for crafting and godlikes? If you are allready able to craft a helmet you will have no problem making some holes in it for horns or something individual that fits your own head regardless how "special" it may be formed.
  18. Maybe it has already been mentioned elsewhere and I just didn't see it, but do the special abilities of the Godlike actually scale with level? Because, if not, some are pretty underwhelming and others will surely become useless as the game progresses. Case in point: The Death Godlike does increased damage to enemies below 15% health. That seems borderline useless if the percentage doesn't increase, if we ignore Boss battles with dragons or similar, an enemy with 15% health will die with a few hits either way, decreasing the number of hits needed probably by two at most. It's a bit different with the Moon Godlike, they release healing waves at several points as their stamina goes down. Sounds good, but again if it doesn't scale the amount of healing that was awesome at level 1 will be neglible at level 12. Now some might say: "Why should the Godlike abilities scale anyway? Enjoy your bonus, the other races don't get anything!" Wrong, they get helmets. And helmets do scale and also offer flexibility. Already the Stag Helmet in the beta gives skill and attribute boni and I'm sure that's not the best helmet in the game and surely not the best helmet once the expansion releases. So, do i have to feel embarassed for whining about something that was already answered or do I actually have a point? Opinions?
  19. Hello, can anyone post here where and how Josh confirmed moon godlike race? I just spotted it on wiki but link to source leads to forum where I dont have any access. Thanks
  20. Update by Rose Gomez, Jr. Producer Hello everyone! My name is Rose Gomez - I'm the newest Producer on Pillars of Eternity. I'll be handling a lot of the Kickstarter related duties for the game from here on out. I've been working at Obsidian Entertainment for a little over three years now. My previous titles include South Park: The Stick of Truth and the Fallout: New Vegas DLCs. I'm thrilled to be able to work on Pillars of Eternity and can't wait to interact more with all of you in the coming months. For this update, we've got some awesome new character, area, and concept art that we're excited to show. However, before we get to the art, we wanted to officially update everyone that we are looking good to release Eternity by Winter 2014. So, look forward to getting your hands on Pillars of Eternity later this year. Our next update will be all about Pillars of Eternity lore by Eric Fenstermaker. Stretch Goals After much discussion and consideration of the poll on our forums we have decided not to pursue any additional stretch goals. Rest assured that the team is working hard on completing the game and including our current stretch goals. Surveys Our designers are working hard to implement the designs that our higher tiered backers have come up with. If you have a survey that needs to be filled out, please do so by March 31st. It's important that you get your surveys completed by the deadline because we are closing in on Alpha quickly. The team needs ample time to get your content into the game. We can't guarantee your in-game contribution will make it into the game if you are late. This includes inn/tavern designs, adventurer party designs, portraits, NPCs, and items/weapons, so make sure you get your idea in before the deadline! You can fill out your surveys on our Backer Portal after you've finished managing your pledge. They can be found on your account page under the Surveys tab. Worried that your design won't fit into Pillars of Eternity lore? Not sure if you want that innkeeper to be an Orlan or an Aumaua? Take a peek at the Pillars of Eternity Wiki to get some inspiration or clarification on the world. Characters With all that news out of the way, let's get to the art. To kick things off this week, we'd like to show you all some of the awesome new Godlike variants Dimitri has finished up - the Death Godlike. As we've mentioned before in previous updates, the Godlike are people that were "blessed" before birth by one or more of the deities of the world. Godlike manifest their divine heritage in a variety of ways, and in the case of the Death Godlike that heritage can be seen through their wicked looking horns and the misting darkness that shrouds their visage. Death Godlike. Another type, the Earth Godlike, can be seen below in some new portrait variants that Polina whipped up. These are just a few of the combinations that will be available to use for your character during the game. Earth Godlike portrait variants. Areas The environment artists are flying through their various scenes and churning out awesome looking pieces week by week. Below you can see a cool new interior from a Blacksmith's shop by Holly Prado. Blacksmith interior. Up next we have a really awesome piece by April Giron from an area called Ondra's Gift. This area is still a work in progress but we thought you all would enjoy taking a look at what we've got so far. Ondra's Gift interior. Both of these areas have a lot of cool detail in them so make sure you view them at full resolution. Creatures In Pillars of Eternity, Druid characters will be able to shift into a few different spirit forms. Druids start with specific spirit forms and can find additional spirit forms in the world. One of these forms is the Cat, shown here in a concept drawing by Polina. Druid Cat Form concept. Below you can see what the Cat form looks like when modeled and textured, rendered out of our engine. Druid Cat form in engine. That's all for this week. Don't forget! If you need to fill out a survey for any Pillars of Eternity pledges please do so on our Backer Portal by the March 31st deadline. In the meantime, keep managing those pledges and commenting on our forums.
  21. Like above what type od "godlikes" whoud you like to see, and what sort inspiration whoud you like to see for that race ? We know that goodlikes (at least one of them) will risemble navi with deer crossover ...
  22. Rob Nesler, Project Eternity's Art Director Hello everybody it's me again, Rob Nesler, Art Director on Project Eternity. I had intended on presenting our Art Style document to the world by this update, but it still needs work. So, you have to wait a bit longer for it. So that’s sad. However, with the last art update, I glossed over our Technical Animator Antonio's work 'cause it was 3 o'clock in the morning and I couldn't think about how to describe intelligently what Antonio does for us. Some of you professed extensive knowledge of rigging and skinning, as well as profound disappointment in my patronizing tone, and demanded to be better informed of this horribly complex facet of game development. So...okay! Before that we have some eye candy. A Godlike concept by Polina (click to see full size image): And noooooo...you can’t have a larger version. Google "estoc" if you want a sense of the weapon she's holding. The godlike are the children of humanoids (most often humans) who have been "blessed" (or cursed, depending on personal or social view) with the physical manifestation of a divine spark granted by the gods. Godlike manifest their divine heritage in a variety of ways: wings, horns, strange birthmarks, talons, odd eyes - but they always manifest it somehow. BTW, in case you missed it, this is a playable "race". Below are some further examples of the possible deviations/conditions they inherit: Okay back to technical animating. If you recall, in the last update, I wrote this little nugget: Some of you wanted more... so... here’s more. His primary responsibility is rigging and weighting characters for skinned forward kinematic and inverse kinematic animation. Daily, he also uses his expert technical knowledge of animation techniques and the underlying idiosyncrasies of 3D animation software to assist our animation team as a problem solver, a mentor, and a scripter to improve animator workflow and overcome deficiencies in the applications we use. So that sounded intelligent; vague and awkward, but intelligent. So, specifically ROB, what does Antonio do that will make Project Trenton/Eternity awesome? Generally, technical animators program scripts using languages like MEL or Python to extend or enhance the functionality of existing off-the-shelf apps like Maya, Max, or Softimage. These scripts are often programs running within the larger app, but sometimes they are utilities that exist outside the application to assist in conversion or batching operations. These often can be purchased, but sometimes they themselves don’t have all the features our animators want so... NO! Specifically ROB! What the hell does he do??? Okay, okay, for Project Trenton/Eternity Antonio has written, a few, and re-written a couple times the following, and it's all called DNA (Design New Actor). Firstly, there is the Export Rig, and this is not so unique to 3D character animation. This is a highly optimized skeleton that represents only the bones that the actual actor mesh is weighted to. For a humanoid character these bones would be named: Pelvis, Femur_Rt and Femur_Lt., etc. Vertices of the visible textured geometry, that the player sees, are all attached to these bones with various amounts of strength, so the character will appear to bend and flex more naturally. Sometimes these bones will have physics applied to them, like pony tails. This is less a rig and more of: simply the skeleton that the other rigs interact with, but these are the only bones that go into the game, and we call it the "export rig". Antonio builds this skeletal hierarchy to fit the expected proportions of the character, and character modelers build character meshes to match visible body parts to the locations of bones, so that -- for example -- the bendy part between the upper_arm_rt and lower_arm_rt ends up being where a humanoid creature, as designed, would expect an elbow to be. Then there is this nifty rig that was discussed a little bit, a couple updates ago — fricken’ Adam (PE's Executive Producer) always stealing my thunder! I think we call it the “stretch rig”. As he mentioned, it allows Dimitri, our dutiful Character Lead, to scale, even non-proportionally (with volume adjustments) meshes with the export rig already weighted. This way we can make a human character mesh, rig him to a human-proportioned skeleton, animate him, then take that same character and deform him to a new size and proportion, export him and use the same animations that were created for the human on this newly scaled/deformed mesh. This is a very useful asset multiplier, which allows us to leverage costly armor set and animation development across the spectrum of our races. ...And last, but most certainly not least, we rely on Antonio for creating rigs that provide controllers that allow the animators the maximum amount of flexibility when creating animations. These 'control rigs' are specialized for each character/creature type, after they've been stretched. They provide controls for jumping, crouching, twisting, grabbing, etc. They provide inverse kinematic and forward kinematic transformations, physics blending, following, squeezing, etc.-- whatever is required, actually. These controllers and extra bones are for animator manipulation only; they do not get exported. That's why when I said, "he rigs the rigs" I wasn't actually joking. These are rigs of rigs. These are the animator’s most essential bread and butter. Using these tools is how they actually create character animation. And that's it. The update is over. I know, not so fun, but this is serious stuff. We’ll show some animated examples sometime in the not-too-distant future. Rob Out!
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