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Found 3 results

  1. Where are the chain coifs? Do they even exist in PoE2? -if so, where are they found? I have yet to see any (currently lvl 16) In PoE1 there were chain coifs in the game, which was pretty awesome. They looked great as an alternative to a helmet or hood for armored characters who like the hooded look, without appearing too clothy/ranger like. A great deal of the character appeal is about the helmet/headpiece. In my opinion many helmets tend to not always look/fit that great, they often seem too small or too bulky, too shiny or a little too silly/weird. There are lot's of hats/cloth bandanas etc, which fits the setting. In Deadfire I too often end up putting hoods on everybody, unless it's some full plate knight in glorious shining armor. I think it would be great too see some rusty/worn chain mail head-pieces to go with many of the really cool well-weathered metal armors in the game. Perhaps some chain coifs combined in half-face/open-face helmets, with a plated part and a coif for the neck cover. It's possible I simply haven't discovered some of the cooler looking unique helmets yet, and It's all subjective of course, I tend to go for the rusty armored mercenary look Cheers (My sullen Watcher in rusty scalemail, tanky stalker/chanter so the hood fits well enough, yet a rusty chain coif would be even better!)
  2. I made a new mod level and ability cap increaser 1.0 Mod (LACI 1.0) on github https://github.com/Fhav6X/level-and-ability-cap-increaser/releases/tag/LACI1.0 and nexusmods https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity/mods/198 What does it do? - This mod increases the level AND the ability cap to level 20. ( Yep, just 20 but with abilities . You won't know where to put them all ) - This mod removes the helm restrictions for Godlike. Their boons are worth nothing at level 20 and so this restriction is no longer justified. - This mod removes the bonus xp for smaller parties and the penalty for not-in-Party-PCs. Main PC and all other party PC always get 130% of the base xp. Exception are PCs on adventure. They get the +X% xp extra. ( I to often found myself solo, missing a lot of comments from the others, just to get more xp for me and the companions) How to install? - Just extract the archive into the main Pillars of Eternity folder. !!!The code of this assembly-csharp.dll and the unity3d files is property of Obsidian Entertainment!!!
  3. Just a quick question. Will the game integrate an option to hide the helmets you are wearing? I know this is only aesthetics but I usually like to see my characters faces. Just curious. Thanks!
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