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Found 4 results

  1. Same generic title, because you can't beat a dead horse enough, if someone refuses to understand some basic principles which were done correctly by 20 yo games. Not happy with xp requirement scaling, level to content progression, much of itemization and xp reward amount analogy to sources. "Completionists", "Rushers", new generation utter nonsense I say. A game should be made to be experienced in its whole. Side != sub-par and I really hope the devs themselves have enough confidence in the content they made to realize that. If someone doesn't want to experience most of the game's content and just rush through the main quest line, one shouldn't mind not experiencing a few spell levels/feats either before finishing the game. And if the end content turns out to be difficult, good thing there are plenty of difficulty options. As for the cap, if you can't get it right, it would be the easiest thing to add simple but interesting and clever "epic feats" or passives to chase after level 20 with a soft cap, that won't require new animations, effects etc, just a bloody line of code. And these should be *needed* during the "end-content" on POTD. Itemization could follow the same principles. Meh.
  2. I made a new mod level and ability cap increaser 1.0 Mod (LACI 1.0) on github https://github.com/Fhav6X/level-and-ability-cap-increaser/releases/tag/LACI1.0 and nexusmods https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity/mods/198 What does it do? - This mod increases the level AND the ability cap to level 20. ( Yep, just 20 but with abilities . You won't know where to put them all ) - This mod removes the helm restrictions for Godlike. Their boons are worth nothing at level 20 and so this restriction is no longer justified. - This mod removes the bonus xp for smaller parties and the penalty for not-in-Party-PCs. Main PC and all other party PC always get 130% of the base xp. Exception are PCs on adventure. They get the +X% xp extra. ( I to often found myself solo, missing a lot of comments from the others, just to get more xp for me and the companions) How to install? - Just extract the archive into the main Pillars of Eternity folder. !!!The code of this assembly-csharp.dll and the unity3d files is property of Obsidian Entertainment!!!
  3. My ship crew has been stuck at 4 stars for ages now while the captain keeps gaining. Had me wondering. Is there a cap to how good the crew can get? Crew members are about to hit 110 xp and they've been at 4 stars (either 4 for one job or a mix 3+1 etc) for a very long time. The only exception I found was at brass citadel. There's a 5 star (3+1+1) recruitable member there but she's not getting any better since I got her either. Edit: Just to answer my own question after completing the game, yes 4 stars is the most they get (with one exception at brass citadel) at 25 crew xp iirc. If you want a 4 star deckhand for example, you need to grab one that ONLY has deckhand star and nothing else.
  4. What's the character max level cap in Pillars of Eternity?!
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