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  1. Valve is back in the hardware business as they have formally announced their Steam Deck handheld. https://www.google.com/amp/s/venturebeat.com/2021/07/15/valves-steam-deck-merges-switch-convenience-with-pc-gaming/amp/ This seems to be the unholy lovechild of MSony consoles, the Nintendo Switch, and a penguin. Under the hood is a custom AMD Zen2 + RDNA2 APU, same as the PS5 and xXxBOxXx, though details such as core counts and clock speed have not yet been revealed. The device can be inserted into a dock (sold separately) to output to a TV, monitor, etc. It runs SteamOS 3.0, Valve's custom gaming-focused Linux distro, though there's nothing stopping you from installing Windows on it. Let's hope the Steam Deck fares better than the Steam Machines.
  2. This is not a post mirror. im just adding here for other playes the cheats to change companion classes in order for it to be registered in the forum. Thanks to boerer for the help! EXAMPLES: comp classes setclasslevel companion<hit tab until Konstanten pops up> Barbarian 8 true player classes setclasslevel player<hit tab> paladin 8 true SetClasslevel <companion_name> <base_class_name> <level> true and then SetSubclass <companion_name> <base_class_name> <subclass_name> I think (?) you don't have to remove/add the lvl-0 abilites manually but maybe you have to. This is done with the AddAbility player<hit tab> <abilityname> and RemoveAbility commands.
  3. So, I want to meet Azzuro finally, and was inclined to use console commands, but on the wiki it says SendStrongholdVisitor tag String Sends the specified visitor to your stronghold, triggering their arrival. Now, where can I find the 'tag string' info? It isn't simply the name, and I can't find any code or something in the wiki. Do I have to get lucky once and get Azzuro regularly and then check his ID and write it down? Or is there another site to get me that info?
  4. I own the Outer Worlds for PS4, a physical copy. I updated the game before purchasing the DLC bundle including Peril on Gorgon. I have multiple saves that are post-Radio Free Monarch and pre-Point of No Return, yet traveling in the Unreliable doesn't trigger the DLC. It's installed, I even got a little banner flash at the bottom of the screen when I loaded up the game that said "peril on gorgon available!" But again, none of my multiple post-RFM, pre-PONR saves seem to be working -- I've tried flying from Terra 2 to Groundbreaker, from Monarch to Scylla, nothing. It really sucks that I actually followed directions and kept the correct saves and I STILL have to replay the entire game if I want to play the DLC. Not cool, Obsidian. Anyone else experiencing this problem?
  5. after a long time i noticed ydwin dissapeared, probably died during pirate fight. is there any way to revive her? maybe through the console or some mod ? is her name still "Companion_Ydwin(Clone)" ? AddToParty Companion_Ydwin(Clone) does not work. any way to revive ydwin ?
  6. I'm not sure if this is the right place to come with console bugs or if I go complain to Versus Evil but oh man this game is nearly unplayable, especially now that I'm hitting a bug where several saves for one character literally freeze up when loading, or load and take me to main menu saying there was a map error. This is utterly ridiculous. (if this is not the right place for this I apologize, literally just created account give minutes ago.
  7. I have a problem with the VTC quest line. After finishing Skipping Ahead Director Castol said I should talk with Govenor Alvari, but she is not in her office. In fact I have never seen her so far. Her office is always closed. And I checked the VTC headquarter every time I visited Neketaka. I have finished Dirty Laundry and I believe I have finished The Storms of Poko Kohara without ever speaking with Alvari. The main quest is on the final step (The Coming Storm). Now I'm a bit at a loss as how to proceed to advance in the VTC quest line. If I gatter the information on the internet right, "A Vote of No Confidence" should start now, but no source explains as to how and where. P.S.: I play on PS4, if this has some relevance to the problem.
  8. I bought PoE Complete Edition on Xbox One X, but I don't have internet in my area so I play offline games unless I go to a friend's house. I started up the game and was ready to finally try this game out and upon selecting "new game" it starts to load then goes back to the main menu where it says something like "Failed to fetch legal documents, please make sure you are connected to the internet". I thought maybe I just had to start it up online, I even made a Paradox account, but after returning home it did the same thing again and again. I do have my Xbox One X set as "home Xbox", so that's not the problem. I can play all my other games just fine, just not this one. I thought this was a single player RPG, why are you forced with online verification or whatever this is. If there is any way to fix this to play offline for console, I would appreciate the help. Any suggestions or fixes?
  9. I bought PoE Complete Edition on Xbox One X, but I don't have internet in my area so I play offline games unless I go to a friend's house. I started up the game and was ready to finally try this game out and upon selecting "new game" it starts to load then goes back to the main menu where it says something like "Failed to fetch legal documents, please make sure you are connected to the internet". I thought maybe I just had to start it up online, I even made a Paradox account, but after returning home it did the same thing again and again. I do have my Xbox One X set as "home Xbox", so that's not the problem. I can play all my other games just fine, just not this one. I thought this was a single player RPG, why are you forced with online verification or whatever this is. If there is any way to fix this to play offline for console, I would appreciate the help. Any suggestions or fixes?
  10. The hud is partially off of the screen on my game. I play on the original Xbox One on an older tv 720x1280 (yes i know it's outdated). I barely ever have this problem with other games, adjustable hud margins would be nice.
  11. I’m not sure if this has been addressed yet, but are you’s aware of the fov problems on console? Iv seen so many post about people talking about getting head aches and nausea from playing, and I’m in the same boat, I play a lot of video games and this is the only game that’s made me feel nauseous and gave me motion sickness after about 20mins of playing, iv only played about 2hrs of the game so far but iv stopped and don’t want to play until something gets fixed, it’s really ruining the experience with this awesome game
  12. i have installed unity engine sucessfully. it even created the patch & launcher after i dragged the pillars deadfire .exe,. when starting the game a small window appears, which it is upposed to happen. but when i press ctrl + f8 nothing happens. what is the problem ?
  13. Hello! I will soon be returning to pillars and hopefully finally finish it (or at least get past Maerwald) before December when POE2 releases for PS4. I want to do a talkative build that works well in a team (and solo? I dunno if there are many fights you HAVE to do solo) on POTD. Also, havin POE2 in mind, are there some creation choices from POE1 that highly affect conversations in part 2? Stats and build dont matter to me much, as I like pretty much all playstyles in these types of games Races I find the most interesting: Orlan, Aumaua, Godlike Classes i find the most interesting: Paladin, Cipher, Priest While I like slaves or scholars the most, I am open to other backgrounds. For geographic origins I have no preferences at all, though I guess Deadfire would have the largest impact in POE2? Any advice is much appreciated ;D
  14. Is there a console command to add specific god challenges?
  15. Is there a console command for retraining characters?
  16. What is the code for adding (And removing) experience to specific companions using the console (not to the whole party) ? sorry for making additional mods regarding the cheat codes, but these are lacking in the pillars wiki. it would be great if these codes were already listed in the game menu from the game beginning. cheats are important not to ruin the game making it too easy, but for proper configuration of your character and the party.
  17. So I have Maia at 2 rep, and she gave me her quest after leaving Neketaka, but I never had her first romance conversation where she expresses interest for the PC... Is there a console command that fires that conversation?
  18. Hello. I'm a new user and I looked around the forum, tried the search feature, googled around, and found no answers to my questions... hope I am asking in the right place, if not, I apologise in advance. Here goes. Is there a roleplaying community? PoE world seems almost perfect, almost ideal for a roleplaying community, one to exchange stories in writing and over IM. I was looking for a forum, for a Discord server, found nothing, no trace of it, no such need expressed. Am I alone? Is there a community like that? If not, can we start somehow, is there need out there like I feel? I saw mods. But they all concern statistics or cosmetics. Are there new quests mods and more important new location mods with maps and interiors and expansion on sailing routes, and introducing NPCs to do and say things? This game begs for equivalents of giant mods like TES's Skyrim has, such as Falksaar or Wyrmstooth where entire new maps are made by players who do voice acting. Again, as with roleplaying, I found no trace, no need expressed. These things make games literally immortal. Am I alone? Why is there no new location or quest mods? When will games be released on consoles, I suppose after DLCs, somewhere in 2019 maybe? Thank you in advance. Peace
  19. I have this character concept of a cipher who have a perception filter similar to grieving mother but a little more complex, that gives him the appearance that would matter to observer so she can learn more about people, changing his race and sex to the eye of who sees her. Could someone please make this possible? maybe changing these traits so they can be added by console like with classes
  20. Dear Obsidian and other forum users, Some people requested I would let you know how Pillars of Eternity plays on console because you wondered how well it would translate to our tv's. I can assure you that this game is an absolute succes. Professional reviews have been raving and all the people I spoke to are really satisfied with how the game feels. I am a ps4 user myself and I wish to extend my gratitude and respect on a job well done porting this game so extremely well to a platform so vastly different from what it was originally designed for. I am very happy to know there is a company out there that takes porting as serious as Obsidian and Paradox did, to the great enjoyment of your new fans. I am not alone when I say we, the PS4 users, hope this is just the start of a wider array of Obsidian games coming to consoles. With utmost respect for a job well done, A happy customer.
  21. Greetings all. I'm playing around with console codes to adjust the skills / talents / etc of the party. I've been successful in making changes, but the process is tedious, and I'd like to know if there is a way to create a batch file that can be run through the console interface. For example, if you're playing Skyrim you can create a text file with a list of console codes typed out, save the file in the main Skyrim directory, and then activate all the codes at once by simply typing "bat <filename>". This works in other games as well, although the process can be different. I've tried this in PoE, but the console doesn't recognize "bat" or "batch" as a valid command. Does anyone know of a way to make this work? Thanks,
  22. Hey, When I was preordering, I was under the impression we had the option to at least force disable the FoW via the console command 'NoFog'. But that's not even a viable option, because it doesn't store the console value with the other settings in the registry. It defaults back to a (bugged) version of the Fog every time you: load your save, enter/exit buldings, enter/exit too or from areas, etc. Basically anytime you do anything requiring a map load. So it's quite useless. I would love some Fog of War specific options. I mean, to enable, or disable it properly, without uncovering the whole area map before it's discovered. Or even to adjust the start radius of the fog, so it begins outside of your screenspace view. Or, even only use Fog on areas that have not been discovered yet?. I'm not trying to cheat, I just want to be able to admire the nice scenery. Apparently, being able to see more than a couple of metres is cheating, yet fast mode 24/7 is not?. Any help is appreciated, thank you/
  23. The Skill cheat command in the console does not appear to work as advertised. My character has 10 mechanics When I say "Skill player mechanics 15" I get a message saying "Player_New_Game(Clone)_0's Mechanics is now 15". However when I look at the character sheet, her mechanics skill is 25. Also if I save and reload, the skill level reverts back to 10. So it seems that the command somehow adds to the skill instead of changing the base value and the effect is not permanent. As a feature request, it would also be nice to have a AddSkillPoints command which would add skill points to be spent at the next level up instead of just setting the skill level to a flat value.
  24. Its like a self buff lol. I want to play a Diablo 2 auradin. (and by playing i mean have as much fun). Why would they limit the range on it so much, his unique shield has map-wide effect. Speaking of which is saving with auras enabled still broken in 1.05? so far im turning everything off before quicksave.
  25. This is a bug that happened after 1.0.3. It worked in 1.0.2 so it seems to be a bug. The problem: Changes from console command "skill" does not persist; every time i reload the game, the changes get reverted. An example: I want to change the player stealth to 10 1.) Enalbe the cheat console by typing in "iroll20s" 2.) Change the stealth-skill by typing in "skill player stealth 10" 3.) Look at the character screen: stealth got changed to 10 (or more if you have some bonuses or set some points in it already) Until here it works. Now here comes the bug: 4.) Save the game 5.) Load the game 6.) Look into the character screen: the changes to the stealth-skill got reverted to the previous value. In 1.0.2 it worked and the change didn't get reverted after a reload. In 1.0.3 sadly this isn't the case anymore. So to use my personal settings i need to type in the command every time i play the game.
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