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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. Much to my dismay, the bug that prevents Lavender Wreath from working in conjunction with Binding Rope was not fixed; nor was the bug preventing the Glittering Gauntlets from working with a Monk's unarmed attacks. Looks like my Uber Disabler Monk build can be put to rest.
  2. With the IE Mod you could cheat without disabling achievements. Don't think changes to character stats are permanent, unless they changed that in 3.03 (which I doubt they'd have done but unintentionally.)
  3. Good, good ... the time is ripe for another play through. ... and I'm already savoring MCA's novella However, Sking, you were rather vague about whether this would be the last patch for this game ... so ... is it the last?
  4. How? Estoc's base damage is still higher than a sabre's, which means estocs benefit more from any of the % damage boosts in the game. If you reach 0 recovery with the Blade of the Endless Paths you're going to dish out more damage than dual-wielding sabres (and you can do so with Vulnerable Attack too, which grants you a whopping 10 DR bypass against high-DR targets.)
  5. You should be able to edit the OP normally for an indefinite period of time (except the title); is it not working?
  6. Would be very good indeed. Sometimes I wish I could use the same weapon with a shield or in dual-wielding and switching is a b!tch. Shame they won't be adding more features at this stage; we can hope they read this and add the feature to PoE 2 though.
  7. For your main, it opens up dialog options as well which is always welcome.
  8. You can have 45 MIG without the prostitute bonus if you wield the soulbound hammer.
  9. My question was for Loren Tyr—the damage bonus was never represented in the UI; that much is known
  10. Save the game with the modals on. Quit. Reload. Come back here and thank me.
  11. As mentioned, skills are not tied to stats in any way so any class can master the stealth skill (although some classes have an easier time doing so.) I suggest selecting a background that gives a bonus to Stealth when you go through character creation; from there, suffice to invest your skill points in Stealth when you level up. I would not recommend exceeding a total score of 6 with a Fighter—that's plenty stealthy already and there are skills that grant higher return on investment for melee classes. If I understood correctly and you indeed mean "avoiding incoming blows" by "evasion", then "evasion" in this game is called "Deflection." Fighters have the highest base Deflection of all classes, so they're a good choice if you want a high-Deflection character (Paladin would be even better from that standpoint due to their class perks.) However, if you don't plan on using a shield (and I reckon you don't), you won't be able to have a very high Deflection until your Priest (provided you have one in your party, which I advocate you should) is high level enough to buff your Deflection considerably. For a two-handed Fighter, you should bump your MIG score to increase damage and your PER to increase your Accuracy. DEX is a long story; the short of it is that it speeds up every action your character takes. I would generally avoid dumping it; pumping it may or may not be a good idea depending on the character you want to build. I have a strong preference for high-DEX characters regardless, but that's a personal quirk of mine. I suggest having a look at Fighter builds that have been posted on these boards for inspiration. They generally come with some mechanic discussion that explains why choices were made and can be very educational. You can find links in this thread. As MaxQuest suggested, the Lady of Pain build is probably the closest to what you want even though it can be squishy in Chapter I due to the lower RES and CON scores (she becomes very durable in the second half of the game.)
  12. I mentioned the Glass Tsunami build specifically as an example of high-survivability with a low RES score, rather than as a suggestion on how to build a two-handed fighter. Thanks for vouching for my build, however (with but the caveat that it is called "Glass of Pain"—as in, "my enemies are about to enjoy a fine glass of pain")
  13. Hi Bridenfelt, keep in mind that in this game DEX has no effect on your Stealth skill or your ability to dodge incoming blows. Skills in particular are completely detached from stats, and any class / build can invest any number of points in a given skill to master it. Some class / background combinations will have an easier time mastering a skill as they start the game with a bonus (i.e. a number of "free" skill points already assigned to a given skill) but that doesn't mean other combinations can't be good at it. Your ability to dodge incoming attacks is governed by a number of things: Your RES score. Whether you are using a shield (which you won't, if you wield a Greatsword.) Whether you are using the Sword and Shield talent in combination with a shield (see above.) The Superior Deflection talent (which is usually not worth taking; too little benefit for wasting a talent on it.) Active buffs on your character. Active debuffs on your enemies. Shields and buffs/debuffs make the most difference. RES can make a difference if you really pump it, but if you want to build on your offense you're probably better off pumping other skills. Talents don't super make a difference. There are other ways in the game to be durable other than pumping your Deflection score, though. Have a look at The Glass Tsunami fighter build, for example: It can solo the game on Easy with dumped CON and RES scores.
  14. Modding Baldur's Gate and playing The Witcher 3, mostly ... Killing time while waiting for 3.03 to drop. I've kept the build list updated, though Will add your Monksterlash build soon, btw.
  15. Fairly sure Obs confirmed that the dual-wielding talent's not working with bash is a bug. Shame it's not getting fixed.
  16. Aren't public companies required to publicly disclose the numbers, though? Guess we'll get the real figures soon enough
  17. ^ quite uncalled for, tbh.
  18. Whoa. Hope that gets fixed in time for 3.03's final release.
  19. ^ it's the second fix listed under "items" in the patch notes.
  20. ^ Ah, was there ever a sweeter combination of words...!
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