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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. You're confusing boons with high-level deity-specific spells there
  2. I think it's the same bug described here and here. Really hope 3.04 fixes it.
  3. Since the Wael's boon thing has been confirmed to be working as intended, enter this bug in my priority list: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/83930-v300929-px1-steam-interdiction-and-painful-interdiction-have-different-accuracy-no-emowered/
  4. Have a look at The Unfaithful build--best Priest build I've ever played. When you get access to Minor Avatar, there's no end to how fast you cast (and how damaging your Pillars of Faith are.)
  5. Don't worry, that phase will only be passing and you should survive the process. (You should also read that in a David Warner voice.)
  6. This is so minor I'm 99.9% sure it won't be fixed, but just in case. REPRO STEPS: Load a saved game with a Druid who's high-level enough to cast Form of the Delemgan. Enter a fight. Cast Form of the Delemgan. Spiritshift. Win the fight. Observe that when the Druid is back to his normal form at the end of the fight, the VFX from Form of the Delemgan doesn't go away.
  7. Personally I prefer 2D portraits. They are just going to be more detailed and convey the atmosphere better. A 3D shot always gives me the "cheap" feeling. Besides, PoE is an old-school RPG inspired by I.E. games; beautiful hand-drawn portraits are part of the charm
  8. Thanks for the feedback, Sking! Does that mean I get to swap Wael's Boon with a different issue in my list of top 5 bugs I'd like to see fixed in 3.04?
  9. How can a Wizard be useless in the DPS department? They are da novanuke in this game
  10. How would you balance the stag form's carnage, though? I understand the power concern, although I believe the issue with power in this game lies in under-leveled enemies and unintelligent A.I. more than in what players are able to achieve; however, +25% speed 1/encounter is already available via Outlander's Frenzy along with +2 MIG and +2 CON. There's no reason not to pick that talent for a spiritshift build, and Cat Flurry Attack wouldn't have anything better to offer (indeed, it would be strictly worse.) In that case, rather leave it as is--but I'd personally just use Outlander's Frenzy all the time and ignore the Flurry Attack.
  11. Hey Sking, What about the proposal to make spirit shift special abilities 1/encounter instead of 1/rest? Is it being considered? I mentioned it in this other thread as well: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/89399-the-304-beta-is-now-live-patch-notes-within/page-3 On a related note, it has been mentioned that Wolf spirit shift is supposed to give +1 move speed but doesn't. Probably minor but hopefully quick to fix; I believe I could put together a repro case for it but please let me know if it would be considered for fixing. If it's too minor I won't bother working on it
  12. And you can't even get his boon! I'm surprised so few people are explicitly asking for that bug to be fixed in 3.04
  13. Thought I'd read you were using the I.E. Mod but apparently not. That would let you cheat without typing IRoll20s
  14. You may have misunderstood me. Druid Spiritshift is already 1/encounter; IIRC, the scepter gives you another use in the same encounter. My request is to make unique abilities that become available once in spiritshift form (e.g. Cat Flurry Attack) 1/encounter too, instead of 1/rest as they are right now. As 1/rest, I mostly ignore them because no encounter seems important enough to warrant "wasting" the only use I've got until I decide to rest, which makes the impact of those abilities virtually nil.
  15. Quite sure you'll need to post bugs to the beta bugs section to draw attention to them.
  16. Why not console them in when you could naturally acquire them?
  17. Sking, is there room for further balance changes like my proposal to make spiritshift abilities 1/encounter instead of 1/rest? Not in the sense that it gets in just because I mentioned it; more like, "does it make sense for us to debate balance changes like that one at this stage?"
  18. Appreciate your telling us and being honest about the rationale
  19. The build itself works pretty well with Hiravias too, by the way. Sure, his stats aren't quite as optimized but they aren't that bad either—and because he doesn't have a low RES, you can replace Celebrant's Gloves with Gauntlets of Swift Action to make up for his lower DEX, or Gauntlets of Accuracy for extra melee oomph.
  20. Mine is a convenience concern, rather than a power concern. As I mentioned, having those abilities 1/rest makes you instinctively "save" them for the one tough encounter that actually never comes before you rest. In the case of Cat Flurry Attack, it can be easily replaced with Outlander's Frenzy, which is as good if not better (and is 1/encounter); not sure how the Stag's carnage would play out as 1/encounter but it is pretty much the form's perk—without it, there would be no reason to pick Stag and to be honest, if it's only going to be there 1/rest then why pick Stag indeed? Rather roll a Barbarian who has the ability on all the time. My point being that the increase in convenience would be greater than the increase in power; of course it's fine if you disagree
  21. I posed the question in the 3.04 feedback thread as well, but figured this thread might be reaching more people. What do you guys think about making spiritshift abilities like Cat Flurry Attack 1/encounter instead of 1/rest? I really dislike 1/rest abilities as I tend to save them "just in case" and end up never using them; either that, or I rest spam to use them every encounter which is lame anyway. Considering that some forms have passive abilities that are always on (e.g. Wolf's movement speed bonus, even though that one seems not to be working?), I don't think it would be unbalanced. Thoughts?
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