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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. I second the sentiment that higher quality goods is better/more important than many goods, but I love collectibles and feel excited at the prospect of stuff like miniatures, dice, or item replicas. Of course a jewel-case soundtrack CD and high-quality cloth map are a must; a good art book is always a big plus
  2. I also would have liked an option to express my opinion on the quality of the items. Most items they proposed in the survey are interesting but they need to be high quality to be enjoyable.
  3. It was an interesting survey that may or may not have increased my hype factor by a gazillion. Will try to get them the video by the deadline. @Boeroer don't forget the blue face paint before you record yours!
  4. Likely won't get fixed for it's too minor to spend resources on this late in the development cycle
  5. Heya, The Unfaithful is my current go-to Priest build, but any will do the trick. Been forever since I've used a Paladin; the Thundercat and Chillfog builds work really well with Glass of Pain and a priest
  6. Is it just me or PoE 2 is already very promising before having even been announced?
  7. Ah, yes: the Tyranny soundtrack is absolutely fantastic!
  8. If only a minority were using the weapon, why make sure absolutely no one does so going forward by applying a nerf that nobody ever called for? (Provided that it is indeed a minority who actually have the expansion.)
  9. It's out. It'll be a few days for GoG as customary, I suppose.
  10. Thanks for the fix. The nerf to the Unlabored Blade was completely uncalled for, however. Durganized normal weapons were already ahead of soulbound weapons, and Unlabored Blade was one of the few that could be on par—not anymore. Now it's not worth all the effort required to unlock it.
  11. Thought the gauntlets had been fixed in 3.04?
  12. Very happy about a hotfix being released! Like the others, I'm not particularly stoked about the nerf. I honestly don't see why the decision was made at all, since nobody ever complained about the item? There are other outstanding bugs that would warrant attention; why spending time on a weapon everyone likes as is?
  13. I would generally prefer backers to a publisher, if they had to be beholden to someone. However, it would be likely for said publisher to be Paradox and they don't strike me as the kind of guys who hinder Obsidian's work by imposing dramatic vision changes (also the IP is 100% Obsidian's, which means they wouldn't have to change it in directions they wouldn't like anyway.)
  14. That too, although I meant people like me who play in English regardless
  15. ^ with but a few exceptions for English here and there, perhaps
  16. Whether or not they go the crowdfunding route, I sure hope there will be boxed collector's editions available packed with high-quality goodies. I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff
  17. I haven't really contributed much at all, especially compared to Boeroer, but I'll be sticking around for the foreseeable future. I have Tyranny preloaded and will surely play the heck out of it, but I have no plans to join the Paradox boards for the time being; 'sides, I'll keep playing PoE too
  18. One thing worth mentioning under the Damage Reduction header is that armors' damage reduction bonuses and penalties against specific damage types are percentage based, and proofing your armor against one of those damage types is going to have an amplified/diminished effect accordingly. This is something that made several users scratch their heads and report intended behaviors as bugs in the early days, as the UI generally does a poor job of communicating it. For example, say you have an armor whose base DR value is 8, but it is particularly good against Slash damage (10) and bad against Crush (6). These values are obtained as 8 * 1.25 = 10 (Slash) and 8 * (1-0.25) = 6 (Crush). Now let's say we want to apply a damage proofing enchantment to this armor. Against any damage type other than Slash or Crush, proofing adds a flat +3 to the armor's DR: 8 + 3 = 11. If, however, we proof it against Slash damage, we are getting more bang for our buck: (8+3) * 1.25 = 13.75, which the UI will round up to 14. Likewise, proofing it against Crush damage gets you less bang for your buck: (8+3) * (1-0.25) = 8.25, which the UI will round down to 8. Counterintuitively, you get more out of proofing your armor against damage types it's already good at protecting you from. The same is true of the bonus DR applied by the Fine, Exceptional, Superb, and Legendary quality enchantments.
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