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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. 100% agree. To me the whole purpose of the enchanting system was to be able to keep good-looking gear viable throughout the game. I hate to be forced to swap gear I like for gear I dislike aesthetically just because mechanics.
  2. Yup. At this time it is not known what the explanation is, but I'd expect there to be one in the game that makes sense lore-wise.
  3. 1 - Planescape: Torment 2 - Baldur's Gate II 3 - Pillars of Eternity
  4. He said in the Fig comments the PayPal option should be made available by Wednesday at the latest via the backer portal, and Fig will periodically add those pledges to the total so we can see how we're faring toward stretch goals.
  5. Feargus has just mentioned John Lewis as a VFX artist on Deadfire in the Fig campaign's comment section.
  6. Afraid so. In BG1 if you wore metal armor there was a chance lightning could strike you during a storm. Very cool stuff.
  7. No preference, but an expansion that happens after the end of the game only makes sense if there is actually more to tell about your character. If the game reaches a satisfactory conclusion, I have no interest in extra content that feels tacked on for the sake of extra content.
  8. A big fat yes to naval warfare. A stretch goal for extra reactivity is also something I'd love. E.g. More reactivity to your race, class, or choices; low-INT dialog options. And a stretch goal for better A.I. (At least at higher difficulty settings) that makes use of consumables, item and class abilities--that would be fantastic. Last but not least: High-resolution art assets download package for people who play at higher resolution than 1080p, don't mind the large download size, and prefer not to upscale 2D assets.
  9. More full-fledged companions, possibly written by the likes of George Ziets, are at the top of my list. I wouldn't want to have a boatload of them as I realize they're a lot of work and I appreciate Obsidian's desire to make them deeper and more reactive, but 1-2 more would be nice. Extra areas and quests/subquests, a wider bestiary, and more customization options for the main character (e.g. more portraits to choose from; more voiced sets; more hair and beard styles; more tattoos; etc.) would also be groovy. My inner powergamer also loves level cap increases.
  10. They do have these; guess if you ask them nicely, they may be persuaded to put them on Fig as an add-on
  11. I got the painted miniatures. If they enable pledge upgrades through their backer portal after the campaign, like they did for PoE, I'll be adding the soundtrack CD further down the road.
  12. I would have been more interested in the level cap increase; don't care much about VO to be honest
  13. All of my questions from Twitter were answered :D Now get me those cyan circles for neutral NPCs and random delay from click to walk so characters move more naturally XD
  14. ^When I read that, Thundercat was my first thought!
  15. Shame the disc's not a DRM-free copy of the game I suppose the reason is they won't have to maintain a separate branch of patches for the DVD version, but still a pity.
  16. Afraid they said it's intended
  17. I asked this question for the Twitch Q&A; hopefully they'll answer it
  18. Last Fig update confirms Matt Hansen as an artist for PoE2. He's the one who drew the soulbound weapon illustrations for PX2, IIRC.
  19. UI artist y'all: https://twitter.com/mitchloidolt/status/826201312157052928
  20. ^ Imo the writing in Tyranny wasn't bad; 'sides, Carrie Patel was never involved with it and she's working on PoE2
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