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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. This very much. If I max out right before the final fight, it's like working toward an objective for the whole game and when you can finally reap the benefits of your work, the game's like, "LOL Nope, I'm over."
  2. They've got another Twitch QA going live next week; we can ask this question. I'm among those who would have liked a second level cap increase to 20, and I'm happy we got it. I don't feel need for more levels beyond 20, but I'm glad we can get there. Of course I expect some extra content, and not just "you gain XP a helluva lot faster." As someone else has already mentioned, Feargus said on Fig it's a bit of both—indeed a good question for Josh how they plan on balancing this. I'm glad we get to play with more high-level abilities and we get two more levels to develop our multiclassed concepts (though the orchestra is what makes me really stoked about this stretch goal, and the extra subclass is an unexpected icing on the cake.)
  3. $2.8mm is the best stretch goal so far. Color me excited AF :D
  4. We're close, though. PayPal and the final push will bring over some more.
  5. I don't mind getting less islands; if anything, that means they won't have to stretch themselves too thin developing the contents. 4-5 well-done islands beat 15 poorly done ones I'd also be happy with the level cap increase, being the hardened powergamer I am.
  6. https://www.reddit.com/r/projecteternity/comments/5szojj/link_deadfire_qa_session_2_with_josh_sawyer_8th/ddjr97z/?st=iyzu9ena&sh=a765305e Tim Truesdale is on the programming team.
  7. Obsidian. Proving themselves as the best, fan-oriented developer in the history of game developers once again. If I hadn't already pledged the maximum I can afford this month, I would drop MOAR cash on Deadfire just to reward how amazing they are to their fans
  8. They've already committed to deeper companions, and I agree on the quality over quantity approach too. However, I would welcome an eighth companion for sure, matching the number we had in PoE and providing a bit more variety for party compositions. Besides, it could be written by a guest writer to boot (wink wink George Ziets wink wink)
  9. I think Feargus mentioned in Fig comments that animations have been improved a great deal in Deadfire (and what we've been shown so far seems to point in that very direction.)
  10. Not just games, but I know what you mean (and in fact, games in particular now that TV sets and BD standards are going for much larger gamuts.) Everything that's been shown of Deadfire so far looks gorgeous, imo. Can't wait for Kaz's update
  11. ^ But nobody said investment funds would count as backer funds?
  12. I think the main takeaway from the stream is that Dimitri Berman loves Satan and he's therefore my new favorite developer at Obsidian.
  13. The warning does mention receiving OVER 2 million, so if a prankster backs out, the guys on the waiting list will chime in
  14. My uneducated guess is that Fig Fund reservations must be reviewed and approved before being added to the total to ensure compliance with whatever regulations apply. Additionally, I would expect their adding to the total to be at Obsidian's discretion (i.e. They could elect to add Fig Funds to the total in the amount and at the time that makes the most strategical and marketing sense.) With that said, my understanding of the warning is that yes, stretch goals up to 3.2 million are indeed guaranteed via Fig Funds alone. Hopefully the last couple days' rush will get us a couple extra stretch goals on top of that.
  15. They did answer a few questions from this thread; I think all Twitter questions and only a few from Twitch near the end.
  16. Feargus did say in the Fig comments they got sidetracked because busy week but are now targeting next Tuesday. Can't screenshot it from my smartphone though.
  17. 100% agreed. I have funds on PayPal I wanted to use, but ifI can't switch to PayPal before the pledge is collected I'm out of luck.
  18. Those are not the only shooters with swords action "RPGs" people listed over here, either!
  19. That, and keep any lore-related questions for a Carrie Patel Twitch Q&A (because you're totally gonna do one, right?)
  20. If it works anything like the first game did, you'll probably be able to acquire the CE through the backer portal after the campaign ends. That said, I still hope they'll enable PayPal soon—both because I'd like to switch to it, and because I'd like PayPal backers to count toward stretch goals.
  21. It does. You can select the backer discount as an add-on.
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