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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. Boeroer had already put me to shame, but thanks for rubbing it in LOL
  2. Are we sure about Moon Godlike, though? He's got fins on his arms and his hair is the same color as his skin, which suggests tentacles more than dreadlocks. EDIT: new Godlike, perhaps? Could be Ondra's, which would be topical on the Deadfire Archipelago setting. Aumaua body type, of course.
  3. Aarik told me on Twitter DM Paypal is their #1 priority right now, so I guess Darren's hard at work on the backer site. I hope they can enable it before the end of the campaign; I can pledge through Fig no problem but it would be a lot more convenient if I could use my PayPal balance.
  4. Insta-question for tonight's Twitch. I'm posting it now.
  5. Josh Sawyer, Megan Starks, Paul Kirsch, and Carrie Patel.
  6. Will a certain end-game choice from Pillars of Eternity (hint: siding with Woedica) enable the Watcher to join the Steel Garrote? Is Woedica still playing a role in the game? The Guide Book volume I hinted at her being an ally of Eothas's. Is the in-game book "The Great Western Stag" from Pillars 1 foreshadowing? EDIT: Bonus question—is your choice to side with Woedica at the end of Pillars playing a major role in how the gods are organized/acting in Deadfire, as well as their disposition toward you?
  7. Thought it was confirmed that his special ability is to steal the magic of Christmas from his foes?
  8. They've just about announced companion relationships which may or may not touch upon romantic content and we already have debates on LGBT content and incloosiveness. Ah, if only it had been possible to see that coming from a mile away or two thousand...
  9. More investment means higher cuts to pay out for the entire lifetime of the product. Pledges are more economically advantageous. That said, I welcome the news as that basically gets us an extra stretch goal
  10. It's the normal flow of crowdfunding campaigns. Pledges follow a U-shaped pattern and we're about in the middle right now.
  11. ^ Yup. Random loot is not a feature; it is a punishment. Thankfully Josh said the really good items won't be randomized in Deadfire. PoE already had some very good pieces that were irritatingly random. Besides, why would you want to impose a limitation on meta gaming? Meta gaming is not evil and shouldn't be prevented. It's a conscious decision you may or may not make, like min/maxing or powergaming.
  12. I'd love an "extra reactivity" stretch goal (though I'd want an eighth companion first and a stretch goal for David Warner if necessary; I really want David Warner in Deadfire.)
  13. Josh has already said there will be optional scaling for the whole game in PoE 2.
  14. Who wouldn't? But as the inveterate powergamer that I am, I'd rather have my cap set higher than lower (though 20 is about enough to satisfy my powergaming cravings; I wouldn't wish for another increase.) Regardless, Feargus has already stated it's a bit of leveling up faster and a bit of having more content. [EDIT: Flouride ninja'd me on that one.] On Wednesday's Twitch Q&A we can ask Josh for more details on how they plan to handle it.
  15. You could say the same about virtually anything in the game. It assumes that you wear gear, wield weapons, and make use of talents and abilities. How is it different from I.E. games in this regard?
  16. Only if we're given an alternative way to reach 0 recovery with a 2-hander while wearing plate armor and using Vulnerable Attack EDIT: This bug needs to go; hope it won't be in Deadfire.
  17. EDIT: Never mind. I'd rather not get involved in romance discussion after all.
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