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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. Roll, I wouldn't know. Would have to keep an eye on it over the next few battles. When fully buffed my protagonist has in the neighborhood of 150 Accuracy, so on average it should be around 200 before Deflection.
  2. Does it matter if achievements are enabled or not? If not, I'll drop one when I'm home from work if no one else does in the meanwhile.
  3. I agree the bug is a problem if confirmed on saves other than the OP's, and I hope there will be a fix. What I take issue with is people with access to the beta doing no testing at all, then coming here and bashing the devs because a bug was found. It's a matter of attitude, rather than of content.
  4. Interesting to see such vocal complaints. As GoG have not released the patch yet and you guys seem to have it, it ensues you're on Steam--the one platform on which beta patches are made available. In case you missed the memo, the purpose of beta patches is precisely for you to report this kind of bugs ahead of the patch's release, so we don't end up with a broken game. Yet I don't recall seeing any of you around during the beta patch, which lasted for about one month during which there was a lot of back and forth communication with the devs. Ironic that you'd come around now to complain. 3.04 is the last patch; there likely won't be others. 3.03 was already supposed to be the last and it was a kindness on Obsidian's part to spend additional resources on a game whose development cycle's already over to please those few fans who stuck on the boards. I hope they'll release a hot fix but I doubt being bashed for releasing one more patch is going to make them particularly willing.
  5. I experienced this too, although I could not quite put my finger on it. Very annoying. Hope a hot fix can take care of it.
  6. That largely depends on how big the game is and how much content they're developing. Because most of the infrastructure and rule set is done, I suppose they could develop a game about as big as the first one but with more reactivity and more content in areas that felt poor. In that case, another 12-16 levels would be about right imo. That said, when you can max out 2/3 in and subsequently steamroll everything on the highest difficulty setting with high-level scaling on, something isn't quite working fine I enjoy being powerful and I like the way characters can be developed in this game, so I would only call the nerf hammer on a very few selected OP things (*cough* Druid's ROTFLOL Storm *cough*), but the ante on PotD and high-level scaling should be upped a notch or twenty.
  7. I've played on normal for a long time and only recently switched back to Slow Mode. It makes it easier to micro but sometimes it can be a little tedious for me as I like fast-paced action in combat. I'm using auto pause on "finishes ability."
  8. I wasn't aware of the fact that the IE Mod had a fix for it. Unfortunately it has a few other annoying bugs that made me want to temporarily ditch it—though the maintainer confirmed he's looking into them so hopefully the next release will accompany me in my 3.04 playthrough
  9. I agree that's crappy, but a Monk with fists is still plenty powerful and I favor it over a Monk with weapons
  10. Yeah, only moderators can do that. Drop a PM to Pidesco; he's helping me maintain the build list thread
  11. I'm on GoG so no 3.04 for me until next week. Patch notes generically indicate that several issues with Glittering Gauntlets were fixed, but no answer was given when I asked for specifics. If they work with Monks' fists, the build should be viable. However, stacking issues with retaliation, binding and irritating were not addressed; you will have to choose between the belt and the wreath. Not sure about the armor. QA could not reproduce the bug so hopefully it's fixed.
  12. Torment's Reach does indeed take +1 Accuracy per character level. The bug lies in the fact that the Accuracy bonus from Transcendent Suffering applies to the first target you hit, but not to any subsequent targets hit by the cone AOE. It sounds like a bug because it's inconsistent behavior. Additionally, the bonus Accuracy from weapons still seems to apply. My test was with a Legendary weapon (+15 Accuracy) and the difference between the main target and the cone's targets was 12--same as the one-handed bonus.
  13. This thread should be made sticky, and even more so if it's going to include basic character building advice. You know, those basic concepts we all take for granted and (Boeroer) typically have to repeat in every thread in which a newcomer asks for advice (what are the most popular abilities by class; what are the most popular spells by caster class; what are the most popular weapons or pieces of equipment by character type; etc.) In terms of stacking rules, without going too deep into how the code works (unless MaxQuest and Loren Tyr wanted to contribute), the basic concepts based on my understanding/memory are: Passive bonuses always stack. (e.g. bonuses from Durgan steel; bonuses from class abilities like Armored Grace, talents like Gunner, or story talents like Dungeon Delver.) Active bonuses that affect the same thing and belong to the same category do not stack, and only the highest bonus applies at any given time (e.g. the Accuracy bonus from Disciplined Barrage doesn't stack with the Accuracy bonus from Scroll of Valor or War Paint; the damage bonus from Savage Attack doesn't stack with the bonus damage from Reckless Assault; the bonus speed from Frenzy doesn't stack with the bonus speed from Potion of DAOM.) Active bonuses that affect the same thing but belong to different categories stack (e.g. the Accuracy bonus from Disciplined Barrage stacks with the Accuracy bonus from Devotions for the Faithful because the former affects Accuracy as a whole, whereas the latter explicitly affects Ranged Accuracy and Melee Accuracy individually.) Most speed bonuses stack multiplicatively, with the notable exception of the Two Weapon Fighting talent which stacks additively. There's an explanation of this behavior in MaxQuest's thread about attack speed, which I suggest you link in the OP. Bonuses to attributes or defenses granted by items do not stack, and only the highest applies at any given time (e.g. if you wear a Minor Ring of Deflection and a Ring of Deflection at the same time, you only get +9 from the latter; the former gets suppressed.)
  14. I've just run a quick test and this doesn't seem to have been fixed. Cone hits do not benefit from Transcendet Suffering's Accuracy bonus, or from the one-handed Accuracy bonus if you're wielding a one-hander with no shield. A pity; I had forgotten about this bug or I would've brought it up again during the 3.04 beta. Regardless, boosting Accuracy in this game is fairly easy so from mid-levels on, your cone hits will never miss anyway I suspect the issue with weapon perks is also not fixed, but a Monk's fists scale up to a higher Accuracy and damage than even Legendary weapons—and if you're using Zahua, you even get a passive +10% attack speed perk from his personal quest (which imo makes him better than any hired Monk.)
  15. Loading times are about the same (but will likely be improved upon in a sequel); saves from 3.03 are compatible (when a patch makes older saves obsolete it is generally specified in the patch notes very explicitly.)
  16. True, but Tyranny already does it (they mentioned in one of their dev streams that higher difficulties feature improved A.I.) so I don't see why PoE 2 couldn't, wouldn't, or shouldn't get the same treatment I agree to an extent. What you say would make a lot more sense in the context of a more simulationist-inclined RPG system (which could certainly pave the way for very interesting and fun-to-play games) and would also make it arguably easier to balance games—the caveat is that I would still want there to be room for powergaming, for I'm an inveterate powergamer
  17. What is this about, again?
  18. When the weapon stuns on crit, the stun effect rolls separately against Fortitude to determine whether it lands and how long it lasts. Due to a bug, the result of this roll would not be used to calculate the stun duration, which would always be based off of the original crit that triggered it instead. More info here: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/88558-godansthunyr-durations-unaffected-by-grazehitcrit-303/?p=1833757&do=findComment&comment=1833757
  19. I don't think that was ever going to happen, unfortunately
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