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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. SAVED GAME: link REPRO STEPS: Load the attached saved games. Walk upward to find a Vithrack and initiate the encounter. Select Hiravias and spiritshift into the Autumn Stelgaer. Once spiritshifted, go to your character record and observe Hiravias's INT score is 15, granting a +25% bonus to effect duration. Back to the game, right-click his Cat Flurry Attack ability. Observe its duration is marked in red as 12.5 sec; hovering your mouse over it reveals a base duration of 14.5 sec. Shouldn't it be 14.5 * (1 + 25%) = 18 sec (rounded down from 18.13)? 12.5 sec is, if my math doesn't fail me, a gratuitous 13.8% reduction.
  2. ^ you mean the Monk's ability that gets you Wounds while inflicting you some damage (IIRC it's called Mortification of the Soul)? I typically avoid it in my Monk builds as gaining Wounds isn't hard at all unless you're packing tons of DR and Deflection.
  3. Hi guys, adding my .02 to the thread. As I'm on GoG and therefore unable to try the beta, I will only provide general feedback rather than touch on the specifics of fixes that have been implemented and/or new bugs that have been introduced/discovered. Open Communication With Us: 1. How have we been at communicating with you guys? Overall, I'd say your communication with backers and fans as far as PoE is concerned was excellent. You talked with us more, and shared more things, than any other developer I know ever does. However, in the name of constructive criticism, I would mention two occasions in which communication hasn't been on par: Chris Avellone's novella. Communication on this particular item has been scarce since the very beginning and by the time MCA left, its delivery was already considered late by many. When MCA left, I would have expected an official statement from Obsidian on whether and how his departure would affect the delivery of the novella; instead, there was silence, and many of us wondered whether the novella would ever be released at all. Only much later would Adam Brennecke say just the cover was missing; a few months later the novella was released with patch 3.03 and no official announcement in this regard. Some people just found the novella in their game's folder; others found out because the former said so on the forums. In general, this left a sour back taste, as though the team didn't really care much for the novella at all and didn't want to talk to fans about it. Patch 3.03. After 3.02 was released, the team went radio silent and there was no sign or feedback on whether 3.02 would be the last patch for PoE. Many serious bugs were still in the game and no idea whether a 3.03 would come, let alone when. It took it several months to come out, and one full month of beta during which no new issues were addressed at all, including new ones 3.03 itself had introduced and users reported. A backer update was mentioned which never came. By contrast, 3.04 is being handled excellently well. Kudos for that 2. What did you like about us? Your frequent communication with us; the candor and honesty with which you went to the point instead of trying to embellish it when it came to things like "it wouldn't make financial sense for us" or "we don't have the resources for it" etc. I can understand and accept that kind of explanation even if you think it sounds bad; trust me, it sounds worse if you BS it up I love how you listen to player feedback, and especially so the way you're doing it with this contest and the 3.04 beta. Granted, this isn't something that can be done when a game's just been released and its user base is very wide; but near the end of the product's cycle, when only hardcore fans are sticking around, it's great that you'd turn to them for feedback on priority bugs to fix. 3. What kind of things would you like to see us improve on? In general, you're doing pretty great so I'd say, keep doing what you're doing! Just make sure you do it consistently, avoiding episodes like the two I described above. 4. What would you like to hear from us in the future? News about PoE 2, PoE spin-offs, and the future of the franchise; news about Tyranny. Open communication on patches like you've been doing, though perhaps with more comprehensive patch notes if possible. Openness and honesty on what can't be done / won't be done and the reasons why. 5. Additional thoughts? Sking is the best. He should be getting a pay raise. Combat: What is the hardest fight you had in the game? What were your favorite and least favorite fights? Do you feel that there were any boss fights that were to overwhelming or underwhelming? What was so difficult about it? Let us know. Hardest fight was probably the monks in the Abbey of the Fallen Moon; nasty how they jump your back line and disable you with their abilities (which is good!) My favorite fights were Adra Dragon, Alpine Dragon, the mercenaries in Cragholdt, Concelhaut, and Llengrath. I would have liked the Sky Dragon as well if it hadn't been so incredibly under-leveled (and therefore easy) by the time I got to it. I like these fights because they are challenging and they feel special (you're fighting an impressive enemy with unique characteristics and abilities.) My least favorite fights are some of the trash mobs in Act III and the Glasdial bounty (I guess for some reason I just don't like the atmosphere of it.) Most underwhelming fights: Kraken Really weak for a PX2 boss fight; its level is too low as I think it would be very hard to get to that point and be that under-leveled with your party. My suggestion would be to make it a level 14 beast (not sure why it's pegged as a primordial) with more immunities (I'd suggest Prone, Stun, Frighten, Terrify, Stuck, and perhaps Weaken), and perhaps a slightly higher DR. Also watch out for this, as it seems its DR actually not working at all. Thaos I understand the final fight was kept low key for non-completionists, but the high-level scaling option should be cranked up a notch. Right now a full party of 16th-level characters can wipe Thaos and his minions rather easily even without using St. Ydwen's Redeemer, which is kind of unsatisfying and anti-climatic for the end boss. Sky Dragon Same as with Thaos; it's part of the critical path so it is low key. However, the high-level scaling option could probably make it harder. Keep in mind a completionist is going to start Act III at level 16. Appreciate not everyone is a completionist but those guys have Story Mode to play with On PotD with level scaling, I'd like my 16th-level party to be challenged by the Sky Dragon. Eyeless They go down like flies if you've got the hammer and St. Ydwen's Redeemer—and even without them, by the time you get to them you're probably high level enough to brute force them. The only way to get there at their level is to go to The White March at level 5 and do literally nothing else outside of it until you face them. I was expecting more from metal dudes who can literally walk through Durgan Battery's walls and tear them apart in the process Additional Information: Are there any bugs that we missed you would like to see fixed that is not appearing in this list? Let us know about the top 5 bugs you would like to see fixed for the official 3.04 update and how we can reproduce them. 1. Stun duration from items too long. [Fix in the thread!] 2. Retaliation / Irritating / Binding suppressing each other. 3. No option to get Wael's Boon. 4. Triggered AOE / pulse AOE effects getting modified by concurrent special attacks like rogue Strikes and Knockdown [Examples: here and here] 5. Eyestrike from Elryn's Jacket is triggered by Consecrated Ground. EDIT: In terms of balance changes, what does everyone think about making spiritshift abilities like Cat Flurry Attack 1/encounter instead of 1/rest?
  4. Ah, yes. It bestows -3 to Accuracy and targets Will; I must've gotten confused. When I first tried it before TWM was out, the shield would target the wielder as well. It wouldn't bestow the Accuracy penalty on them, but if it scored a crit, it would trigger Frenzy from the Sanguine Plate, which was pretty nice at the beginning of combat Not sure it still works like that, though. When it happened to me was a very long time ago.
  5. I was planning my party for a 3.04 playthrough and when it came to filling the sixth slot, a tank-ish character seemed like the best fit—which put me in the rather awkward position of generally disliking tank characters (I find them boring) while needing one. So I thought to myself, "Let's a hire a henchman and make a tank-ish version of the Lady of Pain." I did and I thought to myself, "What a wonderful build!" (My actual thoughts may have been different and hereby so reported for the sake of a pun.) So here it is: Tank of Pain As customary, anything not explicitly mentioned in this post is to be considered unchanged from post #96. Premises Race, Background Attribute scores Talents & Abilities Equipment Weapons Want a tankier version? Look no further! Here's an alternative talent, ability, and equipment selection for those who are willing to sacrifice some more DPS for extra tankiness.
  6. I might have gotten carried away a little The main purpose was to increase readability by visually separating the point from the "fluff" text that explains why I made it. I got rid of the all caps, though; definitely unnecessary in hindsight.
  7. Something I forgot to mention before: Please, for the love of all that is holy, don't use green selection circles on neutral characters. We shouldn't have to resort to a mod to make neutral selection circles cyan like they were in the IE games—and this is not a bout of nostalgia. There's a reason why neutral NPCs had circles of a different color—it was to make it easier to tell allies from everyone else at a glance. Tyranny is doing this wrong too, and I'm surprised nobody at Obsidian noticed it doesn't look right? Please, in PoE2 make neutral selection circles cyan (or blue, if cyan is too much to ask for.) If you can sneak in a Seneca Crane beard style while you're at it, perhaps with a portrait that makes use of it, that would be A
  8. Hi, You can certainly use this build on Durance; I've done so more than once myself. It is worth noting, however, that Durance will be significantly slower owing to his poor DEX score. Equipment is not as important in this build as are talents, abilities, and stats. The boots that increase DEX are particularly important on Durance because of what I said above; I wouldn't waste the Helwax Mold to make a duplicate of Garodh's Chorus. Give the helm to your main and something different to Durance; his MIG score is already decent IIRC so he doesn't super need it.
  9. I've got a question about the fix for "multiple issues with Glittering Gauntlets". The only issue I'm aware of is that they didn't work on ranged or unarmed attacks--I take it this has been fixed, then? Were there additional issues with them? This thread and the feedback thread have been eerily silent; who's playing the beta? What are the impressions so far? I'm going to contribute feedback on communication, encounters that feel underwhelming, and bugs I'd like to see fixed in this update soon. Shame I can't contribute to the actual patch testing
  10. The patch discussion thread can be found here. I too can't partake the beta for I'm on GoG, but Sking mentioned in another thread that our feedback is still welcome on matters that aren't strictly related to testing the patch (e.g. communication, balance, what else we'd like to see fixed) so I'm going to drop a few lines in that thread in the coming days. I cannot remember whether I faced the Kraken with 0 DR but I seem to remember its having 8 DR back then (it was a couple patches ago.) One thing we could do, since we all seem to share the sentiment that this fight isn't challenging enough, is agree on a list of tentative changes that we believe would ameliorate it. I guess if we all make the same suggestions, we'll have more chances of them being implemented Getting started: I'd love for the Kraken to be a 16th-level foe, but I know the devs want to make the whole game beatable by non-completionists; however, I think it should be at least level 14. It's really hard to get there at a lower level than that, since it's in PX2 and level 12 was the cap with no expansions (which could already be achieved long before the final act in the base game.) I agree that more affliction immunities are in order. I'd suggest Prone, Stun, Petrify, Distracted and perhaps one more (e.g. Sickened). Thoughts? Smarter targeting would help. Of course if there's a bug preventing its DR from being applied, by all means it should be fixed. Let's change it to Beast for lore consistency as well while we're at it, even though it won't make the fight harder Thaos and the Eyeless will also be on my list of underwhelming encounters, btw.
  11. Hi, PotD changes are NOT reflected in the bestiary, so that would account for the differences you are seeing. DR, however, isn't affected by difficulty that I know of. This looks indeed like a bug, and I encourage you to post it in the support subforum. That this fight is way underwhelming has been known since PX2 released. Thankfully devs are now taking feedback on exactly this kind of stuff for patch 3.04. I intend to post about this encounter as soon as I have time; if you could do it too in the 3.04 feedback thread (beta patch forum), I guess the more people point the issue out, the more likely it is to be addressed (I'm talking about the Kraken being a level-12 p***y, here.)
  12. Hey Sking, So both issues are fixed (permanent Triggered Immunity; no wound gain)?
  13. Updates through GoG Galaxy are pain free, though.
  14. If you want to look like a shaman, use Maegfolc Skull with Menhea's armor and Durance's staff (you'll need PX2 for the first 2 items.) EDIT: ofc no Maegfolc Skull on a Godlike, heh. In terms of buffing, pick one of the three auras for sure + aegis of loyalty to quickly regain control of charmed party members. For debuffing, deprive the unworthy is a must.
  15. Subscribing this thread. EDIT: I too would like to know about GoG. Can't check from my PC before Sunday. If I can partake the beta, I will; if I can't, I'll provide what feedback I can about bugs I'd like to see fixed and how combat generally feels regardless of 3.04.
  16. You don't need DEX for 0 recovery but I wouldn't say it's not a good stat Though yes, PER is better if you have to choose between the two.
  17. ^ same. I'm always hoping for an excuse to use that spell because it looks so badass and is quite powerful. I guess it's based on the assumption that you don't want melee enemies aggroing your Wizard. If you're playing a melee Wizard, that's not the spell you're looking for except in the case Boeroer mentioned. Tangentially the reason you dislike the staff, Dr, is the reason I dislike the Monk's Force of Anguish ability: why would I want prone enemies to be far? I want to maim them!
  18. It generally depends on your build, but most times (and until patch 3.04 drops), dual-wielding Sabres will get you the highest DPS. After patch 3.04 two-handers may be better but again it depends on your build, as dual-wielding makes it easier to attack really fast. If you're at 0 recovery with both styles, two-handers have an edge.
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