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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. Could anyone check whether Glittering Gloves work with Monks' fists and abilities? And whether Lavender Wreath stacks with Binding Rope now?
  2. Fairly sure Confident Aim never really displayed the damage increase in your character record. If you check the combat log, you'll see it works (unless 3.03 broke it.)
  3. Sounds like a regression bug. Some soulbound weapons were lacking the "universal" flag before 3.02. If 3.03 broke this again, I hope it gets fixed before the patch goes live.
  4. I like to play high-DEX builds even when I reach 0 recovery because it speeds up everything else (attack animation, casting from scrolls, drinking potions), but as MaxQuest said, you'd need infinite DEX to reach 0 recovery. If you reach 0 recovery by other means than DEX, then you already have 0 recovery and DEX doesn't come into it. If you do not reach 0 recovery, then DEX further reduces your residual recovery as well.
  5. Yup. However, keep in mind that the faster you attack, the higher your DPS loss from enemies' DR will be. Hence, packing DR bypass should be a priority after maxing out speed (of course this makes no difference against low-DR targets, but if you change weapon from an estoc to something else, you'll lose the DR bypass thus making Vulnerable Attack more important.)
  6. Pretty sure they meant the official release of 3.03, not the beta. The official release of a patch is always accompanied by a backer update, and the novella will be in that update.
  7. Fairly sure the patch includes many more fixes than listed, as customary Any word on whether Binding Rope and Glittering Gauntlets were fixed?
  8. Sking, can you either confirm or deny that 3.03 is going to be the last patch for this game?
  9. Ah, yes: I forgot to mention character creation in my list of likes. I love how the absence of restrictions on items and talents enables the creation of so many different, interesting, and viable builds.
  10. Liked: Graphics and sound Writing, with but a few spotty exceptions here and there Lore and world-building Story, despite a few hiccups here and there Scripted interactions Overall feeling in and out of combat. This game is fun. Disliked: Engagement mechanic and slower recovery while moving. They make no sense. Scarce transparency on how mechanics work (it's really hard to calculate your DPS.) 2D elements capping at 1920x1080 despite the Kickstarter promise to go up to 2560x1440. I bought a 1440p screen because of it and ended up with a blurry UI (the awful bilinear scaling for 2D elements beyond 1080p doesn't help either.) Some of the companions' personal quests felt too short or too shallow. I wouldn't have minded more companion content. Companions could have shown more character, voiced their opinion louder, argue to the point of fighting over moral matters, and/or leave the party if you systematically act in contrast with their beliefs or moral tenets Reactivity sometimes falls short (appreciate reactivity takes lots of resources to develop and PoE only had so many to begin with.) More reactivity to your race, class, background, and choices in dialog and quest-solving would have kicked ass. Reactivity to who you travel with or associate with would be awesome as well. AI is pretty basic. Once you learn how it works, it's very easy to beat it. IWD2-grade AI would have been more interesting to face. Sharp decrease in difficulty in the second half of the game. If you're a completionist, you inevitably end up ROFLSTOMPING Acts III and IV.
  11. My picks would be: Zahua Durance Aloth Grieving Mother Pallegina or Edér (but since you're already a Fighter, Pallegina might be better.)
  12. While it is ultimately true that this game is overall pretty easy, it only becomes so once you're well versed in its mechanics (which, as you've already experienced, differ significantly from D&D's.) My first piece of advice would be to play on Normal or Easy at first so you can get acquainted with the mechanics without having to worry about dying too fast while trying to figure out what's going on under the hood. You can switch to higher difficulties at any point (PotD requires a console command but that's beside the point.) I also suggest checking out the build list thread pinned at the top of this forum section. You can find good builds for each of the 11 classes there and all will serve you well. Be mindful of your tactics and positioning in combat, as they are more important than you may think at first.
  13. ^ harder via smarter A.I. and encounter design that is. Not via cheese unavailable to players and gratuitous inflation of monster stats and damage.
  14. It depends on your definition of most powerful. Highest DPS when spammed? Highest DPS boost to an ally? Longest-lasting disabling condition for your enemies?
  15. NegativeEdge- interesting reading of the game, but I disagree with your conclusions. I enjoy isometric party-based cRPGs in ways I never could a shooter with swords (aka "action RPG")--and that is true of even the most well done aRPGs (I grew tired of Witcher III after less than 15 hours, but I've gone through several completionist runs of PoE.) I can only rejoice if more old-school cRPGs are made; as far as I'm concerned the genre has not expired and it is very desirable to bring it back.
  16. Fairly sure this has already been reported; hopefully BMac snuck in a fix for 3.03
  17. My wish list: No romances. (Much) better A.I. and varied encounter design.
  18. Last time I checked, it was impossible to calculate any % of a word. Fractions tend to only work with numbers.
  19. Just take Spirit of Decay, calculate what your minimum damage would be with the 20% boost, and attack a party member whose Corrode DR is lower than their Slash DR. You'll never get damage below the minimum you calculated, which means SoD is applying (this used to be bugged and was confirmed fixed on 3.0.)
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