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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. It should work like this: regular hit MIN.: [13 * (1 + 0.24 + 0.3 + 0.1)] = 21.3 MAX: [20 * (1 + 0.24 + 0.3 + 0.1)] = 32.8 critical hit MIN.: [13 * (1 + 0.24 + 0.3 + 0.1 + 1.3)] = 38,22 MAX: [20 * (1 + 0.24 + 0.3 + 0.1 + 1.3)] = 58,8 This is without the elemental lash. If you're getting less than 38 damage on a critical hit (as it seems to be the case), then one of the bonuses is indeed not applying.
  2. Same here. If you're on GoG, the only solution is to re-install the game from scratch
  3. Dunno; I've just loaded up a save again and I'm only getting -5 from Savage Attack. I tried on my main, Edér, and Zahua.
  4. What's your MIG score? The extra crit damage from Annihilation and Durgan Steel is additive and only applies to the weapon's base damage, so it should be: MIN.: 13 * 80% = 10.4 extra damage MAX: 20 * 80% = 16 extra damage
  5. Not unless you report it in the technical forums
  6. When I load a save from my last play through and activate Savage Attack, I don't get a double penalty in 3.02 Is this only affecting new games started after patching?
  7. Suffice to make them level 17, so the proc cannot destroy them.
  8. It's this; it just got buried under the Tyranny news.
  9. I think I'm getting a similar behavior with Lavender Wreath when I put it in the stash, but I haven't done any kind of serious testing on it.
  10. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/85607-302-beta-audio-of-angry-caed-nua-crowd-persisting/
  11. If you dual-wield weapons with the Annihilation enchant, each of them will benefit from their own and remain completely unaffected by the other. If you dual-wield weapons with the Speed enchant, it will stack multiplicatively on both weapons (i.e. your recovery will be 1.2 * 1.2 = 44% faster for both weapons.)
  12. Amended; thanks, Tigranes! I'll leave there for now, out of my profound conviction that it is a bug.
  13. Gyrd Háewanes Sténes actually has a 20% raw damage lash. Just auto-attack with those weapons until the next level unlocks.
  14. Thanks to the Obsidian crew for putting out a great game that gave me hours of entertainment!
  15. Talents definitely stack with each other and with the Annihilation weapon property. I'm not sure about the gloves but I think they should stack too.
  16. ToggleScaler <scalername> Scaler names are: PX1_HIGH_LEVEL, ACT4_HIGH_LEVEL, ELMSHORE_HIGH_LEVEL, PX2_HIGH_LEVEL
  17. Turned out it wasn't broken to begin with. It works additively.
  18. Can already see the patch on my GoG account. That was fast!
  19. Guess we reported the bug too late for 3.02. Hopefully a fix will come in 3.03, along with a fix for Binding Rope and one for Lavender Wreath ;-)
  20. No reason was officially provided; however, attack speed has a limit past which it can't go, whereas damage bonuses can easily exceed 100%. Making damage multiplicative would be nasty. Speed, on the other hand, is good as is: This way you have a chance to cap it, if you so desire.
  21. Multiplied, except those from talents that are additive. Penalties are additive.
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