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About Epsilonhomu

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  1. Something more funny: this troll is stunned, but it is still moving. Borresaine gives it a critical hit and stuns it, then borresaine and tanglefoot cooperate and give a AOE stunned, other two trolls get stunned, the first one gets stunned but starts to move. Now we can see when tanglefoot attacks without Borresaine (the above one), it only causes hobbled. 3 attacks. When tanglefoot cooperates with Borresaine (the bottom one), it causes hobbled and stunned. 6 attacks. And not sure when the cooperated attack influences teammates. Sometimes allies get stunned, sometimes not. Besides another test show that even though Borresaine doesn't give a critical hit, tanglefoot still stuns them all. Image here: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/252591571772888834/513B5C8E211538D7C74B7EE73F948A70473B1C38/
  2. I happened to find that those who are attacked by tanglefoot are sometimes inflicted with additional ettects like prone and stunned. The type of additional effects depends on the weapon my druid is using. For example, if my druid used Borresaine, whose crit can cause stunned, tanglefoot can cause stunned too. Such addional effects seem not to appear every time as it needs a particular timing according to my tests. I figure out when my druid attacks with her weapon and meanwhile tanglefoot gives an attack, tanglefoot can cause stunned. When I am only fighting 3 forest trolls I can see that tanglefoot affects 6 forest trolls. Half of the attacks go against reflex to cause hobbled, the other go against fortitude to cause stunned. If my druid only cast tanglefoot and does't attack emeny with her weapon, tanglefoot only goes against reflex. To cause additional effects, we don't need both attacks happen at the exactly same moment. The attack from waepon comes a bit latter is OK. I did watch that tanglefoot cause all the trolls got prone before my druid shoot with Arbalests. (Don't know how to post pictures, I have some screenshots to explain it)
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