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Everything posted by JFSOCC

  1. I like what I'm seeing. I would also love to see something like Inca dress, colourful and different. Quick google search for some examples in the spoilers The Monk sounds like it's the perfect class for the Paintakers!
  2. This is just a travesty of one bad decision after another. Mark my words, no good will come of this.
  3. Humour is Serious business.
  4. Well, you can change the cover photo of an album, you can use different recording equipment, you can have different publishing strategies. But ultimately what makes an album great is the music. So... yes.
  5. It seems to me that's established lore. It's like saying "I love popes, but they're usually just a little too religious for me"
  6. I'd like to see character development, and as far as I am concerned, every questline could be a narrative arc.
  7. here's a question: do you devs read these late posts?
  8. Internet pros are the same as its cons. So far it's worked out for us.
  9. I think we can all agree that while we may differ on how we'd do it, if it's in the game, it better had content worth exploring.
  10. I suppose I could be OK with an abstraction like "You have food for X days and Y hours" based on the nutritional value of trail rations and other food in your inventory, but TBH, no, I don't need to have food in my game.
  11. Wars are won with resources. Those who have more generally win. The best you can do with having less than your opponent is go guerilla and protract was as long as you can. While annoying, it won't actually win you the war. (Before anyone says Vietnam, I'd like to point out that the casualties on the Vietcong side far outweighed the American casualties) Besides, outcomes defy predictions only when we were lacking the information to make the correct prediction. Battles are won before they start.
  12. I agree I think it's better to make a decision one way or the other than to make something optional. The exception is when it pertains to difficulty, but then I would like to have my difficulty settings to be well defined.
  13. specialisation is I think something you can encourage by offering greater rewards at greater specialisation. IE: yes, you could stay a generalist summoner, you can summon more, but weaker creatures. Or, you could be specialised, in which case you can summon the Mist Elemental which cannot be damage except by acid, and lasts until slain or dispelled by caster.
  14. There's a fantastic collection in the Military history museum in Delft.
  15. Who says they're supposed to be anything more than what they are? Feudalism is fractal in nature, large cities exist at the center of large areas, and the scale decreases as you progressively look at smaller and smaller areas. The problem is the assumption that these towns are supposed to be something more than they are, not the fact that you can explore them completely, which is by most people's standards a good thing, I believe (though most people evidently aren't into a game like PE). It's a fantasy game, and if you can't accommodate a decrease in scale in your suspension of disbelief then I'm surprised you can accommodate many other more glaring discrepancies, such as... oh right, the fact that you can't actually explore 90% of some cities because of artificial restrictions, for example. Feudalism is fractal in nature. I'm going to remember that one, that's a very expensive bull**** sentence. You have nothing against smaller settlements, to each his own. However, I paid into this game hoping to push "Big Big City 2" because I am a lover of the big cities. I get bored in the wilderness. Athkatla was one such because it had a large density of content. Big and empty is false scaling. I don't care much HOW it is done, although I suspect that having a city span several maps is the easiest way to provide content dense areas AND the feeling of a large city. (and has infinite potential for modders to "fill in" parts of the map which are as of yet unused) But, I suppose if the developers could create an actual city on a map, realistically and it'd would be entirely seamless, that would be just amazing. However I think that would require a tremendous amount of extra work to fill in completely. I thought The Strip in New Vegas was particularly empty, I hope there will be much more to do in BBC1 and BBC2. (and no, not the broadcasting corporation) That said, big seamless cities have been done, and successfully. Assassins Creed games, pretty much all the Grand Theft Auto games, I thought Guild Wars 2 had a pretty good approximation of a metropolis. Of course these are not isometric games. I don't know what the options would be for P:E. It felt like a huge sprawling city because it was dense in optional content.
  16. we're their grooming stations
  17. that's a nice twist there at the end
  18. Was the final stretch goal ever in question? I mean, it sounds to me like they wanted to do all those things anyway, but were maybe trying to get a little more funding first.
  19. Yes, we didn't crown our king today, we inaugurated him. And there was much rejoicing because it also fell on "queensday" henceforth too be known as "kingsday" Queensday is a national holiday on which there is freetrade (us being a traders nation historically speaking) meaning that the shopping malls are full with children in what is essentially "Giant yardsale day" fun for the family. Btw, as head of state but not government, his position is ceremonial more than anything else. the royal family is a useful tool for international diplomacy, and have some cultural merit, but hardly much more. much fun was had, sunny day too.
  20. I despise random encounters with a passion. They will **** up my pacing. I'm moving towards the end of a quest, then all decked out, towards it, I get interrupted 2 times. That's not fun.
  21. [spoiler][/spoiler]works as well
  22. I find it interesting that I always feel guilty dropping someone from my party, whether I like them or not. That's because they were dumped on me in the first place. If I could make a decision prior to joining my party I might never experience characters that annoy me
  23. JFSOCC


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