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Everything posted by jivex5k

  1. Wow so much elitism and hate in this thread. It's all opinion, some prefer controllers and some prefer keyboard and mouse. Big deal. What should have been said: "I don't think this game will support a controller due to the complexity of the game, the limited resources, and the focus of the development team. However, you can always try to set it up with third party drivers/software, or perhaps mods will come for it eventually." Jerks...
  2. Once all the Muslim extremists are dead they will show it...so in other words, not in this lifetime. *Disclaimer* I do not advocate the killing of Muslim extremists, even though they advocate the killing of many
  3. Play dishonored, but turn off the UI completely. It makes a much more interesting game.
  4. What if there was a way to make none of the party members you....if that even makes sense. I suppose for a story though there has to be a main character...I mean in BG there has to be the son of bhaal in the party. But I'd like to see a game where there is no main character, just a party trying to save the world or make a buck or something. And the party members are all inconsequential to the story, so they can all get killed or leave. So you could end up with no one in the party and your just a floating god that observes the world and can never interact with it again. That's where it all falls apart...i'm just confusing myself, but the main point is I'd like a game where no party member is essential but I don't see how that's possible.
  5. This is the overall feeling I get from this project:
  6. There was a statement saying this is their intention.
  7. Well, seems like some of you guys are on to me already so I'm just gonna come out with it. I work for a marketing firm and have been waiting for Project Eternity for the purpose of data mining. So make sure you guys put your real names, and as much information about yourself as possible. Spending habits, birthday purchases, average annual income, size of household, you know....important things.
  8. First and Last name boxes would be cool, along with title. Just make sure only First name is required and the other 2 can be left blank. I'd prefer if you gained a title through actions however. It was fun watching your title change in Ultima Online based on your fame and reputation.
  9. Yup this DLC seems completely against the whole spirit of XCom. It's funny how they lost it so quick... That coupled with the pre-order only color swapping...Or you can pay a small fee of 4.99?? HA 4.99 to change your soliders armor color...smells like EA to me, shame on you 2k... The game is good enough to warrant multiple playthroughs without DLC. In other words...good job Firaxis. Go eff yourself 2k.
  10. I like the tactical aspect having inactive members not gain xp presents. Your forced to use companions you may not use otherwise to keep them on par with the rest. I also like the idea of certain party members being stronger and protecting the weaker ones while the weaker ones are out adventuring trying to gain experience. They should make the system where the party members can catch up, as in getting more XP for killing these harder monsters that are on par with the rest of the party.
  11. Why shouldn't we be able to name our characters whatever we want? How does it affect anyone's game but your own? If I want to name my character 1337PWZJ00 I should be able to.
  12. I'm not saying I don't want original monsters. I just don't want cheap feeling re-hashes with a proprietary name thrown on top. Like: An orange orc called a Ragork. With so many monsters already well defined most "original" monsters aren't very original these days.
  13. I'm on the side for no. I don't wanna know what they are spending money on, what if I don't agree with it? It will only make me feel bad. Plus I'm not informed enough about game development to truly understand the costs associated with it.
  14. I'd like a 4th option: A large variety of weapons with large differences between them. My morning star, flail, and mace should all be fairly different in damage/speed.
  15. Little sketches in your journal would be awesome!
  16. Laserdiscs? Didn't I have one of those in, like, the 1970s? That's why your an arch-mage.... The rest of us mortals are now just getting this tech...it's like a record sized CD I tells ya!
  17. Blu-ray???? C'mon guys get with the times.... It's going to be distributed on laserdiscs....
  18. Your not really paying for the items, they are just rewards that could possibly go unfulfilled. That's the risk in Kickstarter, you might not get what you were promised/expected/wanted. A lot of people may have felt their contribution was a preorder or something along that line. In actuality, their contribution is a statement of their trust in Obsidian to deliver a product based on their pitch. Regardless, this is way off topic. In regards to the post release bugs, they're are bound to be some. Especially in a game with so many choices and moving parts. However, the community support seems pretty invested already in this game and I can only see it increasing over time. Coupled with the private beta we should hopefully eliminate a lot of bugs as a community before it goes gold. And there's always a possibility of a public beta, but I don't see that likely in this case for some reason, just my gut. A benefit to this game being a single player cRPG is the inclusion of a console to input commands. While not ideal, these often can save otherwise doomed character progression. TLDR: It's a cRPG, it'll have a lot of community support and a console, we'll get through the rough times!
  19. Personally I hope they straight up use it. Maybe small tweaks to stats and appearance, but I love the names. I hope they embrace it rather than purposely try to avoid it. Nothing worse than seeing poorly designed monsters with crappy names. IE: A kobold that they call: "findar" with a slightly larger frame. Just call it a kobold damnit...
  20. I always liked the vampire companion in FF7...er was it 9. Anyways, I think he should be in this game.
  21. How is it console like? Diablo 2/3 and Torchlight 1/2 both have this feature, neither of which are on consoles.
  22. Only if the combat looks good enough to replay would this really matter. I can't see that being the case in a top-down iso game.
  23. Dishonored is an awesome game...the finishers are badass, but it's also first person view. Isometric cRPG...you probably won't get to see too much of that fancy finisher. I'd rather them not worry too much about the special effects of the game and make sure they get the meat and potatoes right first. Honestly I wouldn't care if there were no combat animations at all and they just showed your dice rolls in a combat log.
  24. There's your problem, you think only a fear of spiders should matter, because it's the fear you happen to have. What about all the people afraid of magic and swords and gold? Why don't they deserve the same attention you do? This isn't a discussion about what monsters make a cRPG interesting, it's a discussion about catering to people with arachnophobia. While it would be great for you personally to have no spiders in the game, it would be great for anglophobics to have no swords in the game. And why should your fear carry more weight than theirs? The point I'm trying to make is: "Don't censor games to appease phobias, there are far too many of them." Your phobia isn't any more important than other phobias, your being extremely selfish in your reasoning.
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