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Found 11 results

  1. PC, Steam Single-player (tried both offline and online modes) When I try to start a New Game, the application crashes on the loading screen after naming the yard world. Steps to reproduce:
  2. Cant start a new game cant host a mp game cant load an old save.. game just crashes to desktop after selecting player character V0.3.0.2426 or trying to load ANY old save EVERYTIME without fail.. game worked fine before the beta have seen other posts about this but everyone ended with "FIXED" which it 100% is not since i cant play at all anymore. system specs well above min win 10 x64 32gb DDR 4 m.2 SSD(s) GTX 1080
  3. So I know it's not entirely up to Obsidian to make it happen. But since I finished playing Kotor II, years ago, I've been aching for a new story driven Star Wars game of the same quality. The Mass Effect games were nice, but EA dropped the ball big time on them. And the Kotor MMORPG is... well let's just say it's not my cup of tea. If there's any chance at all Obsidian could keep a new Kotor game in mind, man that would be absolutely fantastic If anyone agrees let's hear about it. Maybe if we get enough whispers going we can convince someone high up to make it happen for real. A dreamers dream maybe, but one I'm holding out hope for.
  4. I am not a programmer, in fact I have no knowledge of how to build a game, I am a firefighter that is close to retirement but would love to learn something new. Even though I am older I believe I have a couple RPG ideas that could be really good they would just need the right attention to make them great, how does one go about sharing an idea to developers for discussion?
  5. With the latest patch I can't do anything. Attempting to start a new game results in a black screen, and then back to the main menu with this message "Error loading next map, returned to main menu to prevent corruption". This is a huge problem, basically has made the game useless.
  6. Hey, I just stared a new game in Pillars of Eternity 3.0. Of course I have noticed that there is a new title screen. Sadly the animation that plays whenever you start a new game doesn't fit with it at all with the new background. Can we please have an option to use the pre-3.0 title screen again? Best, ShadowOwl
  7. Short and sweet : New game+ Like Chrono Trigger style. After completing the game, i would LOVE the option to start over with all my gear/levels/stats or any combinations of the three. Perhaps beating the game allows you to choose which to carry over, items or exp. Its just such a shame to get ALL the cool gear and only have one or two maps left to clear. Having beaten all the content on POTD now i still want to play! Help prolong playtime! Thoughts? improvements? ideas?
  8. So yesterday I started a new game and noticed that my pre order items (space pig and ring) aren't showing up in my characters inventory. When I load my older save they are in my inventory like they should be. But for whatever reason they wont appear for the new save file. This is the first time that I have started the game up since the new patch. And was wondering if anyone else has run into this problem? or am I just really stupid and missing something obvious? Its not really a big deal but I do miss my space pig...
  9. This thread about upcoming Ukrainian cool game "We are Jews Dwarves". http://youtu.be/SDEOnpDXiCw https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/whalestudio/we-are-the-dwarves https://www.facebook.com/wearethedwarves https://vk.com/wearethedwarves http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=279855788
  10. Can I start a new game with out affecting my current game? I have a friend coming over and I want him to try it out from the beginning but I am already halfway through the game. I am wondering if I can start a new game without it affecting my current game? I am playing on pc if that matters. Thanks for any help
  11. For those that don't know New Game plus mode is when you get to restart again upon completion with all the items and experience acquired in the original play through. I personally like New Game + they allow people to replay games they've already went through without feeling they have lost the time already put into a character. I think they improve re-playability and can greatly extend a games life. Technically the old infinity games had this mode as you could export your character and start a new game with them.
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