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Everything posted by Krios

  1. Now that I think about it, seeing that we have more than 65K backers, if every one puts in the extra $10 for the playing cards, we will arrive at our final stretch goal of 3.5 million. Very tempted now to put in a bit more and we will see our second big city!
  2. Nice update, both the documentary and the cards were what I had asked for. Question is are the cards already included in any of the existing tiers? I did not see a mention of this.
  3. Donations from both Kickstarter and Paypal are combined and counted towards the final stretch goals. Strongholds are definitely going to happen. At this point, Kickstarter is at $2,988,244 (60,916 backers) with 61 hours remaining on the clock. Keeping my fingers crossed. The custom troll prints will certainly draw in backers who want some exclusive and very limited art.
  4. Yes I welcome a physical copy of the almanac. It should be possible to include it in the $500 and above tiers where all the shipping costs are already included. It will likely be a small booklet. The pages can be in black and white, with only the covers in color. To help reduce costs, and it is another incentive for people who like physical items like myself to up their pledge.
  5. I see many here have a Kickstarter account. Is it better to follow the game's developments from here instead of at the Kickstarter page? I found I was not able to use the payment system on KIckstarter, and since I cannot pay I did not see any use for Kickstarter. Does following Kickstarter have any advantages compared to coming here?
  6. Yes to everyone who had chipped to help us cross the big 3-0. The last goal looks like an impossible dream, unless we get support from some people with deep pockets.
  7. First off is congrats to Rjshae for having his question picked to be answered, second is I wonder who is getting this new troll portrait?
  8. I am not exactly bitter about an extension but part of the incentive to donate is in the limited availability of it all. If it was not limited, many will plan and donate over time instead of one lump sum at once. Whichever way Obsidian goes with this I am okay with it. When I pledged I had already considered the limited nature may be changed. Bottom line I liked a lot of what Obsidian has shown us so far, that is the bigger factor which titled the scales. If it is for a limited time, that is a bonus.
  9. Maybe they were not in an inspirational moment when they put up that name. Maybe it is like a name in progress, the design document is likely going to evolve as the game is made. Maybe they will change the race to be called 'surfer dudes and dudettes'.
  10. As backers either on Kickstarter or on Paypal, we are funding the game. Obsidian is getting more than the value they spent to give out the incentives. The project is a profitable business, and we are donators / early contributors / people who pre-ordered, however you term it, Obsidian gets a profit and we get our money's worth when the final product is released.
  11. I hope they do not scale the whole game. Trying to climb a mountain the whole way loses its appeal half way up for me.
  12. If I remember right, my BG2 manual was a spiral bound book, with pages you can flip from page to page. Nowadays everything is shrunk and pdf'ed into a DVD case. I am hoping Obsidian will give us a real box for PE, not just a DVD case and call that a box. This is not just nostalgia on my part, though I admit it is a large part of it, By being to hold things in your hand, it is a physical feeling, I feel what my donations got, a piece of gaming history, a meaty and ultimately a satisfying look into the world of Project Eternity. Of course there are shipping and printing costs to consider, I am hoping Obsidian will provide this at the higher tiers which should provide enough of a budget to cover this. So far, I am looking forward to the Almanac, the manual, the novella (with audio), the collector's book with great anticipation. Taken together they will make a good manual. Taken separately I hope each is not too thin ... as many printed material is nowadays.
  13. A challenge is fine, but an impossible is a No. Everything should be winnable given the right conditions. That it can be done. Compared with an insurmountable task, you keep bashing your head against the wall, hoping it will break? What will that achieve except to waste IRL time? Even when you are having fun, you would want to make sure that time is used effectively right? At least that's how I see it.
  14. Dynamic weather mods anyone? Why would Obsidian do something the modders can do often better?
  15. I like voice acting, I feel it adds to the game, and yes the game plays like a movie at times, which I also enjoy. Just because it has voice acting does not mean a lack of writing or the quality of the writing will suffer because of it. The voice actors are following a script, they are professionals who are able to convey the right emotions and feelings. The scripts come from the same writers who would be responsible for much of the mood, the story, etc. There is a saying here 'money talks', and it is so in this case. I will miss the voice acting in this game and given the presence of a sufficient budget, I hope to hear my companions further down the franchise.
  16. I like my companions to have some sense of humanity; I think that helps me relate to them. If all my companions are rainbow colored aliens, I probably will pass them by due to a preconceived impression they will not be able to understand me, and they will likely speak in blips and whistles or other alien language, that I will have no hope of understanding them in turn. Though I am confident the devs will try to make the selection of companions as broadly appealing as possible. If all fails, I still can fall back on the Adventurer's Hall.
  17. Welcome to all new members! This means more contributions to the fund
  18. I do not mind having mini games, they are like a diversion from the game itself.
  19. George Ziets is now working on this project! Obsidian will sent backers emails to straighten out what money goes where, so they will know how each backer wishes to allocate their donation.
  20. The 'design your own tavern' tier has sold out, otherwise yeah it's an idea
  21. This has been lurking on my mind for some time now, and I am guessing it has occurred to you too: a joinable guild in the game named the Obsidian Order of Eternity. Is that cool?
  22. Yes two pages moved in the space of a few hours and many more have signed up Welcome!
  23. This update came off as pretty lean. When I saw the term 'the proverbial big guns', I was ready to see a wall of text detailing some big stuff. Besides the detailed write up about the lore and locations, I found the announcement of the Almanac, while it is a great to have item, Josh did not write it in a 'I want to sell it to you' manner. The Player Stronghold is an awesome thing, which I hope we get to have, I was honestly hoping for more details on that, to once again get people excited and up their pledge. This whole update gave me a feeling of rushing through the points, and did not stop long enough to sell the product. As for seeing another city make it into the game, that is awesome, makes me wonder how many cities we got already so far. I am hopeful the devs will flesh out some details in this update another day. And finally that screenshot is really polished. If the whole game is presented with that level of spit and shine, it will be worth the wait. Will Project Eternity have moving, realistic water?
  24. True that. I got my start in Steam through sales. Then again GoG has frequent sales too. They have sales every Wednesday and over every weekend, on top of discounted pre-orders, and the occasional promo. And well who knows maybe one of the two will no longer be in business by 2014, hard to imagine that will happen, the future can be unpredictable.
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