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Found 6 results

  1. We all have read a book and thought "Man this would make a great video game!" And most video game developers would agree with you too! (*cough * almost every fantasy game is on Tolkien's jock *cough*) So here's the place to share it! For the rules of this thread list a book or book series: Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, etc OR An author: Lovecraft, Tolkien, etc. Then describe what type of genre the game would be (point-n-click, RPG, FPS shooter)! and maybe give a little description or maybe a reason why it'd be a great video game. You can list multiple books/authors as well. Even if none of these get made at least we'd get some awesome book recommendations! Here's mine: I'd love an RPG set in the world of 'Speech Sounds' from Octavia Butler's book Blood Child. It's a universe where everyone's Broca's area of the brain has been damaged due to an airborne virus so everyone in the world cannot read or speak. The virus also irritates the amygdala of the brain as well so it also makes people aggressive. I'd love to see an action-adventure game based off The Odyssey, but only the journey not the setting of Ancient Greece. Kind of like The Warriors or Brother Where Art Thou. Or another RPG based off the universe of the Crystal Rain series! Crystal Rain is kinda of like 'Futuristic Caribbean Steampunk' with pirates of flying ships. Hey, it aint Shakespeare but it is very enjoyable. And then I'd love to have a video game based on anything by Gene Wolf or Harlen Ellison (yes I've played 'I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream')
  2. In need of cash, I sold some of ly book to that mad guy in Copperlane, in a dormitory. So whenever I had 3 books, I sold 2, etc. I remember the merchant interface was clean. Now I'm 10 hours after this, overwrited most of my saves and most of my books are not in my inventory anymore. Is it possible that selling part of a book stack to a merchant sells the whole stack, not displaying it in the merchant interface but in the inventory interface later ? I will try to rebuy those tonight if that are still in the merchant inventory to be sure only stacks of books have this problem.
  3. Fellow RPG fans, hello! My name is Felipe, and I'm currently working on a crowd-sourced book on cRPGs. After organizing the RPG Codex's Top 70 list, I decided to expand that into a full blown book. The idea is to feature in-depth reviews of over 250 great cRPGs in chronological order, from Akalabeth to Might & Magic X, plus interesting articles on the genre and interviews. All that written by RPG fans from all over the world, compiled into a beautiful book with big a colored screenshots. It is a book showing what the genre has best, and how people enjoy them. A book that every review that you read you will see that it was important for the reviewer and want to play the game he just talked. So far I've got some big developers in, like Tim Cain, Chris Avellone, Josh Sawyer (Obsidian has been very supportive ), Ian S. Frazier and Colin McComb. I also got full support and access to the content of forums like the RPG Codex and RPG Watch (including some stuff from RPGdot), DJ Old Games, some indie developers like Iron Tower Studios, Sinister Design and Rampant Games, as well as bloggers such as cRPG Addict and modders like Durante and Wesp5. Here's a small WIP preview: The entire project is entirely non-profit, so the final e-book will be freely available for download, under Creative Commons and all that. And if everything goes well I intend to make a paperback print also available, fully colored and in high-quality print, for those that want one. Non-profit as well, of course, sold at cost price. My call for aid Here's the list of games that will be in: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1t-49SyrsdP0M5re68sDH9cB2MrPqVKwQQiFF_54VibI/pubhtml I'm looking for fans willing to write a review of one or two of the listed games still unassigned. You can, of course, also suggest games that should be added. The reviews specifications: There are two kinds of reviews, the ones with one page and the ones with two. These are displayed on the list. If you think that the game you're writing about needs 2 pages instead of 1, contact me and we'll discuss it. But please note that not every game needs two pages, ok? One Page reviews have up to 2000 characters, one header image and 2 screenshots + descriptions. And they have room for one short side blurb or info-box. Here's an example of a 1 page review: http://i.imgur.com/AKINvJj.png Two page reviews have up to 4200 characters, one header image and 3-4 screenshots + descriptions. They feature a developer's quote and they have room for two or three short side info blurbs or info-boxes. Here's an example: http://i.imgur.com/LfZfHEw.png You can, but don't need to provide the screenshots (in .png if you do, please), just be sure to say what you think is important to show and write the descriptions for the images. They are a good place to point out things that won't fit the main text. The developer's quote will be handled by me (unless you know a good one already). The tone can be somewhat personal, talking about how you stayed up for a whole night trying to map that dungeon in Wizardry 4, but it’s very important that a reader that knows nothing about the game is able to understand what the game really is, its strong points and occasional flaws. Don’t say that “it has great combat”; explain why it’s great. BEFORE starting to write, please post on the thread about what will you do, PM me or send an e-mail to crpgbook at gmail.com. Someone might have already taken the game, or I might have extra details to discuss. Thanks all for your time and sorry for the massive 12/12 Wall of Text.
  4. What I miss the most in recent rpg is the lack priotity put on the lore, every object is bland with +1 str +12 hp or whatever but no description at all and that makes them having unfortunatly no identity. But that is something that was found in great quantity in classic rpg like baldurs gate etc.. Every items in those games (even junk loot gems etc..) had a background story behind them. And then we had books if we wanted to learn more about the history of different civilizations in the game world, the adventures of some important character, or the story behind major artifact as well as maybe some clue to find them etc... Getting a glimpse at the world by just reading some items description was great and made those classic rpg game really immersive to me. Please bring back the lore to rpg with Project eternity.
  5. Wondering if people are as interested/excited as I am about the possibility of a physical almanac. If it can't be included at higher tiers like 500 for free, then I am surely willing to pay a little extra in order to secure one. Up to $50 I'm willing to part with for a Physical Almanac. Interested in perspectives of all, but especially higher tiers of 500 and above and their willingness or non willingness to part with a little more cash for a Physical Almanac.
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