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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. So why are you posting in favour of romances? It works both ways. Don't demand romance, and people won't demand no romances. Obs will do whatever they feel is best anyway.
  2. Yes. But in moderation, if every time the party moves to a different area they get waylaid, I won't be happy.
  3. Is that not a declaration of war? If not I'm pretty sure it's at least against the Geneva conventions.
  4. We're being overrun. Abandon ship, abandon ship. Seriously though, you guys couldn't wait two days without a romance thread?That's obsessive and demanding.
  5. Meh, I want it to be the type of game where I start it up again straight away with a new character and see how choosing differently from the first character changed the game. That's the kind of replay I'm interested in.
  6. Ah yes, the deploy cloud kill, watch as every enemy survives multiple rolls then a mage throws fear/etc at the party, which cause them to walk into the cloud and fail the first roll. I am for this, despite the annoyance caused by the above happening.
  7. There is no point in full VO for this project and I'm glad the devs have made it clear it's not happening. I still feel for AAA RPG the NWN2 way was best, give quite a bit of VO, with lot's of text in other places. I just don't understand how there is a downside to that. For PE, just the bare minimum, even then if Obs said there was no VO, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.
  8. Honestly I like a loyalty system, when it makes sense in the game. AP was pretty good at this, with different outcomes for both positive and negative relations, that works much better than dummy spit, disappear and no more content. I'm not saying I don't want characters to dummy spit for a action that really appalls them, just not the BG, 'I'm leaving you on your murderous adventure', despite I'm a harper. More consequence please, let them leave only to return to try and do away with the PC, or stay and plot with other party members to try and bring you down from the inside.
  9. Awesome, looking forward to the novella. And thank god for that armor, I knew Obs wouldn't go the cartoonist/anime look based on the previous artwork. But nice to see it confirmed again.
  10. I didn't even realize the demo was out. Time to dl. Yeah I never got this couch thing being only consoles. I'm sitting on a recliner while typing this, can't get much more comfy than that.
  11. I said that when 1 came out and was ripped into shreds. Just throwin' that out there. p.s. still don't get it. Neither do I. But then I never got Diablo either.
  12. I actually hope Wasteland 2 doesn't come out 2013, it's too soon for my liking. As for 2013....... Last of Us South Park Metro: Last Night Company of Heroes 2 Aliens Colonial Marines Maybe that 40k rpg that might come out next year. Half Life 3 ( ) Day Z (Whatever the commercial release is called) Watch Dogs On the RPG front it's pretty barren though. Maybe AOD, but I'm not holding my breathe on it's release.
  13. If someone for watches you sleep from outside your window, they have problems. That is not going to a sweet and loving place, that's the type that murders their rivals, breaks in and does nasty things to you. Q: What is the difference between an Englishmen and a Frenchmen.....? A: Frenchmen are easier to understand. Q: Why are British prisons some of the "safest" in the world? A: There's no soap in the showers. You know when an aeroplane has landed from England because the whining noise goes on when the engines have stopped. Damn I could go on and on. But that's enough. Back on topic, nay again.
  14. BG run through, haven't done run in ages. I'd forgot how fond I was of, 'you must gather your party before venturing forth'. I Obs add something like to PE..........
  15. Nay. Better things to spend resources on. I was expecting her to kill the PC if he rejected her. If anyone told me they watched me sleep from outside my window.....
  16. That has not been said by the devs. No one is afraid of change for the better. But I don't think your suggestion are for the better.
  17. I would like to see this as a new stretch goal. At the $2.2 mil mark, we've had quests, factions and companions. While I'm sure the base game will have plenty of it, you can never have too much C&C.
  18. Great read, thanks for taking the time out to post this. However I should point out I have no problem with a character upstaging the character. If the story calls for it, and it makes sense in the world/lore. I don't see it as a problem. However I can see why you don't do this due to some peoples dislike for it. I also like the comment about PC personality having an effect on available characters, I loathe when a character sticks around even when you do something that goes against their beliefs right in front of them. I would be all for them leaving/ attacking the character based on past/previous/current decisions/actions.
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