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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. I would like the option to be the villain. Be it because of personal ideology, desire for personal wealth or power, being the bad guy is fun. That doesn't mean the PC twirls his mustache, it just mean the characters of this world view the PC in that light. I always find it funny when people yell evil just means playing caricature despite the fact, that playing good is the exact same thing.
  2. Wrong type of game, this isn't Skyrim or Sims. Customizing though abilities/perks/skills/trait etc, is where the meat is.
  3. I'm all for deep interesting characters that are equal to the PC. I'm also all for them being a major player/part of the story. I don't want meat shields, pack mules. I want characters I like or dislike, strong characters with their own motivations and place in the world. The worst thing Obs could do is make me apathetic towards a character, which is something I did feel towards some of the BG cast. But I also don't want character that do the every whim of the pc, or that all of them can be broke or bent to the PC will. I also don't want all the have characters daddy issues, or that need me to put on my Dr Phil hat.
  4. I enjoyed special more, but I feel as thought that's because it was used better in the FO games, rather than it being a better system. (ex low INT = dumb PC, rather than just not knowing certain things that those with high INT did) Whatever Obs use I want there to be consequences for the skills/abilities we select/upgrade.
  5. Bloody rats, giant rats and rats in sewers. The pc is adventurer, not a pest exterminator. (Well I'm assuming)
  6. In the end the reward for me is getting the game, the rest is while nice unimportant. Still I won't discount the fact the having different unique goodie tiers can help with kickstarter.
  7. Personally I would like to see a stronghold/PC base, I've always enjoyed them. I tend to feel it would make a good stretch goal.
  8. I wonder if Free Palatinate of Dyrwood is just a name, or if it's 'free' from something.
  9. I went with five, eight seems to much. Also having 5 should hopefully mean you can get another playthrough with different NPCs.
  10. If they are hoping to make multiple games with the same PC, a level cap is a given. Which I'm fine with. 10-15 perhaps.
  11. Cheers for the link. Great read. One thing that really caught my eye though:
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