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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. Currently playing two games: Elemental war of Magic Fallen Enchantress Beta. Much better than the original, the AI works better, roving monster bands are now more of a threat, better quests and more spells. The loss of attributes for sovereigns and heroes is disappointing, but the random traits make up for it somewhat(enjoyed getting afraid of dieing perk after a wipe). Looking forward to the full release. Just started Endless Space alpha (4X space), so far seems very promising. Will give a better run down of it after some more play time.
  2. I'm actually more curious to know why we got so many Russian loons. Is LoF Russian, btw? I thought it was obvious by now, this is ground zero for the red invasion. Or Obsidian Entertainment is a red front.
  3. In case someone still doesn't have Alpha Protocol, it's $4 on gamersgate.
  4. Think I'll give Binary Domain a look when it's on a steam sale.
  5. Now that is a CE. At the same time though, I'd be in the same boat as worst. I don't get it, normally you just install the game and activate it on steam... Have you tried exploring the DVD for a different install exe?
  6. So during my random search of the internet to find space sims, I found two interesting 4x space games: http://legendsofpegasus.com/us/info/ http://endless-space.amplitude-studios.com/ And one RTS http://geminiwars.camel101.com/
  7. I actually didn't mind it, but I recreated a BH, because of it. My first BH didn't suit the voice. On the other hand I quite enjoyed the SW VA, it had the right amount of arrogance to it.
  8. Wait - so kickstarter dose not lock pledged funds immediately? What's the point of it then? You're expected to keep making promises even when you can't know how much funds will get transfered in reality. How does that even happen? People give bad details? Broke backers?
  9. Any one disappointed that inXile twitch feed has already started talking about Bio....................
  10. Innovation is not what I use to judge JRPGs or any game. I tend to feel most people feel the same way. Besides, greed is a powerful motivator, if jrpgs sell well, they'll be localized. If it doesn't then there is no market for it and they won't be. But given the amount that make it to the west, I don't see any danger there. As for the journalism thing. It's there to get hits, not much more. Personally I think both could flog some ideas from each other. Mix it up a bit.
  11. The assumption being release a successful game, in order to look viable and profitable to publishers. Fan good will for devs means nothing to publishers. Yeah, but it needs time till it is successfull (IF it is successfull) and even more time till a publisher takes notice. Where does Obsidian get the money from in that time frame? They NEED projects at all times . And they need one before the South Park contract runs out. Never said Obs didn't need projects now, just that the sooner Obs release a commercially successful game, the sooner they'll get the bigger money deals they need. If I were to hazard a guess, there is quite a lot riding on this South Park game. Secret desire: Perhaps
  12. Wait, we can't criticize a genre because it might hurt the devs feelings?............................ Can't say I agree with it.
  13. I liked the Guyver series as a kid, I would probably give that a look for old times sake, would probably hate it now though. Rose tinted glasses and all that. Can't even remember if the setting would even make a good rpg.
  14. That is the single greatest crime in any video game genre.
  15. Devs don't get my trust, they get my money. And only if I like what I'm seeing, not some journalist behind a desk. Normally I can tell long before a review if I'm going to get a game. And of course I still get burned. (Witcher/Two worlds for examples) So your opinion is that most of NWN buyers were BG people that didn't read previews or know what the game was when they purchased said game? Don't know about you but there is a lot of assumption in that idea. Sure there would of been some, but not the majority of purchasers. I tend to think, that many were drawn to said game because of BG, but bought/didn't buy based on what they knew about NWN. Now if we were talking about BG>BG2/ME>2>3, I would be more inclined to agree with you.
  16. I don't think I've ever played an RPG that's had rewarding enough combat to spike the level up above hard, except the F:NV. The only reason for that is because of the change in rules. To me, adding 10,000 hp and a bunch of buffs to enemies, doesn't make combat more interesting, Strategy/RTS and racing(F1) are really the only games worth playing on the extreme difficulties. FPS is hit and miss.
  17. No that was the SP campaign. The SP campaign was included after much crying from the Bio forums.
  18. And so it starts..... (only a month late) http://wasteland.inx...c.php?f=7&t=248
  19. The assumption being release a successful game, in order to look viable and profitable to publishers. Fan good will for devs means nothing to publishers.
  20. Gamersgate is offering the entire 1C catalog for $20, which is 80+ games. While a large percentage of them aren't worth playing, the Men of War games were decent, King's bounty series was well received and I enjoyed the Star Wolves games. Also the Real Warfare 2: Northern Crusade seems decent.
  21. This is just so wrong. Characters are always the most important part of any story, regardless of medium or genre. They are what drives the story forward. You can have a story with great characters in a dull setting and have it be good, but you can't have a story with dull characters in an awesome setting be anything but dull. Having both is of course optimal. 100% agree. Characters are the most important part of a story. I don't know, becoming a god after that is pretty epic.
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