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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. Unfortunately you get idiots in all parts of society,
  2. Sorry Vol but, Brady>Peyton>Eli. Interest now is what will the Colts do with Peyton. Seriously what you got against Basketball? You know apart Miami $.
  3. Been playing with my BH and I say there should of been 3 factions. Republic(Jedi, trooper), Sith(Sith,IA) and Non-aligned(BH/Smuggler). Also there is a dire need of neutral relics, rping my BH has meant I can't equip any relics. I know my fault for not min/max.
  4. I interpret that as you not looking at their forums (or heck, even on their Twitter feed) and missing the fact that they're releasing monthly updates and have just released another one recently. I believe they haven't released an update for a few months now(November), that along with the request for free help, has me concerned.
  5. Well my point was about reviews in general. I mean a reviewer can give Halo 4 a 10, but that doesn't mean I'm going to enjoy it. They can also give the next Dynasty Warriors Empire game a 5, but I still know I'm going to get it and enjoy it(I know bad taste). Reviews should be used as an informational tool to see if it's a type of game you enjoy. Not as a bilble as to which games you get.
  6. For plot purposes. Other examples include: Why did you have to play K1 not knowing the PC is Revan, when for most of the game you knew you were? Why did I have to have Kreia for 3/4 of K2 despite knowing she was going to betray me? I could go on and on. And of course he and Cerberus are the only ones that actually believe the reapers exist.(ie bio writing everyone else stupid) So you have the ability to deal with whatever lies behind Omega 4 relay? Could it of been done better/smarter? Yes, bio should of had you finding these allies while searching for clues about the collectors, and finding allies that could provide military aid(ie ships/armies). But then we would of been repeating ME1 and Kotors theme and touching on ME3s theme. Again not a plothole but a design/story decision you don't agree with. You said it yourself, not a plothole. As to whether personal issues getting in the way of things, they do. Not saying Bio couldn't of done it better then Tali taking a rocket to the face because she had flotilla issues. Having said that, staying alive would require focus and personal dramas can cause a lack of focus. A better way of doing it imo would of been, resolving Tali's flotilla issue, was part of obtaining adv Quarian shielding. You are talking about the same council that was hit by a reaper attack and still refuses to believe they exist, as anything more than a powerful vessel obtained by a rogue spectre. Showing them the derelict reaper would of probably got the 'another powerful ship' response, not their belief in the reaper threat. Again perhaps a better plothole would be the writing of unbelievably stupid leaders of advance civilizations. *Looks at current world leaders* Maybe not so unbelievable. 1. Normandy = Enterprise/Defiant/Voyager. Destroyed for emotional purposes, otherwise invincible. 2. Maguffin advancements the Normandy can recieve before the confrontation. (The collector ship should of destroyed Normandy without these enhancements with a critical failure screen, however the bitching done by gamers had this been the case would of been......) 3. The main threat of the Collectors was there abilty to hit a planet harvest the population and leave before anyone noticed. (Yeah the, OMG there going for Eath was stupid unnecessary drama) Would also like to point out, that it was Shep and his companions that came to this conclusion, can't remeber any statement from the collectors or Harbinger stating it was. In fact the Collectors method of assault, attacking remote colonies, would indicate that they do realize they could not hit Earth, otherwise that would of been hit first.
  7. I just hope they have a suitable story line for all the Sith characters getting offed. Since we know that is what happens. Been thinking about the Legacy system and what it could do, would like it to bring characters into each others story, like your BH hunting your Smuggler. Would allow for some interesting choices are you going to off you sumggler, help him get away or waste your BH. Of course that will never happen.
  8. The only reason I visit Iron Tower forums is to see how Dead State is doing. Just hope I don't have to wait as long for Dead State as you guys have for AOD.
  9. Review scores are useless information, the information that comes before them aren't. And no gamer reviews are just as useless.
  10. You would just have to touch Van Persie and he'd be injured. Liam Nesson though, better to just run.
  11. Nope as soon as I logged on a window came up saying I had unlocked armour for ME3.
  12. Apparently Bio is working on a texture patch to improve visual quality for those that have PC that can handle it, whether or not it's actually released is another story. But I would much rather be playing with better textures. http://www.neoseeker...r-old-republic/
  13. Wonder if some eccentric millionaire will buy it and turn it into an underground motel/amusement park. Pay for the end of the world/vault experience.
  14. Decided to give I don't think 'survival horror' was their intention with either 4 or 5.
  15. So tried to give the demo a shot, first time, it caused my pc to reboot. Second try the screen was black until I turned post processing off, then after 5 minutes it caused my pc to reboot again. Those 5 minutes told me the camera was crap and the graphics were average, whether or not there is a good game in there I don't know. Either way I won't find out until it's at a bargin bin price. At least I got that armour item for ME3.
  16. This is something the devs of RE forgot or decided to dismiss in modern RE games. Too much ammo, because of it RE4 & 5 were not as tense as there predecessors. What was worse was that due to the new perspective, you could save even more ammo.
  17. Don't spend too much time on it in a small time window, pace yourself. Otherwise you could burn out. Also will there be romances?
  18. Not something broken, just an aesthetic change I would like to see: Could the *edited post* be a liitle less orange? Or not so big?
  19. What the hell....... This will take time.
  20. I've always thought something is lost in translation with some Japanese games. Been play Way of the Samurai 3 again, really like this game. Looking forward to playing 4.
  21. It's cheaper in the long run, also how something looks has always been important to people. I like the idea, that you can find something you like and keep upgrading it to the highest level. Although they have no use in PVP.
  22. No letting the side down is missing a tackle, dropping a catch, blowing up the office. Moving on to greener pastures is human nature and nothing to be ashamed of. Besides you need that 24k gold monocle. Exactly.
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