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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. Picked up Tropico 4 yesterday, and Grotesque Tactics 2 today, also picked up Saints Row 3 from Greenman. Is there anyway to keep Steam DL while in game?
  2. AMD FX-4100 (Wanted the 980BE or 970 but they were out of stock at all my local stores) Gigabyte 970A-DE 8gb(2x4) Corsair 1TB Samsung HD Sapphire Radeon 6970 Thermaltake V6
  3. Why, it made perfect sense when they did it on Star Trek. And Star Wars and Stargate.
  4. I also enjoyed MoW, it's a pity Ossian decided to make an iOS game instead of an indie RPG.
  5. MOO4 Freespace 3 Freelancer 2 Wing Commander V/VI/VII/VIII/IX/X X-wing vs Tie Fighter 2 Homeworld 3 Aliens RPG
  6. New indie game in the Alpha stages. Figured it might interest a few of the folks here. Kenshi website Forum Gamersgate Page
  7. Baldur's gate 1998- Baldur's Gate II 2000- Baldur's Gate II TOB 2001. Kotor July 2003- Kotor2 December 2004 (Yes Kotor 2 badly needed more time but plenty here seem to think it's great) So no you don't need that long when the engine and assets are already in place. While yes it's obvious DA2 needed a lot more time, we can't know for sure that it was just because of the development cycle time and not mismanagement. I mean had they not decided to change the combat style, stylize the graphics and implement a new dialogue system(all to the detriment of DA2 imo) DA2 might of had more time to spend on length(create a credible end game, flesh out characters more) and more locations/dungeons.
  8. X-3 Albion Prelude, was a bit miffed that I had to buy a station before I could get to play the stock market. So just built a Crystal Fab in power wall, always money there.
  9. It won't be on steam at all, unless valve changes their policy on Origin. Valve policy? I thought it was EA trying to push Origin on people. Either way ME3 is still a day one buy for me.
  10. X3-Albion Prelude (DLC for Terran conflict)
  11. Finished my last day of work for the year, now have four weeks vacation.
  12. Given that many RPG's, don't allow you to be evil anymore, I would just like that choice restored. Let me play as a cat stroking psychopath.
  13. So you can control one companion. Hopefully there will comments from Cartman for getting him KO'd.
  14. Finished work for the week, and now going to get drunk and watch the lunar eclipse.
  15. Well that's a surprise, I didn't really believe it would be possible to do things solo. Might have to give it a try, if it's ever released in Aus. Thanks for the input.
  16. So the makers of the best FPS of this generation goes under/forced close and the makers of COD and crysis carry on in mediocrity.
  17. So, can it actually be played as a SPRPG? Or do I have to group up with IPFreely and Manga Bosoms, to advance the story?
  18. Rage, I don't see what all the hate was about. Really enjoying it.
  19. Would be a shame to lose THQ, Relic and Volition are great devs. Also enjoyed Metro and Darksiders. The only company that might make a 40k RPG is EA. You want a Bio 40k RPG?
  20. I don't really want to think about how many games I've bought since 2000. And that's just PC, if you add Dreamcast, PS2, Xbox, X360 and PS3.... Damn.
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