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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. Square have just gone mad with the marketing of this game, they must feel like they're on a money maker.
  2. Even though it hurts, I went with NV over MoTB. Honestly though it's hard to choose between them.
  3. Techland's Dead Island looks much better, and is now available for pre-order on Steam.
  4. . Not only that it will end with the fully interactive dialogue selection: )------------------------------- I love you )------------------------------------ I like men )------------------------------- **Rape*
  5. I've never done a full playthrough of ME as Jane Shepard. Nothing to do with fear, just lack of interest.
  6. I never said I didn't consider it, just that I don't buy game based on who makes then. When DS3 was first anounnced I was interested, then as I learned more, I lost interest. Then I tried the demo and was satisfied in my decision on not to buy it. I did this once, didn't go down well.
  7. Exactly. I buy games that interest me, who makes them is irrelevant.
  8. I wouldn't go that far. Also that 100K is it just for 360.
  9. That's not the way the gaming industry works. It's all about the $$$$$.
  10. Modern Warfare 3 Joke Site Feels Activisions Wrath Love the Monty Python clip.
  11. *monocle falls out* Honestly those smileys doesn't give those two posts enough credit for how much I laughed.
  12. Honestly I would rather see OBS working on a new IP. Hack & Slash don't interest me and I don't see the point in making a 'proper' RPG using the DS IP.
  13. Them's fighting words Lotus, a moving S-curve. Like 4 of the 9 Swedish F1 drivers who's surnames end in son? "Out soon" the key words there.
  14. F1 2010 with the 2011 mod. It increases race difficulty, brings the game to 2011(Pirelli tyres/tyre wear, no DRS or KERS) but doesn't fix some of the nagging issues, like Kovalainen getting on the podium and slow AI qualifying times. Still I highly recommend it to anyone still playing F1 2010.
  15. And that's why you shelve franchises instead of running them into the ground when you could be making new IPs to run into the ground. They could create the new IP Robber, then no one would complain. New IP, no Thief in the tittle.
  16. Sudan better hope it's China. We're the US' oldest serious ally and we get **** all. That's because the US is a rebellious son of England.
  17. Except that it's a waste. There is many places were that money would be better spent, VO for other characters, level design, art design, QA etc.
  18. So who's going to back this new nation? U.S or China?
  19. The solution is to be a closet geek. That way they'll never know the dark secret.
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